Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Open for business uhh, yeah. I can try and draw y'all stuff if you want me to. :]

bag⋆of⋆cans left a comment!

pspspspsp a story i wrote :3

MAG 420- “drive thru”

Statement of daniel morkin, regarding a… “regular customer” at his work

Statement recorded direct from subject, on april 15, 2017.

Statement begins.

(daniel awkwardly looks around, shifts in his chair)

Archivist- … you can start whenever you’re ready

Daniel- o-oh! i .. well, i wasnt sure. I’m not exactly sure of anything anymore, which, (laughs) is uh, kinda why i’m here.

A- hm, well, thats… troubling… we’ve had others come in with similar issues lately, so your statement should be rather helpful

D- is…is that good? I mean, are they, the others, not… insane? Are they like…normal again?

(paper shuffling, archivist clears throat)

A- well, i don’t have all day, if you’re here to give a statement, i suggest you do that sooner rather than later.

D- right. Yes, of course. (sighs)

(statement time wOOH!)

D-So, It started about a month ago, this guy said he was a regular at a restaurant i work at and he would start coming later in the day. I didn’t really think too much about it, since I didn't have many trust issues at this time. This guy gave me some weird vibes, but I didn't think too much about it. It was very late in the day and I was tired. I pushed all of those thoughts out of my mind, and took his order like normal. While his food was being prepared, we started making some small talk. I was bored and liked talking, so naturally I agreed. I told him a lot about my personal life and some things I’m worried about lately, and I think that’s where I made my mistake. I always do overshare, and tend to get off topic, but looking back on it, this time, it felt like…maybe he’d tried to get me talking about my problems on purpose… He said he’s been in similar situations before and he’d give me advice to help me with it. It was, from what I remember, and at least this first time, sound advice. However, I’m not sure why I trusted him. Like I said earlier, he was creepy, and seemed a little too eager to help. But that was pretty much it for the first night, I gave him his food and he left.

That continued for about a week or so, he came back and would give me advice or insight, each time sounding a little more outlandish. I saw how crazy the things the things he said were, and I didn’t take any of them seriously of course. He was clearly overreacting to my situation, why and how would anyone I knew or anyone in general would ever do those things? But then I began to notice in daily life, some of the things he said were going on behind the scenes, actually started to happen. At this point, I started thinking that maybe he was right and I started to take his advice. Nothing drastic, at first. Just being more private and a bit suspicious of some of the people closest to me. Eventually, I decided to confront my sister, Amy, about all the little things that she’d been saying and doing to me. She swore that she didn’t mean what I thought she meant, and some of the things just outright didn’t happen. But I know they did, I'm not crazy. I remember them as clearly as…. oh god. Maybe I am. Yknow, at this point I don't know who is wrong. Me, the drive thru guy, my sister… Oh god oh god oh god…(shaking at this point)

A-I know this is probably rather distressing for you to talk about, but please do try to get back on track with the statement.

D-sniffing right yeah.. Sorry. Oh where was I? So after that incident where Amy said I was wrong about these things, everything just kinda went downhill. I started talking to drive thru guy more and more. He said Amy told me this cause she knows she is wrong, and I’ve caught on to what everyone around me is doing. And like the complete idiot I think I am, I believed him, and I started pushing away everyone in my life I was close to. I broke up with my boyfriend cause he was clearly just using me, and i didn’t know why I didn't see it before. My sister and I have been fighting more often, which is really out of character for her. Maybe this is a sign, and that guy was right and she is lying to me. I finally told the last person that I have the smallest amount of trust in, my co-worker, Carlos. He said that he’d never seen this drive thru guy before and it sounds like I'm being manipulated. So I decided that tonight, when he came by the drive thru that I would confront him about it. This is the point that made me think i needed to tell you guys about this.

When he came that night, I told him that I'm no longer listening to his advice because my friends told me that I was being manipulated by him. I would rather have friends that lie to me than no friends at all. He turned me, looked me dead in the eyes, and I noticed something wrong with his eyes. The colors in his eyes seemed to shift and they looked too deep. Then I noticed his eyes were the only thing that appeared to be strange. His hands became longer and the air was filled with a deafening hum. It was also filled with colorful static-y shapes. He smiled this unusually big, curling smile with…massive, sharp teeth and said to me in this horribly distorted voice that didn’t sound his own, “YOU’RE. WRONG.” I don’t remember much of what happened next, but I've been terrified and haven’t returned to work since.

