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The Empress (little bit modified)
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The Empress (little bit modified)
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The Empress (little bit modified)
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The Empress (little bit modified)
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Why is there so mich stolen content on this website? ..
Especially the popular feed. And what makes me even more sad are the people who don't notice it and support the thieves.
Seriously 60% of the popular stuff is stolen art. I don't know about clockbirds but I believe it's the real artist? Hopefully.
It would be a shame if it was a faker. They already gained hundreds of followers and stuff. It's would be sad if a thief gets so much attention and compliments.
Edit: did some research, clockbirds is not a faker here.
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A monochrome beauty
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Happy new year!
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Happy new year!
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Happy new year!
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Happy new year!
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PiPimi House
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Day 47 Log 85
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Sakura colorized
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Sakura colorized
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Inori II colorized
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Inori II colorized
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Day 45 Log 78
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PiPimi House at night
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PiPimi House at night
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PiPimi House at night