イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

yesh hai

be C O M P L E T E L Y honest.
what do you think about me, and my art?
Please be honest... -w-"


  • Well I'm late but idk. Anyways, your art can be improved :) just keep trying and maybe looking at references and with a lil practice, your art will be great because you already got great designs for your characters!

  • *..fights what is right for ‘others’ Sorry i had a major typo hehe

  • And about you, Petal, your are one of the friendliest people here in Medibang, and fights for what is right and just for itheres as well as to friends. You are a gift. UWU Stay you, cuz you’re unique

  • They are COOT uwu. Here’s a tip, try making your characters try different poses in different perspectives. It’ll help your art look more cuuuuuter.

contest reminder

1, I changed the due date
2, if or when you finish, please comment here to let me know. Also tell me if you're joining.
-Who can draw one of the three Petals, most accurately to their personality. (Or more than one)
-Try designing another Petal
-Make an alternate outfit for any of my OCs
-Make an alternate color pallet for any of my OCs
due: December 20th


  • > Chesni up to you.

  • > CoffeeGhost Petal: -Extrovert -annoying -sweet HP: -usually confused -just goes with what GP says and does -abrevert GP -introvert -bossy -usually rude

  • Can you tell me what one Petal personality is like?

  • I'm gonna try to do the first one


I slept
time to resume attempting the Jevil
I'm just gonna copy and paste the previous post
also good morning
I'm gonna edit this post and basically keep track of how many times I've died while fighting the Jevil.
So far, three.
there's four.
aaand five.
siiiixxxxx ;-;
juadhydh seven. Got a bit further though. Ralsei, best boi, please stahp dying.
ten. I have the feeling a few of you are just watching me suffer.
eleven. 2:08 AM. I should probably stop soon.
twelve. Gonna take a break
I HAVE RETURNED and thirteen.
16. Kill me please.
21. I'm gonna be doing this for a while.
23. I should probably give up.


  • I'm out I give up byeee Jevil frick you.

  • That's a lot of deaths

  • Omg good luck fam, he can get pretty difficult :0

  • Good luck


I'm gonna edit this post and basically keep track of how many times I've died while fighting the Jevil.
So far, three.
there's four.
aaand five.
siiiixxxxx ;-;
juadhydh seven. Got a bit further though. Ralsei, best boi, please stahp dying.
ten. I have the feeling a few of you are just watching me suffer.
eleven. 2:08 AM. I should probably stop soon.
twelve. Gonna take a break.


  • Oof Igotadvicesorry

  • someone help- any advice? ;w;

  • O o f (Bc that’s what everyone else is typing lol)

  • Oof

I'm scared....

talked about this on discord already but here.
I'm just
I'm scared.
My great grandmother
as you probably know, she was really sick a few months ago.
She's around 93 years old
I'm scared
I don't want to loose her
I can't loose her
I don't want her to die....
please..... she can't die...


  • -Hug- it’s gonna be ok...

  • When my grandmother was gonna die I was sad to but I was like five so I didn’t understand death...

  • Sweetie...ik how u feel

  • > GalacticPetal oh...well just don't give up hope...there is a chance she can survive