Does anyone else just watch Bob Ross videos to pass the time? Or is it just me?

- Random
- Gay
- Any
- Spoopy
Whats the point...


Depressed._.potato left a comment!
I just came out to my parents and it felt GREAT! It was like a weight was just lifted off my chest
aw that’s really great! :’)
> *.º ROSE WATER .*º They were really supportive and said that they would still love me no matter what
Nice! I hope they support you!
What did they say!!!
I just came out to my parents and it felt GREAT! It was like a weight was just lifted off my chest
aw that’s really great! :’)
> *.º ROSE WATER .*º They were really supportive and said that they would still love me no matter what
Nice! I hope they support you!
What did they say!!!
Depressed._.potato left a comment!
Fight me...

Fight me...

Everyday of my life feels like I'm drowning


Late night drawing

I'm a mess


Depressed._.potato left a comment!





I don't do that, but know that you mention it that does sound like a good way to pass the time lol