Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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左側に奥行きのある壁の消失点と、ベッドから窓に向けて走る線の消失点を意識し、パース線にそって絵を描いてみよう。消失点の先には光源を用意し、消失点の高さ(アイレベル)にキャラの頭を配置。 より、臨場感のある演出にしてみせる。

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Dear Foreign Follower,

What do you think of our Japanese art?
And what makes it different from your country?
Do you think that most of the art we Japanese paint is done according to some kind of rule or boom? Or do you feel originality in each piece?
Is knowledge necessary for art?
Is originality the only way to make art?
Can you call a depiction that is different from the image in your mind originality?
If there is no correct answer to painting, why are some people bad at it and others good? This is a contradiction.
The brain understands the correct answer. That's what I want to know.
You don't have to translate your comments into Japanese. Speak in the language of the country you are in.

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