일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

bdraw 님이 like 하셨습니다!

bdraw 님이 like 하셨습니다!


Idk if anyone remembers here but I've had a story ever since my first year here, it still has a lot to be developed but as of right now the title is The Xeron Effect (I call it TXE for short) and a few characters are getting redesigned, I think I like their new designs a lot better now :D the characters are also a lot older now too, most in their mid to late twenties and early thirties instead of late teens to early twenties, idk, them being in early twenties seemed way more unrealistic to me now that I'm getting older, I know it is fiction but still 😭

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So uh
It turns out, once your art is posted to medi, it appears on Google images, which can lead to more art theft, so far I've seen one of my older drawings reposted on reddit even though it clearly said not to repost, I'm not allowed to have reddit so there isn't anything I can do about it, but because of risk of theft and my sister's art getting reposted by other people multiple times, I will not be posting my art here anymore, maybe occasional doodles but that's it, I don't want to risk art getting stolen, so I've deleted a few of my newer drawings from this year along with some OC art, I will delete more later but yeah
I'll still post topics here though and occasional doodles, but I'm sorry...

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