"ᴡ ʜ ʏ ᴅ ᴏ ᴘ ᴇ ᴏ ᴘ ʟ ᴇ ʜ ᴀ ᴛ ᴇ ᴍ ᴇ?"
"ᴡ ʜ ʏ ᴡ ᴏ ɴ ' ᴛ ɪ ᴅ ʀ ᴏ ᴡ ɴ?!?"
- Cartoon
- Fantasy
- Roleplayer
- Work Place:MyChains
- Gender:Female
Life Event
- 10/2017 ♭All-RegionalChoir2K17♮
- 10/2018 ♭All-RegionalChoir2K18♮ Entered school
Thing you interested in
Favorite color
Pink,Purple, Black,Red
Favorite music
Hamilton Soundtrack,Wicked Soundtrack, Bts,P!ATD
Favorite animation
Tabbles, Let me Explain Studios,Domics
Thing you interested in
Favorite TV show
White Collar ,Drop Dead Diva,And any Lawyer and Fbi shows dude
XD that sounded so wrongg lol
I do not know what tf i i just said
Everything makes him sick exept watermelom and milk, so he lives on it
Energetic and crazy >:000
> Inferno Uhh link me it
Okay do Bebe SHUSH ABOUT
MY NAME XD I wanna see the nicknames of my real name and nickname is well depends on who I'm talking too~
> FluffyDee20 :3
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ X3
> FluffyDee20 Stillllllll
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ It's fine I do not mind, hell, i make grammatical and spelling errors all.the.time. XD
> charotcake💫 Nuh
> FluffyDee20 Ima cry doing it cause his outfit is amazing
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Okie ^-^
See xD Ima squeeze Akuma in there pfft watch ya master failll xD
> CryBebe IkKk
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Kay
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ iK bUt i wAs jUsT sAyInG
> CryBebe Lol this is 20th century xD And yuss
Idk If I like Sparrow or Creek
Maybe I'll make his hair black?? Idkk
> FluffyDee20 Yreeee
> CryBebe Yeet okay and thankss I was thinking Sparrow was more balck haired anyway
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeee X3
I like the red hair :3 And he’s so cuteeee!! And I think I like creek to match with surfing thing :3
I ammm onn my wayy tooo Missouriiii!!!!
Soooo yeahh uhhm I'll still be hereee!!
Have fun.
Have fun! ^^ IwonderhowmanytimesI’vewrittenthoseexactwords
Have fun
Have fun!!!
I drew Akuma and 011 in Science...then a cute guy across from me kept staring at me as I drew and told me he liked my drawings ...but stuttered a Hes cutee alsooo Annabelles art was done in ELAR
> CryBebe Ehhh
> FluffyDee20 Lol xD
> TinyCY Hmm?
Nvm _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
lol bothhhhhh
o p t i o n 4
She iss amazingggg
Random post ik xD
> CryBebe Yuss
> Pixel Planet 10/10
> Zander the doggø She a Bad A$$ Also 008 tooo >;3
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ yes. best gorl
So where is everyone ??
I am going to Kansas City,Missouri
For some barbacue thing for my dad
Soo If anyone is there
Pls let me know xD
Oh an I leave this Friday after school!
> AccaliaTheTrashcan Likeeeee badlyyyy!!!
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Yeeee
> AccaliaTheTrashcan I needdd tooo meeeett youyuu
Okay so far
We have
6-Needs more details
she likes to stare into the rain and listen to sad music
Her personality is that akin with Natsuki. A small cute tsundere.
Blue headband
> Jeff2kgamer (alternate) Certain Color?
I like how my teacher is giving us aton of homework to see which students will drop out x3
homework on the weeekendddd fooollsss
> Cattacomb Yep
> FluffyDee20 Thats what im doing rn xD Procrastinating xD
Oof i hate when i have hw on weekends. I procrastinate sooo much lol
I will be doing 4 of theses today soo HAVE FUN X3
> Jeff2kgamer (alternate) No Its like a greek kinda or well I think maybe religious outfit
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Oh I thought Tunica was a name DX
> Jeff2kgamer (alternate) TitaniumPegasus said a cloathing type already
? Didn’t like mine? Sorry How about a jacket?
so....I DIDN'T make it...BUT I GOT THE BEST THING EVER....
But hey...I can always go to tennis!
> FluffyDee20 I mean Arms hurting is the least if my worries xD But i understand
*couldn't move them Why do i keep doing that?! XD
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Once we were practiceing Vball in gym, this was like a year ago. And i hit the ball so hard that my arms were red and i couldn't move my them for like a whole hour XD then my arms were sore for like 2 days I did so badlyyyy lol
> FluffyDee20 Nahh I did baddlyyy
I was too scared about this afternoom to make it decent but heyy atleast some art :'D
Pls dont mind my homework and textbook in the background xD
> вєвє Yes!!!
> banzai Nooo!!
