Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


Today i learned that Arceus isn't a god, he's a legendary pokemon that "plays god" making so many ppl think he's a god but in reality he's not yo even in the anime he's kinda unprofessional for a god ( in my opinion )

And i also learned that the actual god of pokemon is the creator named Satoshi Tajiri!

Wait.. Satoshi? Ash's Japanese name?! Nowonder Pikachu is so OP, he is literally god's pet!!!

Pokemon lore makes me lose my mind just like FNAF Lore jsuhudheojqjdij

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  • > ramuné I found it on google/reddit. Or is just a theory? I thought my life was a lie or is it not?

  • where did you get that info from? as far as I'm aware Arceus is and has been god since it was introduced...

I 💛🐝

They make honey, they are yellow and brown and white and black, i like bee colour palette, bee are cute, i like honey, they have venom, they bring us joy, i love bees

I'll show ya'll my dandy world oc beeeeeeeeee

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  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 🐝🐝🐝 Buzz buzz

  • > ✨️BrownieSketch✨️ yeah the world would be a little sadder without them XD i like honey, too, so

  • Oh ok, i still love em anyways :P

  • > ✨️BrownieSketch✨️ well i think one or two of them were wasp stings (even worse), one or two were bee stings, and one was this tiny lil bug which wasn't as painful


I haven't had any idea to draw in my head, its like a massive creativeblock! Its frustrating ggrrrrr.
So i wanted to cry for help! Gimme request so i can have something to draw dor u guys! :,)))

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  • > Its oke ill jusy wait for the new ref, if youre done just dm me =)

  • > ✨️BrownieSketch✨️ Yeah no problem <3 sorry about how messy it is I can draw A new ref tomorrow-ish? Idk I have a lot of school assignments

  • > Oh i saw it but i cant see it properly though, it doesnt have colours and its (sorry) a bit messy :( Would you mind making another ref please? Thank you

  • > ✨️BrownieSketch✨️ Lol its not private not sure why the link isn't working? (My copy and paste isn't working either?) the illustration is posted on my list its called "UPDATED Rio Design"

Yagi Storm hitting Northern Vietnam

What in the world is this?! I missed the news but everyone in my country are talking about it! I heard it's also called "Devil Face Storm"

Southern Vietnam is affected too, so much rain and flood omg kids are bathing in rain wthhhhh

I hope my dad's okay cuz he's working in the Capital city 💀

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  • > YtterOdd In HCM City, im fine for now. Idk if the storm will come to us :,)

  • This looks really freaky, I hope you guys are all ok

  • > ✨️BrownieSketch✨️ It got out of hand when global boiling started 💀

  • > Climate change and pollution is gettin out of hand 💀

Why do i feel so wrong all of a sudden

Maybe it was just me or idk why :v

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  • I sometimes feel like this isn't my body or I'm not inside my body for a few seconds. I once even had a vision where I was a ginger white girl with freckles and a purple outfit and the car crashed and I died. All this happened while I was walking on a sidewalk and when I returned to the real world I was almost at my destination.. Also, that description I'm just realizing is what Ren looks like minus the freckles and being white..


It was the time when i was a 3rd grader. My mom takes me to mah teacher's home for remedial studies, my classmates were there too. We eat our meal before our parents leave and start the class. One kid doesnt wanna eat his fried chicken anymore so he feeds the teacher's aquaintance's rooster. Guess what? It pecks the food and eats it

Bro literally feeds a chicken it's own kind. I laughed so hard i would never forget that experience

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  • > ✨️BrownieSketch✨️ hopefully ignorance..

  • > Totally_not_YveNRen Ignorance i guess 😓

  • > ✨️BrownieSketch✨️ the child is innocent, the parent is evil cause who tf tells their child to turn the chicken to a cannibal? A psychopath?

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Ah that makes sense

Render vs Without render

The differences is quite erh... something <_<


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  • > ✨️BrownieSketch✨️ thanks (a bit surprised you understood what I meant the wording wasn't the best ngl, but glad you appreciate it ❤)

  • > Totally_not_YveNRen Its okay everyone have different opinions and thats totally normal. I appreciate it ngl 👍✨️

  • the without render isn't that bad but I'm glad the render one exists whew the level your art goes when rendered vs not is crazy anyway, like both of them just trying to state my opinion in a way that makes sense, if you don't understand what I'm trynna say im sorry forget what i said


In IT class i was listening to "FNAF Song" by TLT ( da goat ) when some of the kids yelled at me told me to turn the music off saying that "that music succ". But when i switches to "Rabbit Hole" and "Corpse Dance by KiKuo" noone says a word.


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  • > ✨️BrownieSketch✨️ ah okie, sorry bout that, my brain translates words very literally, and ordering of phrase is extremely important for how you want me to understand what you're saying. But you didn't know any of that about me until now so It's perfectly fine 👍 👌

  • > Totally_not_YveNRen Should've said "ECHO by CrusherP And another song by Kikuo" 😅

  • > ✨️BrownieSketch✨️ ECHO is by CrusherP not Kikuo..

  • > Totally_not_YveNRen This ks the first time i've ever seen any people disliking FNAF Song by TLT, howww??? Like the moment i heard it the first time i felt in LOVE 😭😭😭 But they're fine with whatever Vocaloid songs! Even Spychopathy, ECHO and another song by Kikuo


I want to become a translator (as my main job) but i have to learn CHINESE LITERAL CHINESE i never liked learning that language nooooo cuz my braincell doesn't understand a single word. I dont even know where the alphabet starts. I dont know how it works!!! It look like a maze my ADHD brain can't stand itttt. Aaaaaarararrarra
It seems like i have to use the power of Determination ❤️

Wish me luck guys :,D

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  • glllllllll :D

  • good luck its harder and harder but you can make it i hope do you best👍👍👍

  • Also, try to think of it as a game(?). Like, if you make it seem fun it'll be easier to learn.

  • I was planning to learn japanese so I started a course on duolingo and I havent touched it since lol