Anything I'm worried about has turned out to be… true? I’m not even sure if it is true, if I'm just convincing myself it is, or something else entirely. I also haven’t seen the man since then. I haven’t really talked to anyone since this happened, besides you. I don’t know if that’s for the best, or if the isolation from everyone is just adding to my insanity. Either way, I’ve been needing to get this off my chest, but hearing it all said out, I can’t help but feel like I’m in the wrong, that I AM insane… God… (exhales/sighs, and slumps over in his chair)

A- That was… interesting, and also somewhat concerning, if what I’m suspecting is right. Do you remember any details about this man? Name? Anything of that sort?

D- No… I'm afraid i don’t. I- My memory's very foggy from that time, and thinking about him, or really anything at all from that incident hurts my brain.

A- Hmm, well, like i’ve said, i think i might know who is responsible for the incident. We’ve had other statements about him before, involving similar feelings of madness and confusion.

D- Well, what have the others done about this? Or is this just something I have to accept; I'm a crazy, unemployed guy with no friends and an inability to think straight now?!?

A- sighs Do your best to stay away from doors, and I think with a little time you’ll be alright. What I think is the best course of action is to not do anything too drastic.

D- Right, yes, got it. Stay inside, don’t be reckless. Alright, well, thank you for listening to my statement… you do believe me; i'm not… crazy.. right?

A- (slight nod)…thank you for your time, Mr Morkin... And uh, good luck?

(daniel leaves)

A- Supplemental. The distortion, Micheal, may have been more of a threat than I originally thought. If Mr. Morkin's statement is true and he’s not just a complete nut job, like half the other statement givers, and how everyone seems to perceive him… i do feel, at least somewhat, that he can be trusted to a certain degree; he doesn’t seem to be willingly or maliciously lying at least. I can only hope that if this statement is true, Mr Morkin. survives long enough to be followed up with. Recording ends.

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bag⋆of⋆cans left a comment!

pspspspsp a story i wrote :3

MAG 420- “drive thru”

Statement of daniel morkin, regarding a… “regular customer” at his work

Statement recorded direct from subject, on april 15, 2017.

Statement begins.

(daniel awkwardly looks around, shifts in his chair)

Archivist- … you can start whenever you’re ready

Daniel- o-oh! i .. well, i wasnt sure. I’m not exactly sure of anything anymore, which, (laughs) is uh, kinda why i’m here.

A- hm, well, thats… troubling… we’ve had others come in with similar issues lately, so your statement should be rather helpful

D- is…is that good? I mean, are they, the others, not… insane? Are they like…normal again?

(paper shuffling, archivist clears throat)

A- well, i don’t have all day, if you’re here to give a statement, i suggest you do that sooner rather than later.

D- right. Yes, of course. (sighs)

(statement time wOOH!)

D-So, It started about a month ago, this guy said he was a regular at a restaurant i work at and he would start coming later in the day. I didn’t really think too much about it, since I didn't have many trust issues at this time. This guy gave me some weird vibes, but I didn't think too much about it. It was very late in the day and I was tired. I pushed all of those thoughts out of my mind, and took his order like normal. While his food was being prepared, we started making some small talk. I was bored and liked talking, so naturally I agreed. I told him a lot about my personal life and some things I’m worried about lately, and I think that’s where I made my mistake. I always do overshare, and tend to get off topic, but looking back on it, this time, it felt like…maybe he’d tried to get me talking about my problems on purpose… He said he’s been in similar situations before and he’d give me advice to help me with it. It was, from what I remember, and at least this first time, sound advice. However, I’m not sure why I trusted him. Like I said earlier, he was creepy, and seemed a little too eager to help. But that was pretty much it for the first night, I gave him his food and he left.

That continued for about a week or so, he came back and would give me advice or insight, each time sounding a little more outlandish. I saw how crazy the things the things he said were, and I didn’t take any of them seriously of course. He was clearly overreacting to my situation, why and how would anyone I knew or anyone in general would ever do those things? But then I began to notice in daily life, some of the things he said were going on behind the scenes, actually started to happen. At this point, I started thinking that maybe he was right and I started to take his advice. Nothing drastic, at first. Just being more private and a bit suspicious of some of the people closest to me. Eventually, I decided to confront my sister, Amy, about all the little things that she’d been saying and doing to me. She swore that she didn’t mean what I thought she meant, and some of the things just outright didn’t happen. But I know they did, I'm not crazy. I remember them as clearly as…. oh god. Maybe I am. Yknow, at this point I don't know who is wrong. Me, the drive thru guy, my sister… Oh god oh god oh god…(shaking at this point)

A-I know this is probably rather distressing for you to talk about, but please do try to get back on track with the statement.

