Look at it and tell me what it reminds you of
Credit to whoever made the meme

dead account
Female - 14 - bisexual - Italian
I like food, video games, animals, drawing, talking for hours and joking about my ego. I also collect minerals, fossils and gemstones!
I love my friends like I love my pizza, so feel free to friend me and I'll chat with you whenever you feel like it
- Tumblr: Scrambled-choco-eggs.tumblr.com
Yes, that's a city name. It means above bolzano
I took some pics. They're pretty swell
> CrowsPudding Nope they were probably sparrows
> Connie Lucky
> Connie C R O W S Im guessing uvu
We're going to a llama and alpaca breeding facility later I'll keep you updated Also I've just seen a couple of birbs
Our hotel is at 1450 m and deep in the woods
Our room has a balcony which is a fantastic viewpoint of the valley and the mountains around us
wow, beautiful
> Majestic_Narwal NEIGHBORRRR
> CrowsPudding Oohhhhh Arizona I'm in California
> CrowsPudding I don’t know anyone who lives in Arizona
Not at all Since we're technically in Italy most people speak Italian too but in a weird German accent
Can you speak german?
> The weirdness master Very close, yes
Wait, so you are right next to Austria
Here it is
Yeah I was in my pajamas no hate >:c
> Connie Those people...
> CrowsPudding No
> Connie Civil people
> CrowsPudding Who doesn't like pajamas
We just crossed river Po
I couldn't take any pictures because there was a dang truck in the way
> Connie Thx!
> The weirdness master Fixed it
Oops, accidentally unfriended you
Smooth move, buddy. Now we won’t see the river
> Connie Well it was 1:18 am and I extremely tired, okay
Ooo pretty
> The weirdness master I was talking to crow
> Connie I ain’t weak to sleep....unless if it’s the weekend
Here it is, the bedding is made of sawdust and hay, the mouse inside is my sweet lala
It's so adorable! It's like a little mouse house maze
Thank you! It was a hassle to make but it's worth it
Awwwww so cute <3
I'm home from school and that's all that matters 🎉🎉🎊🎊
I'm such a bad person
> Majestic_Narwal The 25 of April, 1945 the CLN (Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale), who controlled the Resistance, ordered an attack against Mussolini and fascism. That day were freed many northern Italian cities such as Milan. Mussolini was caught escaping from Milan and was killed on the 28 of april. Also no Italy was unified after WW1 or something
> Connie You'll never take me aliveeeee>:D
> CrowsPudding Hhhhhhhh you lucky duck
Whooop! Liberation from what? From the Austrians? Mussolini? Do you mean Italian unification?
This is my european black cat, meo.
Remember when I said he's semi-feral? That's because we found him in our garden when he was just three months old and my family decided to keep him. We never found out who and where his mother was even though we let him out as he wasn't used to being home all the time. His foster mother, an adopted cat named Mao, passed away three years ago due to liver cancer.
Meo is now 9 years old and enjoying lots and lots of cuddles :3
Then SCREAM LOUDER! My parents wouldn't allow me to have mice either but here I am! Show them that you care about it and that you're passionate, it often works.
I want a doggo so bad But my parents won't allow it :c
> The weirdness master Ouch.
> CrowsPudding I’m allergic to cats ;-;
That fu-
fricker peed on me today
It's not a big deal but I felt so betrayed
As every time before holding her, I check her butt to see if she was about to poop like she usually does. That be clean like a baby's buttcheeks. So i gently hold her on my palms as she sniffles around, when she lunges to the side of my right hand to leave a TRAIL OF FRESHLY SECRETED, STEAMING HOT URINE.
I took her back to her cage, then I glared at the yellow liquid dripping off my hand. As rage took control of my body, I furiously opened Ayra's cage while roaring a scream of wrath. I held her on my clean hand one more time, just to gently slap her with my finger. I saw pain in her red, bead-like eyes.
And so, I avenged myself.
This took me half hour hope you're proud
She's an argente broken tan which means she's got golden fur and silver underfur and a white spot on the chest! I also have gold, a fawn satin I haven't posted any pictures of, he's a handsome boy too! He's got golden, shiny fur which makes him look like a gold nugget, hence the name. He's an elderly, he's about a year and three months old.
But she's a bad girl >:o She's by far my worst behaving mouse including the pups which makes the worst out of 13 But as you said, she's the prettiest
But Ayra is too cute to be hit ;/\;
Always right on time, dragontamer
This is my argente broken tan mouse, Ayra. She's dead inside
Lol XD
Here's a Connie gif, as requested by my bestie CrowsPudding!
Supportive doggoat
Cuteness at its finest
The thing is I was already working on it for my profile pic, so you pretty much revealed my plan Thank
It’s so cute!
AWW THANK YOU FOR NOTICING MY REQUEST :,,> This looks so awesome and cute!!
No, I saw them on the trip to the church I talked about yesterday I mean I wish I lived in a farm but not everything is possible ahah,,,
Do u live on a farm?
