Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"

I got a horse but I can't get her to come out of the trailer 😭😭😭
I'm going to try applying pressure to her halter and using something to tap her front legs,so when she backs up because something is tapping her front legs I'll release the pressure and she'll realize that when she backs up the pressure is gone.

Wish me luck 😭🙏🙏😆

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  • Hmm quite a predicament have you tried calling with treats and setting it down and walking away I heard that if they come to it and start or ear it come back and it will let you pet it

TAY liked!

I'm back ;-;

Sorry for the overreaction y'all I was just in a really bad mood. I'll only be on hiatus on DA but I'm gonna be back on Medi

Also sorry @𝕎ℍ𝕆ℝℝ𝕆ℝ𝕄𝕆𝕍𝕀𝔼 ♡
I'm not mad at either you or @Ayouka_ since y'all have actually been really nice. I took my anger out on everyone without thinking about it. I am still upset with those that don't interact with me at ALL, but those that do interact or like my works and stuff I'm not mad at. I was just upset cause when someone follows you you'd think it's cause they like your work but then they don't interact with any of your works whatsoever for the next year+ and you wonder why you even wasted time or energy on them y'know?

Anyways that's all I wanted to say sorry for making y'all feel bad TT ^ TT

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