D-sniffing right yeah.. Sorry. Oh where was I? So after that incident where Amy said I was wrong about these things, everything just kinda went downhill. I started talking to drive thru guy more and more. He said Amy told me this cause she knows she is wrong, and I’ve caught on to what everyone around me is doing. And like the complete idiot I think I am, I believed him, and I started pushing away everyone in my life I was close to. I broke up with my boyfriend cause he was clearly just using me, and i didn’t know why I didn't see it before. My sister and I have been fighting more often, which is really out of character for her. Maybe this is a sign, and that guy was right and she is lying to me. I finally told the last person that I have the smallest amount of trust in, my co-worker, Carlos. He said that he’d never seen this drive thru guy before and it sounds like I'm being manipulated. So I decided that tonight, when he came by the drive thru that I would confront him about it. This is the point that made me think i needed to tell you guys about this.

When he came that night, I told him that I'm no longer listening to his advice because my friends told me that I was being manipulated by him. I would rather have friends that lie to me than no friends at all. He turned me, looked me dead in the eyes, and I noticed something wrong with his eyes. The colors in his eyes seemed to shift and they looked too deep. Then I noticed his eyes were the only thing that appeared to be strange. His hands became longer and the air was filled with a deafening hum. It was also filled with colorful static-y shapes. He smiled this unusually big, curling smile with…massive, sharp teeth and said to me in this horribly distorted voice that didn’t sound his own, “YOU’RE. WRONG.” I don’t remember much of what happened next, but I've been terrified and haven’t returned to work since.

Anything I'm worried about has turned out to be… true? I’m not even sure if it is true, if I'm just convincing myself it is, or something else entirely. I also haven’t seen the man since then. I haven’t really talked to anyone since this happened, besides you. I don’t know if that’s for the best, or if the isolation from everyone is just adding to my insanity. Either way, I’ve been needing to get this off my chest, but hearing it all said out, I can’t help but feel like I’m in the wrong, that I AM insane… God… (exhales/sighs, and slumps over in his chair)

A- That was… interesting, and also somewhat concerning, if what I’m suspecting is right. Do you remember any details about this man? Name? Anything of that sort?

D- No… I'm afraid i don’t. I- My memory's very foggy from that time, and thinking about him, or really anything at all from that incident hurts my brain.

A- Hmm, well, like i’ve said, i think i might know who is responsible for the incident. We’ve had other statements about him before, involving similar feelings of madness and confusion.

D- Well, what have the others done about this? Or is this just something I have to accept; I'm a crazy, unemployed guy with no friends and an inability to think straight now?!?

A- sighs Do your best to stay away from doors, and I think with a little time you’ll be alright. What I think is the best course of action is to not do anything too drastic.

D- Right, yes, got it. Stay inside, don’t be reckless. Alright, well, thank you for listening to my statement… you do believe me; i'm not… crazy.. right?

A- (slight nod)…thank you for your time, Mr Morkin... And uh, good luck?

(daniel leaves)

A- Supplemental. The distortion, Micheal, may have been more of a threat than I originally thought. If Mr. Morkin's statement is true and he’s not just a complete nut job, like half the other statement givers, and how everyone seems to perceive him… i do feel, at least somewhat, that he can be trusted to a certain degree; he doesn’t seem to be willingly or maliciously lying at least. I can only hope that if this statement is true, Mr Morkin. survives long enough to be followed up with. Recording ends.

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bag⋆of⋆cans liked!

pspspspsp a story i wrote :3

MAG 420- “drive thru”

Statement of daniel morkin, regarding a… “regular customer” at his work

Statement recorded direct from subject, on april 15, 2017.

Statement begins.

(daniel awkwardly looks around, shifts in his chair)

Archivist- … you can start whenever you’re ready

Daniel- o-oh! i .. well, i wasnt sure. I’m not exactly sure of anything anymore, which, (laughs) is uh, kinda why i’m here.

A- hm, well, thats… troubling… we’ve had others come in with similar issues lately, so your statement should be rather helpful

D- is…is that good? I mean, are they, the others, not… insane? Are they like…normal again?

(paper shuffling, archivist clears throat)

A- well, i don’t have all day, if you’re here to give a statement, i suggest you do that sooner rather than later.

D- right. Yes, of course. (sighs)

(statement time wOOH!)

D-So, It started about a month ago, this guy said he was a regular at a restaurant i work at and he would start coming later in the day. I didn’t really think too much about it, since I didn't have many trust issues at this time. This guy gave me some weird vibes, but I didn't think too much about it. It was very late in the day and I was tired. I pushed all of those thoughts out of my mind, and took his order like normal. While his food was being prepared, we started making some small talk. I was bored and liked talking, so naturally I agreed. I told him a lot about my personal life and some things I’m worried about lately, and I think that’s where I made my mistake. I always do overshare, and tend to get off topic, but looking back on it, this time, it felt like…maybe he’d tried to get me talking about my problems on purpose… He said he’s been in similar situations before and he’d give me advice to help me with it. It was, from what I remember, and at least this first time, sound advice. However, I’m not sure why I trusted him. Like I said earlier, he was creepy, and seemed a little too eager to help. But that was pretty much it for the first night, I gave him his food and he left.

