Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

3 Day / weeks
Open for business I'm fully active--requests are open, commissions and trades however are closed temporarily.

🍙Rin-Chuu🍙 left a comment!

YAY I'm baCK!

Ok OK, lemme make this real quick thanksgiving break is finally here school is out and tests are done I'm finally----

*takes long over dramatic breath*


But in all seriousness I'm an finally back after like a whole THREE monThS, honestly I'll suck at a job. So, Yeah! I'll post more often than not however since it is my vacation (huehuehue) family comes first and I want me sum mashed potatoes and because I need to buy my dog some food bye

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  • Yay

  • welcome back chuu! :')

  • > Lunae Lumina This time I'm staying :3

  • Yay! You are back!!!

YAY I'm baCK!

Ok OK, lemme make this real quick thanksgiving break is finally here school is out and tests are done I'm finally----

*takes long over dramatic breath*


But in all seriousness I'm an finally back after like a whole THREE monThS, honestly I'll suck at a job. So, Yeah! I'll post more often than not however since it is my vacation (huehuehue) family comes first and I want me sum mashed potatoes and because I need to buy my dog some food bye

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  • Yay

  • welcome back chuu! :')

  • > Lunae Lumina This time I'm staying :3

  • Yay! You are back!!!

🍙Rin-Chuu🍙 left a comment!

So sorry!

Whew, it's been a long time since I've updated on this.
It's been like what. 3 months since I've posted anything? I apologize for not being up to date like I used to be before school started, but since my education is a number one priority I WILL take up the action of spending more time on school than this, other that-- keep watching and stay tuned more art I guess?

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  • > Creektehgato Thank you! I'm so sorry for leaving on such short notice, I promise ill be back!

  • glad you are back and dont worry about

  • hey chuu! glad to see you're still alive but you don't need to apologize for something you can't control though I'm happy you're here :')

So sorry!

Whew, it's been a long time since I've updated on this.
It's been like what. 3 months since I've posted anything? I apologize for not being up to date like I used to be before school started, but since my education is a number one priority I WILL take up the action of spending more time on school than this, other that-- keep watching and stay tuned more art I guess?

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  • > Creektehgato Thank you! I'm so sorry for leaving on such short notice, I promise ill be back!

  • glad you are back and dont worry about

  • hey chuu! glad to see you're still alive but you don't need to apologize for something you can't control though I'm happy you're here :')

Info on Commissions & Art trades

Info on commissions and art trades if you haven't already known.

For commissions- Simply request me down on the comment section and or Amino (app I'm also active on as well) It can be only ONE character of your choosing--you can also decide whether or not you want a headshot, full body or interactive (where I place you with one of my oc's). There MUST be info on the character you choose.

Art trades- Only request me an art trade when I'm not busy if you do so anyways when I am I won't respond back :( (sorry). However, I am available when I'm a short hiatus--I will have a lot more time to check back with you. Once I'm off the hiatus I will start the art trade.

Thank you for listening!~

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