Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


Ok I’m being annoying again
1. I was told to kill myself again.
2. I got teeth pulled yesterday
3. Has anyone finished or need more time for the contest?

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  • YO WHO TOLD YOUR TO KILL YOURSELF??? Someone is going to die and it's not going to be you

  • > ☆𝕜𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕚𝕚.𝕡𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕪☆ oki UwU)b

  • 1. can I please beat the crap out of that person? no one treats my smol bean like that! just know that we love you -w- *hugs* 2. aa, that sounds painful ;-; 3. I might need more time but im not sure, I have some art trades to work on. if I do, i'll just message you~!



stuff that's happened recently:
1. I'm getting 5 teeth pulled
2. a classmate told me to shoot myself.
3. I posted a few things
4. Universe developmenttt
so im working on four empires. Lumion empire, led by empress Jade, Avion, led my empress Hummingbird, Florion, led by empress Nightshade, and Galaction, led by empress Nebula.

The Lumion empire is surrounded by mountains, and is pretty cold.
The Avion empire is a rainforest.
The Florion empire is a forest, surrounded by a desert.
The Galaction empire is on a plateau, and is R E A L L Y C O L D

so ye

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  • Heck. I've had to get 2 teeth pulled. It hurt at first but tbh wasnt the worst thing in the world. You'll be oki. Ur strong and f them -_- dude ur amazing dont let that biotch tell u otherwise

  • Ouch!! And *shoots the kid* By BiOtCh

  • Hurray! More developments :D your universe are so cool Also sorry about all the bad stuff, I hope getting your teeth pulled doesn't hurt too bad ÓwÒ


1. I’m taking requests, and I’ll do try to do them throughout the day. Not now though, it’s 1:50 am :T
But yeah, requests. Not sure how many, I’ll need a link to the Oc you want drawn, and anything specific you want (basically just the pose.)
Ok random art time
1. :p
2. This has two versions, this is the first one.
3. Second version.
4. I’m proud of thisssssssss

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  • Your style and art has improved A LOT! Congrats! You are great! :3

  • Cute!

  • you’ve improve so much since we first met :’]

  • So like um... I was just thinking like a good ol... well.. Tsunami and Water (u know what they look like but lemme know) being complete geeks over some rain. Going for like a Umbrella Aesthetic...?

Brother why-

Have a story-
So, for an assignment, I had to get a page filled out by someone in high school or above. I had my brother fill it out. The first time, he tried making the dog eat it. The second time, he put a bunch of stupid stuff and didn’t take it seriously, even though I’ve told him it’s a large part of my grade. The third time, I told my mom, so she told him to do it seriously, so he finally did.
Brother why.
W H Y.

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  • B r o t h e r W h y

  • I bet he hates writing papers


I just.... I need to vent a bit, so feel free to ignore me.
I'm always willing to help people. I want to, actually. Making others happy makes me happy.
I'm always here. I'll do anything for the people I love if it makes them happy.
and then people don't listen
people don't let me help.
It makes me feel like I don't matter.
When I ask if someone is ok
and they say they're fine
but I know they're lying...
it hurts.
I'm not that stupid.
I know something's wrong.
I'm tired.
Why won't people let me help?
Am I not enough?
that's it.
I'm not enough to help
I'm worthless.
I might as well stop.
why should I?
Who's gonna listen to a useless kid like me?

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  • I know I don't talk to people here a lot but I just wanna say that you are not useless. The fact that you want to help people makes you a kind and amazing person. If they don't want help then it's their choice. Some people may have reasons to why they don't ask for help or they just don't realize it yet. There are people who are hard on themselves. That doesn't make you worthless at all. Just continue being you!

  • Petal, you're not useless. At all. In fact, you have so much unbridled potential to be great, to help people. And if they don't bother listening, they just don't see that potential. You shouldn't worry so much friend, you are perfect just how you are, and don't let anyone change it. ❤❤

  • > GalacticPetal YEs pLeaSe (If you don’t mind of course)

  • > tiredbloom Thank you so much. ^w^ Icanmakeareallybadtutorial


More randomness
1. It’s cold
2. I want to die
3. My art is bad
4. In science class my teacher was saying things about diabetes that were completely wrong and I kept correcting him.
-oh look drawings.-
1. An Oc I usually only use on discord (Mako.)
3. Basically me during that whole situation in science class
4. Nature (antlers because yes)
My art is baddd

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  • 1. Ikrrrrr it's freezin! ❄❄ 2.i dont want you to :( 3. No it's not ò.ó 4. #savage 😎👍

  • > Infern๏ Nature: ???? :3

  • I’m saving these cuz *clAp* y e s. Also fucking Earthquake: Anime Fan boy noises

  • > Half-Baked_Art 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

hai :p

Time for my randomness, feel free to ignore this.
-We actually started programming robots in robotics class
-I hate my art
-I hate myself
-I hate math
-please kill me
-I'm currently listening to music with my headphones on at full blast send help I'm killing my ears this is my fault SAVE ME FROM MYSELF
-It's coldddddddddd

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  • > Artsy Styles 1. Yas 2. It’s baddddd 3. Yes 4. ;-; 5. Pleaseee 6. Yessss 7. -pterodactyl screeching- 8. Killmeeeeee

  • 1. Sounds like fun! And sounds like my STEM class 😂😂 2. But why? Cus I love it. 3. No :( 4. Same fam 5. Nooooooo D': 6. SAAAAAAME!! XD FULL BLAST OR NOTHIN 🎵🎵🎵 7. -whisper scree cus I have a cough- ´v` 8. Ikr! Brrrrrrrr ❄❄❄

  • > CoffeeGhost 1. My partner named the robot Rover. -w-)bbb 2. -screeching- 3. Please? 4. -turns it up past max- :3 5: thank ;w;)b

  • 1. Kewl 2.LIES (except math) 3. Nu 4. *turns down the volume* 5. *puts a heater in your room*