Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

To cans, Ev@, and Zip

Hi...I'm here to tell you that I'm sorry your requests are taking so long. I'm finished with ZIP'S, but I haven't been able to post it, I haven't finished Vik, and I haven't even STARTED Rotary. Please, I'm sorry, and it's mostly because of school, I'm just stressed and scared that you guys are mad at me. I will get them finished ASAP, don't worry, they will 100% be finished eventually, just probably not today or tomorrow. I hate school and I'm sorry to keep you guys waiting.

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  • > 𝑬𝑽@ Thank you!!!!

  • > ThatSillyArtist ok :)

  • Hey im not mad at you!!! Take ur time <3

  • > 1010Xx_ZIP_xX101(Dumb) I wouldn't keep you hanging like that :)

  • > Juju ! (💫) this is true, ask my sister

  • top ten things you should NEVER say to jace, or they will eat you up while you sleep😱😱; "peridot is the worst character" "I hate peridot" "peridot sucks Nah, I'd win" "peridot is worse than school" "peridot should burn" "peridot shall go bankrupt" "peridot shall not lie" "peridot shall not cheat" "peridot shall not get caught, or peridot will end up js like mee!!" "peridot is my mortal enemy"