Here are another 50-choices-list over here. Because I’m determined to get another medal.
One, ignore.
Two, love him.
Three, cry for him.
Four, ask him to stop.
Five, argue with him.
Six, slap him.
Seven, break up.
Eight, bite him.
Nine, tear his arm or legs.
Ten, hit him.
Eleven, fry him.
Twelve, let him go.
Thirteen, warn him.
Fourteen, harass him.
Fifteen, eliminate that girl he cheats on.
Sixteen, drove him crazy.
Seventeen, haunt him.
Eighteen, teach him.
Nineteen, tell his mom.
Twenty, get him into detentions.
Twenty-one, get him into troubles.
Twenty-two, let the world know him.
Twenty-three, make nasty posters.
Twenty-four, make raps to roast him.
Twenty-five, kick his butt.
Twenty-six, get your girls and beat him.
Twenty-seven, get a new boyfriend.
Twenty-eight, make him single forever.
Twenty-nine, TURN HIM ON. -_-#
Thirty, make puns until he gets insane.
Thirty-one, make him hate his life.
Thirty-two, use all his money.
Thirty-three, steal all his panties.
Thirty-four, screw his lunch everyday.
Thirty-five, choke him to half-death.
Thirty-six, make him embarrassed.
Thirty-seven, expose his childhood pics.
Thirty-eight, take his pants off in public.
Thirty-nine, flip him into the mud.
Forty, get him into jail.
Forty-one, send him to outer space.
Forty-two, lock him in cage.
Forty-three, mail him to the president.
Forty-four, starve him.
Forty-five, step on his head.
Forty-six, draw on his face.
Forty-seven, pull all his teeth off.
Forty-eight, steal all his shoes.
Forty-nine, dump water on him.
Aaaaaannnnnd the last one:
Thx everyone for reading this fifty-choices-list again and I’m happy that you had fun reading it. And feel free to comment below about your thoughts. Feel free to share it but don’t forget to credit me! Thx everyone!

Here are some info:
-female, Gemeni
-right now in high school
-Speaks English +Chinese
-likes fluffy animals
-art skills trained for 4 years
-loves dragons, wolves, foxes, and all kinds of birds
-art commissions and trades are open! But currently no collabs.. TxT
Thanks for following!
Insta: imaginary_leaf
- Anime
- Funny
- Undertale
- Minecraft
- DualTale
> JasmineLeaf XD I know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
> ✨Willow Thyme✨ yOuRE PRoFiLE pICtuRE iS aWEsOmE HOi
Me too ;_;
Same..but SCHOOL ;_;
Ahhh FANTASTIC!!!!!! I ♡ it !! thank u so much qwq I'll also finish ur request after I finish my test!!
> ∆× ♥예슬♥ ×∆ :D
When Life gives you lemon-You got multiple options down below
One, make lemonade.
Two, throw them back.
Three, give it to your ex.
Four, eat it.
Five, keep it until it spoils.
Six, cook it.
Seven, step on it.
Eight, pretend you didn't see it.
Nine, ship it with watermelon.
Ten, do role play with it.
Eleven, make memes from it.
Twelve, make a Lemon channel on YT.
Thirteen, dub it.
Fourteen, bring it to school.
Fifteen, throw it in the laundry machine.
Sixteen, feed your pet.
Seventeen, cut it in to insanely small pieces.
Eighteen, squeeze it.
Nineteen, take photos.
Twenty, post on social media.
Twenty-one, draw it.
Twenty-two, let it run for president elections.
Twenty-three, make it the mayor of your city.
Twenty-four, educate it.
Twenty-five, make it go to school.
Twenty-six, help your lemon graduate.
Twenty-seven, make it a legend.
Twenty-eight, make it hot.
Twenty-nine, make your lemon a pop star.
Thirty, write a book about it.
Thirty-one, do scientific experiments on it.
Thirty-two, run a industry with your lemon as the employer.
Thirty-three, be its friend.
Thirty-four, be its girl(boy)friend.
Thirty-five, travel around the world with it.
Thirty-six, sleep with it.
Thirty-seven, make lemon jokes out of it.
Thirty-eight, teach your lemon to play a kazoo.
Thirty-nine, cheer it up.
Forty, sing with your lemon.
Forty-one, kiss it.
Forty-two, beat it.
Forty-three, KILL IT. =)
Forty-four, play video games with it.
Forty-five, make a video game with it.
Forty-six, create emotions for it.
Forty-seven, sell it.
Forty-eight, adopt it as a child.
Forty-nine, adopt it as a pet.
Fifty, create a brand new future for your dear lemon.
Thank you if you finished reading all of those crappy options. And thank you again for respecting the lemons.
Have a good one.
Thx everyone
When life gives you lemons squeeze them in peoples eyes
When life gives u lemons, throw them at people you don't like. :)👌👍 #LIFE HACK
You can see I haven't been posting any art. NOT EVEN ONE.
Because I feel like I'm in a struggling period.
I tried to draw something....even my comic. But it WONT WORK.
Maybe it is something because of my emotion or something.
So, I've decided.
Draw art or draw my comic?
Yea just draw whatever u want ✩✩ I'm always here to support u ✩✩ UuU
> 🐾★FallenArrow22★🐾 thanks...may the 4th be with you too
Child. Take a nap. May the 4th be with you
Both can be owo
Hi everyone!
Bye! Hi!
°^° what was that??
Isn’t she cute??
If you say no...
*holds RPG
Think about it wisely =)
She is very cute.
She's cute!(*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡
Xd Shes kawaii
When can I actually start doing the QnA tho
*waiting :3
you are not the only one
I’m going to a QnA when I reached 100 followers
Let’s see if I can do it!
...I wish I could spam follow ;_;
So cute!
