Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Space Prince left a comment!


So mom made me go to church today as she doesn’t know that I am an atheist and I’m afraid to tell her for reasons and it felt so uncomfortable. They kept talking about shit like if Jesus is your friend, you can do anything or anything will go right for you. Shit I tried this whole Jesus friend shit and it did not work out. Not only am I a depressed motherfucker that can’t handle my newly found emotions but almost everything has been going downhill since sixth grade. I know they’re trying to make people feel good and loved but honestly I couldn’t help but call out all their bullshit in my head. Not only because of personal experience but because I know for a fact that science exists.
Sorry for that small low key rant. Just so this ain’t a complete waste of time I’m letting y’all know that I’m doing commissions that are similar to the latest drawing I’ve done. I accept payment in memes or weed.
Example of it bellow.

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Space Prince left a comment!


I dont really like the name Space Prince anymore...
Im thinking like GuardianOfGalaxies or something
If you have any ideas please tell
Wanna keep it space themed tho

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  • galaxie? lune? it means galaxy and moon in french idk-

  • If you're still looking for ideas, maybe: PlanetPrince SolarSun (or SolarSon) MoonMan I'm not really good at names so they are probably bad

  • > ıllıllı[ FrostByteArts ]ıllıllı Im not ace anymore and Emperor of the Galaxies is kinda wordy but pretty cool! I might go with a shorter version like Galaxy Emperor thanks

  • The old style? Aces Unite? XD well I have an idea.. like Emperor of the Galaxies??


I dont really like the name Space Prince anymore...
Im thinking like GuardianOfGalaxies or something
If you have any ideas please tell
Wanna keep it space themed tho

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  • galaxie? lune? it means galaxy and moon in french idk-

  • If you're still looking for ideas, maybe: PlanetPrince SolarSun (or SolarSon) MoonMan I'm not really good at names so they are probably bad

  • > ıllıllı[ FrostByteArts ]ıllıllı Im not ace anymore and Emperor of the Galaxies is kinda wordy but pretty cool! I might go with a shorter version like Galaxy Emperor thanks

  • The old style? Aces Unite? XD well I have an idea.. like Emperor of the Galaxies??