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Bo Qingang
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Has more than 100 views!
Bo Qingang
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Blooming evening
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Black beauty
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Bo Qingang
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Blooming evening
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Black beauty
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i don't know
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i don't know ,b
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bob and sam my oc`s
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the first one is from this morning ,some of my ocs i'm working on ( its progress interrupted by the works i uploaded tonight)
the second one is a week old as far as i'm concerned he is done- i planned to edit it with effects but i'm constantly starting new work...
he third one- i just love it i'm returning to its progress from time to time- no idea when it's going to be finished
the last one is abandoned
i'm sorry for the long post and my bad english
i just wanted to share with you some of my work/sketches/drawings, there is more art/sketches/drawings in the oblivion
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Bo Qingang
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bajo el cerezo
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Black beauty
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Blooming evening
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eye's Playful No.048【Benten-chan】feat.Seven Gods
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