hey so you can like!! ignore this!!
im just happy and wanna happy rant.
okay! so today was the second to last day of school, and i have like. two? people that i like right now. the one i liked irl, goes to my school.
during yearbook signing, i have to leave early, and she hugged me? and then, held my hand. i think she wanted to ask for my number but was scared? and i kinda regret not asking her for her number? but yeah at least one person likes me back? i. ive never had that happen before i
im like. overhwlmed with flfufjf fjddjdjjd

pfp by passion-sock (i love u so?? much akskwkw)
i think i’m going to take a break from social media for a few days or so. a specific person keeps getting on my nerves; calling me shit, and refuses to fucking stop.
I hope they stop to
awe, alright bud :( i'll miss you h and it seems like someone wants to fucking lose their kneecap privileges
K Hope they stop
hhi so like here’s me but as a pokémon trainer :0
the stripes on my legs are stretch marks bc i’m a whale
and the other dots are either birthmarks or ache :))
and i love shiny vaporeon so much? ever since gen one, i’ve always had a vaporeon as my partner. i just. love all water types <333
holy-- that vaporeon is so lovely uwu
which one? i need one of em for a piece.
do any of you guys have warriors (or other) amino?? i’m like
rlly lonely on there ?? it’s fucking hard to make friends,, and i’m ani-social as fuck, even on the internet and i
people suck on there tbh
but it’s fun
hmu if you have amino so i can befriend you hh
I’m pretty sure it’s called Ahi and Tanzanite
Dude fuck I have amino hey your ass over to my acc
my wifei is so fucking insufferable compared to my boyf i
guys hmu on amino uwu
also wh,, what the heck??
my spring break starts on friday!! hh im so excited, we’re going to universal studios and on a cruise, so i won’t be on much from april 22nd to april,, uh,,, 26th
also guess who skipped english to go ,,, cry in the bathroom #quirky
//screams// i wanna go to universal so baaaad,,
> rinleygh🌿🌻> rinleygh🌿🌻 hddksndkkskd thank you!! and uh i kinda regret it now because i have like ,,, twelve commissions to do :’)
whoaoaoaoa enjoy ur triP thEn ++ idk anything abt that amino stuffwhhsorrhy-
guys oh wow ,,,,,, like,,, i haven’t been this happy since my favourite person uwu hentai furry made that art of my babe Russet dkfkskdkwkdkss i,,, please help >:((
we all have that one roleplaying friend who responds in less than four words smh
Wait I feel like I recognize your name somewhere. Do you have any other social media? Sorry if this sounded creepy lmao
> Passion-Sock™ i,,, highkey mood tho
> divine no i don’t want to be murdered :(
do you have dulingo
horses in the back
i almost said something really emo about me crying bc that toxic friend found a way to message me n said some rlly mean h0rseshit but it’s okay!! i know she’s fucking lying and gr0ss
hahH nearly forgot what i was gonna say
uh, if any of you have snapchat and wanna add me, my user is @radicalpan
i sometimes post my
uglyass face so be warN ed
ahaha potter puppet pals but for real she can take a hike,,, in a volcano
> Passion-Sock™ ha h gay. skslsk ily too <<333 it’s really pathetic h0w happy i get whenever you message me like thedtdgtgrg i literally drop whatever i’m doing to talk to you and b e t i highkey look like an ape
skskks i'm so sorry you cried :(( ily ok she's such a l0ser, but really, i'd beat the living crap out of her if she makes you cry again and wtf what ugly ass face, you're beautiful
hey! so, on a bit of a serious note, i’ve recently ended a really fucking toxic friendship with my so called, best friend. we were friends for over six years, and it really fucking hurt when she started treating me like shit, and ghosting me for multiple weeks. she said a ton of bullshit about me too, and now all of her friends that were mine as well, took her side. but anyway, i’m so fucking glad i got rid of her. she made me feel so fucking terrible, and honestly? if you have absolutely anybody like that in your life, please, please fucking drop them. they don’t deserve you. im lonely as fuck right now though? she was like, the person i talked most with. so if anybody wants to become closer friends, hmu? hh, i love you all. ❥ ❥ ❥
> 🥀ꜱᴀᴅ•ᴘʟᴜᴛᴏ🥀 of course we can!! <3
> Passion-Sock™ ah h thank you so much! <3 ily2, and you mean so much to me. <33
man, i understand how you feel. i'm really sorry about that, but i'm really glad that you got rid of her. friendships don't always last, y'know? but i'm always here for you sksksk ily
oh I hope u get better and make some new friends uwu maybe we can be friends too!
so like
this is my main Sutter
hah gay.
also he needs a boyf/girls if anyone’s interested, to have their oc w him
he’s a flaming b i.
um for kids under eleven:
yeah that’s “spit” in his mouth :)
if medibang removes this i will actually jump off a bridge
pls don’t
also, this is kinda inspired by passion-socks post?? nsfw is gay
fuck me daddy
that wa s a joke don’t report me :(
you sweet dumb thots who spam my art will lovely as fuck comments mean the world to me tbh <333
im really b a d at expressing feelings bc that isnt a trait i was born with apparently
but tysm all of you for praising my art!! i appreciate it so much and sjsksksks t h a NK.
i love u all <3
hah gay u w u
> Passion-Sock™ sorry im illiterate i cant study :(
> atlas ツ lmao- you need to s t u d y or you'll fail, and don't want you to fail because of me sksksk-
> Passion-Sock™ grammarly needs to stop being a little bitch and let me type with shit grammar smh
> Passion-Sock™ h e n t a i - p a s s i o n. :) u should feel appreciated im talking to u instead of studiying for a test <33
um wow
anyway like ill b more active on here (or try to) smh
also im changing my user for the 56387498 time so im (not) sorry
> Passion-Sock™ fdghsjka i miss you too (3333
yEYY wb c: miss youu
hey! im not going to be active on here v much. so.
my deviantart is drugcandy if you wanna still talk with me ig.
reee. i’m probably gonna delete this bc, like, i’m ew. and yes, i’m a cliche whitegirl who uses snapchat filters.
uhh, yeah.
you look like a girl that I would try cheesy pick-up lines on
Damn!! You're cute as fuck!
