插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

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Answer this message

Answer them pls

1.when did you started drawing?
2.where do you live?
3when is your B-day?
4.how long have you been using medibang paint?
5.do you know math?
6.if you know math solve this
3 3/4 - 5 6/7=
7.how old are you?
8.do you have a brother/sister/both?
9.what languages do you know?
10.do you like cat or dog?


  • 1. Around three 2. Pennsylvania (USA) 3. August 23rd 4. About a year, close to a year and a half. 5. Ummm.... I hope so, I'm going to 8th grade! 6. I don't have any paper to work it out on so I'm going with the majority of 27.92 7. About to turn 13 in several weeks 8. I have two biological brothers; one older, one younger; then I have a step brother and step sister who are older (twins). 9. English, VERY LIMITED ITALIAN 10. Honestly, both, but if I had to choose: cat (I'm sorry Lincoln and Boo)

  • 1-been drawing since 9 2-somewhere in Philippines 3-dec. 30 4-2 months 5-no 6-fail 7-11 8-brother 9-Spanish and France 10-both

  • 1) I've been drawing for ever, but only really tried about a year ago 2)uhhhhh 3) March 6 4) About a month 5) yes 6)everyone is saying 27.92... But it looks like -2.11 7) I'm a teeen 8)yes 9) English, a little Spanish, and random Japanese words 10) I'm fine with either but I'm more of a dog person... Even though I'm allergic to them

  • (Redoing this cause I gave slightly too much information that I'm comfortable with) 1 - Started at 5, drew seriously at 9 2 - Someplace in Asia 3 - October 17 4 - 6 - 8 months 5 - uh, sure? 6 - ok 7 - 27.92 8 - Only child 9 - Mandarin, English, minor Spanish 10 - Both are good

Read meeee and leave a comment

I don't know if I did this right so here is my brothers drawing using rotatio symetry he it was a real wheel IDK :b

Weeelllll Boiiiiii!!!!

Goodnight/morning/afternoon everyone .

More Emojis and a diamond
😀😁😂😃😄😅😆😉😊😋😎😍😘😗😙😚☺😐😑😶😏😣😥😮😯😪😫😴😌😛😜😝😒😓😔😕😲😖😞😟😤😢😭😦😧😨😩😬😰😱😳😵😡😠😷😇😈🙍🙎🙅🙆🙋🙇🙌🙏 .💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎


  • > IvyDraws Woah no need to be harsh


  • Anonymous you're a fucking jerk back off

  • Anonymous her brother used rotation symmetry pen

Drawing Contest over

Hello I'm having a drawing contest.
Chocolate Cookie Girl Contest.
How to join:
1.friend request me
2.leave me a comment if you joined
3.put a tag Cookie girl so I can see your drawings

I'll announce the winner of this contest at the end of August
The winner will
1st place I'll draw 5 of your drawings
2nd place 4 of your drawings
3rd place 3 of your drawings
And the 4th to 10th place 1 of each of your drawings

And I'm ready to draw 18 drawings
End of Aug. Deadline

So good luck hope you enjoy
I'm cheering for you all :)


  • Ok I'm done if you didn't know

  • Ok I'm joining

  • I finished https://medibang.com/picture/rk1708020222582580003236040

  • copy and paste that link to your search bar