Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Open for business uhh, yeah. I can try and draw y'all stuff if you want me to. :]

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Today, im not feeling well

I slept and i woke up with a extremely bad pain in my neck that won't let me move my head correctly. I only can stand my head in an specific position and.. it means that i can't draw much till im better and also i can't really do my daily tasks (eating, etc)

it's extremely stressful for me. Idk when it will be over but for now im just trying to stand it, it annoyed me while sleeping. I woke up early because i couldn't stand that horrible pain that im feeling right now...

Im crying because this.. i can still talk without any issues but i have to beg my parents to go to the hospital
This also means that owed art will be delayed for an extent.. sorry T^T

thanks for listening

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vent ig

tw: idk if its rlly a tw, but its guilt problems so yeah. also one swear word, and talking about being abandoned.

even if i had nothing to do with it, im always feeling like im at fault when someone is sad or mad. thats how i feel knowing that everyone is leaving this site. as if i am not good enough, and im practically forcing these nice people to leave. it also happens at school, and i use this site to get away from that shit. and now.... here i am on school break, people leaving this site and me feeling really upset and guilty. guys, please dont leave. even though this site isnt the best, you all mean so much to me, and it breaks my heart to see anyone quit. so please, can we all try to make this website into a community that works for all of us? i cant really have any of the other socials, so it makes me feel like i wont ever talk to you all again. like you all will just dissapear from my life. everyones been leaving lately. i feel alone. im so sad. please please please can we just all stay on this community for as long as we can? it ... it really makes me sad if we dont. sorry if this was too long.

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vent ig

tw: idk if its rlly a tw, but its guilt problems so yeah. also one swear word, and talking about being abandoned.

even if i had nothing to do with it, im always feeling like im at fault when someone is sad or mad. thats how i feel knowing that everyone is leaving this site. as if i am not good enough, and im practically forcing these nice people to leave. it also happens at school, and i use this site to get away from that shit. and now.... here i am on school break, people leaving this site and me feeling really upset and guilty. guys, please dont leave. even though this site isnt the best, you all mean so much to me, and it breaks my heart to see anyone quit. so please, can we all try to make this website into a community that works for all of us? i cant really have any of the other socials, so it makes me feel like i wont ever talk to you all again. like you all will just dissapear from my life. everyones been leaving lately. i feel alone. im so sad. please please please can we just all stay on this community for as long as we can? it ... it really makes me sad if we dont. sorry if this was too long.

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vent ig

tw: idk if its rlly a tw, but its guilt problems so yeah. also one swear word, and talking about being abandoned.

even if i had nothing to do with it, im always feeling like im at fault when someone is sad or mad. thats how i feel knowing that everyone is leaving this site. as if i am not good enough, and im practically forcing these nice people to leave. it also happens at school, and i use this site to get away from that shit. and now.... here i am on school break, people leaving this site and me feeling really upset and guilty. guys, please dont leave. even though this site isnt the best, you all mean so much to me, and it breaks my heart to see anyone quit. so please, can we all try to make this website into a community that works for all of us? i cant really have any of the other socials, so it makes me feel like i wont ever talk to you all again. like you all will just dissapear from my life. everyones been leaving lately. i feel alone. im so sad. please please please can we just all stay on this community for as long as we can? it ... it really makes me sad if we dont. sorry if this was too long.

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