Fight her!
Fight corrupted leaf!
See if she will give mercy XD
> ♥Wild Pinku♥ Okay, let the role playing goes! *... *you know that won’t work, right? *YOU KNOW THAT WONT STOP ME ANYWAYS
*click act *choose talk *you tell corrupted leaf that killing is not an option *waiting for response....
Drew on notes again...
My finger is dying I think
Hope you like it :D
www her oc is so savage
(I don't feel like I should put blood, and also, I will get in trouble when I splash those nasty red dots on there. I'm already half in trouble-because I drew that "goth sans" and knife in this pic. Oh wait....can you see the knife in here? xD)
welp enjoy!
oh boi nOw ThAtS eDgY aS fUcK!
Use this draft
Finish it(do not draw the letters, I did this draft on my work sheet so...yeah)
No blood :)
People who did the best
Can choose their award(no cash)
Due: April 21st
Time used: 1 hour
Hope you like it!
it's kinda saying to me "hush child" WHAT HUSHING GOTH ALL YOU'RE GONNA HEAR FROM ME IS CRYING!
thx everyone!
Like it....No ... I LOVE IT!!!!!
Leave a note in the comment
Let me try to guess who that is
Pls give some characteristics
Don’t just put “hello” or very short stuff
Or I can’t even guess da :3
> ∆× ♥예슬♥ ×∆ Yay!!!
> JasmineLeaf Yeesh thets mwah! Lol
"I am very quit and post only my art that u like it" Spooky Monster? Idk this one omg TT
"I am very much a complainer and I cry alot..." Is this Hue-Child? And also, be happy
your good at drawing hands (。_。)
> ♥Wild Pinku♥ Yay Welcome to the pro world
Woooo I really want a stylus now so i can draw like a pro
> makaroni> makaroni :333
I love Ur art
Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! THANK YOU I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!!! I SHIP IT 2!!!!!
> JasmineLeaf My question is who said "wait!"?
> Wild Pinku Thx :333
So kewllllll
Geez what is this guy trying to do...?????
*back off 300000000000 km
> Wild Pinku I heard he was watching Netflix and I replied “so you’re chilling” I was thinking about he was relaxing at home(I was taking a 4 hour art class and I felt dead tired that moment) and this happened. So awkward. I feel very bad when a boy is talking about s-e-x with me. Very embarrassed. 😳
Xd Netflix and chill.. Worst pickup line haha
Ok nvm I just googled it Well I didn’t know this word before *system has been updated* Great :/
Bruh I was listening to some music and that really got my heart then I decided to make a music vid but I found I have a comic to work on and I have to finish at least one page and gave me such a rage when I tried to color it and I just got so triggered for no reason and I’m so bored because my mom drop me in the sketch class and decided to leave me here for four hours so can’t get my iPad and draw and i can only listen to a same song for four hours omg I’m just so triggered geez I want to do two things that I might not be able to continue aaaaaaaaaaaa
Okay who can help me :)
Geez I need to fix so many things just because I forgot to save it.
I’m going to fix it tomorrow.
April fools
I think it will be a pretty normal day for me heh...
Where’s my chocolate btw
> JasmineLeaf Ecksdee XD
> Wild Pinku XD
This is the first oc I’ve ever made. The very very old one.
I created her when I started medibang...
And, I stopped using her long ago.
I just feel like I should paint something about her that makes her being remembered.
She was fading.
Fading.... Hmpf... A girl fading would be the best idea.
I forgot to bring my instrument for band.
Oh shoot.
> JasmineLeaf No problem-o!
> Wild Pinku Thx!!!!!!!!! :D
Well, I think I’m on medibang for almost a year. And I’m just here to share some of my feelings and tips. :3
At first when I entered medibang, I knew nothing but the brushes. I tried to paint something and it turns out screwed up. (It was a human and it looks like a crab when I finished it)
Then, I just slowly started to discover every thing. I started looking abt the “select tools” and I learned how to protect alpha of a individual layer and I watched so many speed paint vids on YouTube...then I found improvements!
At first, my outline was horrible, they looked very “furry” and messy. That time, I haven’t got an account yet, so I didn’t submit it onto the web. I believed if I did...I would regret it TT but compare to the line art I do now, I draw much much better than before(my line art became thinner and more neat, if you go to check my old arts, you can see those out lines are very bold, because I used to fell every dizzy with drawing thin lines :P)
And also, the colors. I don’t know that I was supposed to put the shadow into an individual layer, and you can imagine how bad it looks right? Even worse...I put black!!!! (Omg) GOOD THING IS that I found da wae! Lol
I learned that from YouTube again XD. And I kept changing my way of doing the shadows. You can see how my art style changed through all time right? (Rage style change)
The back grounds are just like that lol. I don’t have much about it... :P I’m still trying to improve btw
So here are some tips!
For the shadow: use a independent layer and use colors like dark blue or dark purple to shade it, then change the transpiration. Usually I changed it from 100% to 36%. I think that fits best(just a personal suggestion)
For the colors, I learned pastel color and some very pretty color combinations.
FallenArrow’s character is always very beautiful with her color combinations! Such like Rìca(is it Rìca or Ríca...I forgot nooooo)
I learned a lot anyway
So yeah
Good jawb!
I’ve been sleeping for the whole weekend(almost)
And yet I’m still dead tired.
Oh and also, I will work on the comic during weekends.
I’m going to work on the story line first.
maybe have some outdoor exercise to strong your energy is what you need? take care and wish you all the best!
> JasmineLeaf Haha you are very welcome :)
> ✨Willow Thyme✨ OMG THANK YOU!
I subbed (I can't spell) to your YouTube channel and let me just say that you have an amazing singing voice <3
50 LOL