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Ring Cats #001
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Todas las caricaturas de los 90 hasta el 2013
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Verde, rojo, negro y vino
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Cuando veo One piece, me llega la inspiración
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Wacom comics
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Fines de semana y vacaciones
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KND, Chowder, TMNT, Las maravillosas desventuras de Flapjack
Future goals
Que el comic se conocido mundialmente y hacer una serie animada
Izaro liked!
Ring Cats #001
Izaro liked!
Izaro liked!
El grito del conejo #001
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FROZT #001
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Haru y Legoshi fanart
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Izaro liked!
Antagonista #003
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Juan #001
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El Perro del Gorro Atornillado al Cráneo #001
Has more than 300 views!
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The Tengu Trial
In process
"You have unlocked a new image" - Scarlet