You're pretty
Oh my god, you look stunning! You look adorable, trust me. <33
hey!! uh. so before i entirely forget about this website, since i’ve reached over 100 followers would you all want a face-reveal? or nah. i don’t personally care.
i look like a gremlin though, just saying,
Sure If you want to
Ah, happy new year !! Hopefully things get better. <3 And sure, if you feel comfortable about doing a face-reveal, then go ahead! Nobody is forcing you. Also, I'm positive that you don't look like a gremlin. C:
oH and happy new year!! (mines shitty so far)
i just spent 240$ on furbies and don’t regret it.
i put a filter on him and—
i’m sad as fuck so i took pictures of DEATH outside
i took him into the forest behind my house!! nearly dropped him in the river, lmao.
> greasedhair Np uwu)/✨💕
> CryBebe™️ thank you!! 💞✨
The first two look hella aesthetic- I like it uwu
okay!! i bought a friend for DEATH
i’m not sure what his name should be, so please comment suggestions 💞✨
fub idk
i’m basically dead on here but whatever
here’s my new boyo!! DEATH!
> CoffeeGhost how come? he’s actually fairly easy to take care of. if he becomes too rowdy at night, i can simply take out his batteries. even though he’s twenty years old, he’s still in great condition, and responds to commands really well, it’s not that hard to put him in ‘deep sleep’ mode, either
> Passion-Sock thank you!!! 💞✨
i love 'em- :'o
You won't be able to sleep at night Just sayin
i bought my own furby!! i’ve been wanting one for a while, and finally got around to purchasing one! i got this gorgeous 1998 black & white furby! their feet are a bit discoloured, and their hair is a bit disheveled, but bleach and a brush can easily fix that.
also, i need name suggestions for them! so if you’d have any, comment down below <3
> CryBebe™️ ha, i love creepy shit!! that’s mainly why i got one, i think they’re wonderful
I had that one. Until I gave it away bc it said weird shit at night—
Those are terrifying,, I used to own a purple one and eVerYTImE I’d walk into the room it was in, no matter how loud or quiet I was IT HEARD ME Then I threw it out the window! :D
neat! ❥
what are your guys spotify 2018 wrapups?
Patd is a top artist! Yay
I don't have it
h o l y f u c k.
wOAh Lol I took that quiz a looonngg time ago I forgot what I got XD #PotterheadAtHeart
we had a ‘band test’ yesterday, which basically means that we have to record ourselves playing a song piece at home
i was too lazy to actually try & get it right, so i played parts of the piece and edited it together, and now i’m fucking terrified because i never do anything that rebellious
Omg i have to do that too! I think i'ma recored mine today
hey!! ask me maybe? i’m really bored. ✨
> Anon 13|| light brown, with natural golden highlights {i dyed the tips of my hair red, with koolaid over the summer, and it still hasn’t washed out} • 14|| music, honestly • 15|| i really like saltine crackers & biscoff cookies • 25|| hh, i don’t really have any,
>Anon 1|| alec • 2|| 5’10 • 16|| i switch my favourite song like every ten seconds, but here’s my current favourite: drunk text romance - cyberbully mom club • 23|| i have a sweet minigolden doodle, Bailey, & i’m getting my own horse soon • 24|| shskdjdisjsj short hair, blonde or black, {red is v pretty too} really nice eyes, & lips, introverted & thoughtful, someone who can just listen to me rant , & comfort me afterwards.
> Special-Sock 33|| the outsiders, she-ra, be more chill, heathers, dear evan hansen, doki-doki literature club, carry on, harry potter • 34|| uh,, the office • 35|| damn. the outsiders, mean girls, the matrix, the breakfast club, heathers, love, simon, call me by your name, the house that jack built, sixteen candles, tex, rumble fish • 46|| warrior cats, man
33, 34, 35, 46?
i’ll do this too?? since some people are doing it,
7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 18 (as a friend-), 21, 23
5,7,10,12,14,20,21,23, and 24 :>
oh my god, it isn’t funny how badly i want this jacket holy f u c k.
it’s just so aesthetic & lovely skfjsk
i just really wanted to let you guys know i’m here for you,
if you’re feeling shitty, or somethings upsetting you, please let me know, and i’ll try & comfort you, <3
wow, i just love you all so much?? and want to thank you for being here for me and such
if any of you would want to become closer friends, or something, comment and i’ll give you my hangouts user, so we can text more easily <3
{also, i would give you my number, but i have heavy anxiety about texting people on messages. my family isn’t allowed to text me on messages, because of it. i can’t text anyone on there, due to some past experiences, so i apologize for having to resort to hangouts. ✨}
I would text on hangouts but I'm pretty sure it would show my real name so... Ya.
why can I relate to that-
Thank you. 'Love you, man. <3
Awwwwww Ask em tomorrow
That's amazing! ...Will you see the tomorrow? You could ask then...