> Patchit ..... B A A A A A A A A
I drew Tom dressed like me rn because I refused to go inside and my dad called me a Jehovah's witness
I look 80
Also drawing on a phone is hell
Sorry I was at a family dinner and I couldn't answer your comments but! I still don't understand how to draw on a phone
He called u a Jehovah's witnesses oof I learned about that in ap Euro
NOW U KNOW MY PAIN OF DRAWING ON A PHONE (but my phone is cracked really bad:/)
> Connie It was 5 bucks I just did it for the waterwark
> Glassbun It's still harder to use, I'd much rather use medibang as I said before also spending money on apps? Nuh huh.
> Connie I bought the full version Nothin much changed tho
> Connie Thank u!! I might try it with my little crow but that depends on how lazy i am
Two days ago my cat (he's semi-feral) had something grey and dirty in his mouth and hid it behind a basket
Turns out, it was a juvenile bird with a broken wing, my parents said we had to release him but I'd much rather take him to a vet ;-; I hope he's all right
Bye ♡
All around are familiar faces
*one goddangit
Well I found a lizard's dead body in ounce of our vases in the garden so the poor bird wasn't the only victim unfortunately
So I wanted to make another cute tori gif to share with you but i dont know what to do
Have you got any ideas/requests? Especially for the outfit since there are three
Here's a tiny Spoody gif feat. Lil Mangs and Whitey on the wheel ( it's not up because its too heavy, I'll see if I can fix it)
Ok I decided to go for patchit's idea bc I'm lazy Thank you all for submitting your ideas! ♡
I really don't know xD
I have no ideas Hmmmm My mind is blank, so the only thing I can think of is Tori's hat falling on her head?
Hmmm... so do you want me to draw tori sitting down wearing her hat while ell takes a picture? It's gotta be between 4-8 frames though
Let's goooo
This is a red chilly salami
It's night? It's noon where I am XD I had pizza for dinner last night
> Ugly Potato Sure sweet, get up and claim your wonderful late-night breakfast (as my dad likes to call them)
Also, it's not red because it's hot, but because it doesn't have cheese on it. Very few people don't like mozzarella on pizza aaaand I'm one of them oops
So I went to school today right?
I saw a friend of mine VAPING inside the restroom with my group of friends and I was like
stop it get some help
Then she asked us if we wanted to try it
and I started to REEEEEE inside like crazy
We are a respectable group of nerds get that filthy strawberry-flavored stick the heck outta my school
I just didn't see that coming especially from her ;-; (yes, I'm against smoking)
After that I needed some motivation so I drew this to excuse my *ahem* drawing habits (you may have to tilt your phone sorry)
Smoking is bad Let's legalize drugs!!!1!!1
Still better than trump
> Connie CONNIE FOR PRESIDENT 2020 "Pee is stored in the balls"~Connie 2018
From the 28 to the 1st of May I'll be on vacation (hooray) in Trentino Alto Adige and i won't be able to post. Fear not!!! I'll still keep in touch with you by posting topics with some pictures maybe
Have a nice day •v•
Thank you! I still have a week left to draw a ton of toris before I go into digital art abstinence
Enjoy your vacation!
Oof have fun!!
Here's my old pfp
Yeah it's tori
It's heccing huge
Someone please tell me how to change the banner I'm lost
I swear I tried
Edit: I fixed it please stop replying
> Patchit Oh okay
> FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Yes that was the one I was also talking about, a screenshot was just another option, sorry for the confusion :D
Also I just noticed that mb lets you choose btween pc and smartphone vers so that saved me a lot of time by changing the settings on my tablet
> Patchit You don’t need to screenshot it. In medibang there is an option to save the picture into your device
I changed it again and it doesn't make me as anxious so that's cool
Alright I'll keep it thanks for the feedback
Keep it
SHHHH NO STRESSING ABOUT IT SHHH ITS BEAUTIFUL... No one is gonna mind it anyways so if ur stressing about it i hope that helps u calm down... I love it tho
Sorry if I've been inactive I'm too tried to draw
So these are
-my gemstones and fossils collection
-spooderman being a silly butt
-mice pups
Hope you're satisfied with today's miserable content because I don't think I'll be able to post a lot for a while
Bye ♡
Allowed not slowed The heck is wrong with my keyboard
Don't let your dreams be dreams!
> Majestic_Narwal Don't be fooled! It took me 4 years to find a place and the authorization to buy more!! The ones in the second pic are the ones I found before being slowed to buy fancy ones.
> Tany> Tany Cri ;u; I want a mineral collection that my parents would allow me to actively display in my room :'v ur so lucky
So I bought a wheel for my mice but the don't know how to use it so one of them jumped on the nest and spun the wheel from above
It was the stupidest thing I've ever seen
> Tany> Tany Oof XD
I don't know but my fattest one manager to get ON TOP of the wheel like it was nothing then slipped and fell down like a sack of potatoes
XD omg that is hilarious
XD I wonder if those mice will ever learn how to use it
I won't be able to post this afternoon til 6 pm. Have a nice day!
Aww what a cute Lil' bean
So I want to clean up my account a little bit and I wanted to ask you what kind of content you would like to see more. Also should i shitposts every once in a while??
Aight this can work
Shitposts are best Carl idk
But you should do more adoptables
Do you ever feel like you want to draw but you really don't so you just stand still in front of a blank canvas?
yes!!!! this happens too much!
> Creektehgato Ikr! The same thing happens to me
> Glassbun You too bunny
> Patchit It's kirb you uncultured swine
Ness and Kirby adopted a child It was this
Kirby Idk why