Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


It was really hard to pick Bc they were all really good but here it is!!
1st place: ThePokeDevotee reward- my new pfp, 3 requests and a follow
2nd place: Kasstarkid
Reward- 2 requests and a follow (I'm already following u XD)
3rd place: Ms. Malie
Reward- 1 request and a follow
thanks for participating!

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  • aaaa yay!! thank you gallade! and congrats to the other winners!

  • These are so cool! Congrats to all those people ❤️❤️

  • I also hope I ur names right

  • Honorable mentions will be put on another post. owo

Contest Update!

If you guys entered my contest. I am not sure if I can post the results today Bc my parents grounded me for a week. For "Not eating on time." (It's pretty stupid Ik.) If my mom lets me take my kindle, I will try to do it. No promises though! I already have the winners in my head though! I may make the results another My Space post. I apologize for the inconvenience QwQ

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  • > Ms. Malie The results have been posted!

  • No need to worry Gallade! Thanks for letting us know it tho ^^

BEEEEEEES (animal crossing new leaf)

Bees are the root of all evil. Good thing I caught them! If u dot play this game u won't get it sorry.

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  • > Cattacomb Ikr?! Sometimes the items that fall make no sense. Yesterday, I got a fridge from a tree. I was confused I mean how dos it not crush you?!

  • I hate it when u just are shaking a tree randomly to find out if u get coins (or even a den item).but then ITS A BEE HIVE OH CRAP and then u have to hide somewhere like go into a house or something and then if u can’t hide from it u get a dammmmm sore it’s like SCREW U BEEEESSSS

  • Rack beeeeees,I have this game but I don’t play it bc I prefer drawing UwU

The prizes bc I forgot :D

TitaniumPegasus: I'll make it my home wallpaper for my phone. Three requests of your choice and follow
Oyasumi: two requests of your choice and a follow
Cattacomb: one request of your choice and a follow

Lol I think I'm following u guys already. If u guys request adoptables you'll get a custom adoptable

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  • > Cattacomb That'll be $2.99 (That's a joke don't take that seriously and YE I can do that.)

  • I sounded like I was ordering something XD

  • Yeaaah uh can I get a.... Z x Ink pls

  • Can you draw Tsuchinoko from kemono friends? I'll come up with the other requests later.


1. TitaniumPegasus
2. Oyasumi
3. Cattacomb

I would say congrats to everyone else who joined but no one else did :|

So yeah! I'll tell you what u get when I go back and check what the prizes are bc I forgot. If the pictures are in the wrong order I'm sorry.

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  • Woah these are so cool


  • > Oyasumi Oof. Annika is blind as a bat without them. Unless one of the demons took over. Then she can see just fine.

  • And no it’s not because I forgot,I really imagined that before.


So I searched the Internet and there is no such thing called "Inutale." I know there is dogtale. But I haven't seen an AU where they are half dog yet. So I'm making it! I'm also still making huge plans for a comic explaining what happened with Annika and Natalie and what they are. I could really use some help tho bc I don't make comics very often and I'm really bad at it. If you wanna help me with that let me know. I can do the writing and whoever I pick to help me can do the art. :3

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  • > Cattacomb Of course! Talk to me on private messaging and I'll give some more information! We'll make a group for it too.

  • Could I help with the art?

  • Whoever asks anyway. I won't pick anyone by random and force them to do it.

The friends meme

There's 706 frames. QwQ

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  • Nice!

  • > 💙the blue child💙 Yeah this is going to be the longest animation I've made so far. I'm taking a break rn tho. I'll continue it tomorrow. This is going to take forever bc procrastination is a serious problem I have.

  • 706 frames!?! OML

  • > Ze's World I don't sorry. My mom won't let me get one. I'll start posting animations when I can get one. I don't think that will be for a LONG TIME. Sorry! >-<

How would you describe my personality?

I know this is a strange question, but I wanna know how you would describe my personality based on the comments or drawings I post. I wanna draw something based off of that.

Like do you think I'm nice or mean? And optimist or a pessimist?

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  • You’re a pretty nice person and you understand the opinions of them :D You have an optimist personality and you can show yourself easily!That’s pretty cool and nice! I think that’s all ur just a nice person UwU

  • Kind,Funny,Chill,”I look chill but I watch spooky stuff” person,”I listen to vaporwave” person

  • > 💙the blue child💙 I know what you mean by scared. And that's not rude at all. Not to me anyway.

  • Bubbly, scared, nice, funny, adorable ect (not trying to be rude with the scared thing)