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Nu >:0
I am stressed and scared about tomorrow ;-;
> Revviicreek They dont know know me....
> вєвє I aint bossss they all rrr
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Awe ;-; And u do then show em who’s boss >:0
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ well if they’re not simple idiots and only idiots then they would know you’ve never played before
Soo...I HAVE School tomorrow ;;-;;
I am gonna misss Talkinggg too my Flufflezzzz,Bebeee,Aceeeeyyy,etccc
I have algebra 1 gr888 m88888 ;-;
The teacher is worse than the one I had this year and the one this last year made me upset so many times...So great expect alot of doodles tomorrow that ima do on my Papers I get
good luck bri!! this is probably late but my previous message on this post apparently didn’t send through?? I’m sure you’re going to find irl friends! And just ignore your teacher, you’re always going to get that kind of teacher sometime in your life uwu
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Aww but you don't have to I wants you to learn! We can always chat after school. But you do what u wanna do, i wont say what you can and can't do X3
> FluffyDee20 Ik...And u dont statt soon soo Rp during lunchhh and when I pretend to ude the bathroom >:3
> StarMire Dankss chu
Aww! Cuute
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Mhm :3
THIS WAS MY CRAPPY ART 2 YEARS AGO:'D FEAR THE HORRIBLE FACES.....My friends say My style hasn't really changed since then but lemme know ur feedback
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ YESSSS!
> StarMire Hawt guys are the bad guys >;3
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Same tho.
> StarMire Why did she get rid of him and YESS DEMON TRAVIS IS MY FAULT POINT TOO XDD AND EIN IS HAWT AND BAD I think I love all the bad twisted characters xD
I wanna make some more shipss.... ;w;
Meh, choose any of these ocsof to be shipped Maria Amanda Tamara Dylan Guillermo Zoe Paty porcupine Zoe Cat Susan Fox Cotton Candy They're all single
> SweetComander Let's see who I have
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Yeah, you can
> SweetComander Oof I can???
> FluffyDee20 Yepppp!!
> Cattacomb Lol I'm pretty sure Akulle and Lucy will give you hik
@Anon Wdym More Blaise??? I have her pretty much already developed but these kids arent so I would like to develop the kids first then ig continue drawing Blaise if I even stay here on the app
3/3 doneeeee :"D
I'd do le mom but uhhmm
Dont got her hair color xP
> FluffyDee20 Plus the triplets Thats alot of kids in rpppp
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Not sure.. maybe likeeee 2 or 3 :T
> FluffyDee20 So manyyyy kiddddsss
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Yee XD
Flufflezzzz here is 2 out of the 3 venttss doneeee :3
> FluffyDee20 Yeeeee
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Lol yee
> FluffyDee20 Pfftt Like Mommaaa
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Uhhh hmmmmm maybe like a dress that hangs off the shoulders. If that makes sense lol
Only one person will get this :D
> вєвє Sowwy...still..
> • Jelli • ....dude PG...
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ It’s fine ^^
> StarMire Awwe....I am sure Akulle will appreciate that!! It a rp visual
My Baby for the next 5 years hopefully
Cause My parents r gonna hold me to it...but uhmm I don't have a Geetarrr (guitar) pik (pick) yet but I need to get one cause uhhmm...I am trying a E chord and well My fingers hurt already xD
> FluffyDee20 Yeppp
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ XD
> FluffyDee20 I wear This one [my new Hamilton one] and my stranger things one every day if I can get away with it Also I wear my black jacket cuz why not xD
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Also nice hoodie. I wear hoodies in the summer sometimes too XD
Its 2:40ish AM....
I would be drawing but My dad just brought me my late birthday present
(Aka...A guitar since I quit Piano)
And I can't sleep or draw when I am now freaking out on what To teach myself
> Pixel Planet Sleep well!! O!! And dont let the bad dreams bite!!
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ ^v^
> Pixel Planet Night Fren!!
Oof. Well, I only woke up for a quick drink, so I'm going back to sleep. Good night Briller! 💙
> Zander the doggø Why?
N I C E I love these posts!!!!
Whatever you wantt She’s yours x3
> вєвє I wanna change her some moree
> FluffyDee20 XP
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ You're welcome :3
> FluffyDee20 Danks chu
> вєвє I will And thank u Keeping her other side vibe going xD
I need help with first names tho I am thing Molly Tsuki
But Tsuki is the must have for last name
Selene Tsuki Harmonia Tsuki Thalia Tsuki
> AccaliaTheTrashcan *Le gaspo* I love that too
What about Iris Tsuki?
> вєвє Oo I like Lily and Molly nowwww
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Yeah i've been there.. Yesterday was badddd!! I was just a sad crying mess all day. But when i was talking to you, and you were helping me out, i felt a lot better.
> FluffyDee20 Ik and its sweet Just today was bad....and its hard to forget it all
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ If thats what u r talking about, oof :T
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ ..still.. i wants you to be happy.. same with how you want me to be happy!