Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

MochiMochiMoe left a comment!

Hi! Nice to Meet You All ^^

I figured I'd introduce myself on here (Kind of late on this... mostly cuz I'm still figuring out how this site works XD) I'm a self-proclaimed wannabe magical girl that likes to draw, and I go by either Rina or Bunny as a nickname (cuz my username is a little long) I'm mostly a digital artist and I work with clip studio paint. My main project at the time is my webcomic Star Pace. Trust me, it's one long comic and I'll be working on it for quite a while. I hope you enjoy the story though. Also, feel free to talk to me whenever you'd like, I try to respond to comments as best I can ^^

And here's some random facts to end this little post...
1. I luv tea... a lot...
2. Fav anime is Princess Jellyfish (Yona of the Dawn, Gakuen Alice and Kaze no Stigma are also up there on my list though <3) and my fav manga is shugo chara (not the anime so much though... trust me... I could rant about it for hours...)
3. I'm a cat lover
4. The reason one of my nicknames is bunny is due to my old username on DA and some other sites (I used to go by lovelybunny, still actually do on some sites like PW)
5. PATD, fall out boy, and owl city r some of my fav bands <3

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MochiMochiMoe left a comment!

Hi! Nice to Meet You All ^^

I figured I'd introduce myself on here (Kind of late on this... mostly cuz I'm still figuring out how this site works XD) I'm a self-proclaimed wannabe magical girl that likes to draw, and I go by either Rina or Bunny as a nickname (cuz my username is a little long) I'm mostly a digital artist and I work with clip studio paint. My main project at the time is my webcomic Star Pace. Trust me, it's one long comic and I'll be working on it for quite a while. I hope you enjoy the story though. Also, feel free to talk to me whenever you'd like, I try to respond to comments as best I can ^^

And here's some random facts to end this little post...
1. I luv tea... a lot...
2. Fav anime is Princess Jellyfish (Yona of the Dawn, Gakuen Alice and Kaze no Stigma are also up there on my list though <3) and my fav manga is shugo chara (not the anime so much though... trust me... I could rant about it for hours...)
3. I'm a cat lover
4. The reason one of my nicknames is bunny is due to my old username on DA and some other sites (I used to go by lovelybunny, still actually do on some sites like PW)
5. PATD, fall out boy, and owl city r some of my fav bands <3

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MochiMochiMoe left a comment!

New Character!

So, here's some statistics on my new character... This is a rough draft, but the colors are official. I'm going to give you some information about her...

Name: Celeste Gliese
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Favorite Colors: (Pastel) Pink, (Pastel) Blue, (Pastel) Yellow.
Occupation: High School Student (Senior), Magical Girl.
Likes: Astronomy, Science, Drawing, Singing, Reading, Writing, Bubblegum, Video Games, Candy, Sweet things in general.
Dislikes: Math, Soda.
Favorite Song(s): Drop Pop Candy, Candy Candy, Ponponpon

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