That continued for about a week or so, he came back and would give me advice or insight, each time sounding a little more outlandish. I saw how crazy the things the things he said were, and I didn’t take any of them seriously of course. He was clearly overreacting to my situation, why and how would anyone I knew or anyone in general would ever do those things? But then I began to notice in daily life, some of the things he said were going on behind the scenes, actually started to happen. At this point, I started thinking that maybe he was right and I started to take his advice. Nothing drastic, at first. Just being more private and a bit suspicious of some of the people closest to me. Eventually, I decided to confront my sister, Amy, about all the little things that she’d been saying and doing to me. She swore that she didn’t mean what I thought she meant, and some of the things just outright didn’t happen. But I know they did, I'm not crazy. I remember them as clearly as…. oh god. Maybe I am. Yknow, at this point I don't know who is wrong. Me, the drive thru guy, my sister… Oh god oh god oh god…(shaking at this point)

A-I know this is probably rather distressing for you to talk about, but please do try to get back on track with the statement.

D-sniffing right yeah.. Sorry. Oh where was I? So after that incident where Amy said I was wrong about these things, everything just kinda went downhill. I started talking to drive thru guy more and more. He said Amy told me this cause she knows she is wrong, and I’ve caught on to what everyone around me is doing. And like the complete idiot I think I am, I believed him, and I started pushing away everyone in my life I was close to. I broke up with my boyfriend cause he was clearly just using me, and i didn’t know why I didn't see it before. My sister and I have been fighting more often, which is really out of character for her. Maybe this is a sign, and that guy was right and she is lying to me. I finally told the last person that I have the smallest amount of trust in, my co-worker, Carlos. He said that he’d never seen this drive thru guy before and it sounds like I'm being manipulated. So I decided that tonight, when he came by the drive thru that I would confront him about it. This is the point that made me think i needed to tell you guys about this.

When he came that night, I told him that I'm no longer listening to his advice because my friends told me that I was being manipulated by him. I would rather have friends that lie to me than no friends at all. He turned me, looked me dead in the eyes, and I noticed something wrong with his eyes. The colors in his eyes seemed to shift and they looked too deep. Then I noticed his eyes were the only thing that appeared to be strange. His hands became longer and the air was filled with a deafening hum. It was also filled with colorful static-y shapes. He smiled this unusually big, curling smile with…massive, sharp teeth and said to me in this horribly distorted voice that didn’t sound his own, “YOU’RE. WRONG.” I don’t remember much of what happened next, but I've been terrified and haven’t returned to work since.

Anything I'm worried about has turned out to be… true? I’m not even sure if it is true, if I'm just convincing myself it is, or something else entirely. I also haven’t seen the man since then. I haven’t really talked to anyone since this happened, besides you. I don’t know if that’s for the best, or if the isolation from everyone is just adding to my insanity. Either way, I’ve been needing to get this off my chest, but hearing it all said out, I can’t help but feel like I’m in the wrong, that I AM insane… God… (exhales/sighs, and slumps over in his chair)

A- That was… interesting, and also somewhat concerning, if what I’m suspecting is right. Do you remember any details about this man? Name? Anything of that sort?

D- No… I'm afraid i don’t. I- My memory's very foggy from that time, and thinking about him, or really anything at all from that incident hurts my brain.

A- Hmm, well, like i’ve said, i think i might know who is responsible for the incident. We’ve had other statements about him before, involving similar feelings of madness and confusion.

D- Well, what have the others done about this? Or is this just something I have to accept; I'm a crazy, unemployed guy with no friends and an inability to think straight now?!?

A- sighs Do your best to stay away from doors, and I think with a little time you’ll be alright. What I think is the best course of action is to not do anything too drastic.

D- Right, yes, got it. Stay inside, don’t be reckless. Alright, well, thank you for listening to my statement… you do believe me; i'm not… crazy.. right?

A- (slight nod)…thank you for your time, Mr Morkin... And uh, good luck?

(daniel leaves)

A- Supplemental. The distortion, Micheal, may have been more of a threat than I originally thought. If Mr. Morkin's statement is true and he’s not just a complete nut job, like half the other statement givers, and how everyone seems to perceive him… i do feel, at least somewhat, that he can be trusted to a certain degree; he doesn’t seem to be willingly or maliciously lying at least. I can only hope that if this statement is true, Mr Morkin. survives long enough to be followed up with. Recording ends.

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