Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
0 hours / Day
Extremely busy / Closed

Doc left a comment!


Inactivity keeps on going, along side with no motivation or lack of support. Plus, I have a feeling that this site was the wrong place to start. Even with the friends I've made, praise I got, etc. A last thank you before I set my things and go. ((Below are places where you can find me!

1) Discord (doc-049) (#2621)
2) Tumblr (@doc-049)
3) Wattpad (@Doctor-049)

In the future, I will update my bio/profile on those three websites! And I'll be creating one or two new accounts for a journalistic career!

P.S. -- My account on Medibang will remain, so I can continue using the program and save my work. All previous artworks are to be deleted. Do not try to message me here! I RARELY check!!

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  • > nattie🌈> nattie🌈 Thank you a lot! My wattpad is pretty old. It has OLD work! I need to revise them sdskj

  • i'll friend request u on discord :)) my name is hxrvestbells i'll also follow u on wattpad :D

  • > You Oyasumi Hope to see you there! :))

  • Okay <:( goodbye I think I’ll send you a friend request on Discord(and maybe Tumblr) as You-Oyasumi :D

Doc left a comment!


Inactivity keeps on going, along side with no motivation or lack of support. Plus, I have a feeling that this site was the wrong place to start. Even with the friends I've made, praise I got, etc. A last thank you before I set my things and go. ((Below are places where you can find me!

1) Discord (doc-049) (#2621)
2) Tumblr (@doc-049)
3) Wattpad (@Doctor-049)

In the future, I will update my bio/profile on those three websites! And I'll be creating one or two new accounts for a journalistic career!

P.S. -- My account on Medibang will remain, so I can continue using the program and save my work. All previous artworks are to be deleted. Do not try to message me here! I RARELY check!!

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  • > nattie🌈> nattie🌈 Thank you a lot! My wattpad is pretty old. It has OLD work! I need to revise them sdskj

  • i'll friend request u on discord :)) my name is hxrvestbells i'll also follow u on wattpad :D

  • > You Oyasumi Hope to see you there! :))

  • Okay <:( goodbye I think I’ll send you a friend request on Discord(and maybe Tumblr) as You-Oyasumi :D


Inactivity keeps on going, along side with no motivation or lack of support. Plus, I have a feeling that this site was the wrong place to start. Even with the friends I've made, praise I got, etc. A last thank you before I set my things and go. ((Below are places where you can find me!

1) Discord (doc-049) (#2621)
2) Tumblr (@doc-049)
3) Wattpad (@Doctor-049)

In the future, I will update my bio/profile on those three websites! And I'll be creating one or two new accounts for a journalistic career!

P.S. -- My account on Medibang will remain, so I can continue using the program and save my work. All previous artworks are to be deleted. Do not try to message me here! I RARELY check!!

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  • > nattie🌈> nattie🌈 Thank you a lot! My wattpad is pretty old. It has OLD work! I need to revise them sdskj

  • i'll friend request u on discord :)) my name is hxrvestbells i'll also follow u on wattpad :D

  • > You Oyasumi Hope to see you there! :))

  • Okay <:( goodbye I think I’ll send you a friend request on Discord(and maybe Tumblr) as You-Oyasumi :D

Doc left a comment!

Opening up art trades & private collabs

I am opening these up because I'd like something to work on today (since today is my last day to draw before school starts) and I hope some people would like to do some with me. What I mean by private collabs tho, is like where two or three people actually work on the same picture just different parts of it, and don't just draw something of their own in the picture, but either do the coloring, lineart, shading etc. (That took too long to explain TwT)
So, if anyone would like to do an art trade or a private collab comment below and we'll discuss it.
(I really hope some ppl wanna do these with me bc I haven't done art trades or private collabs in a while and it's almost killing me)
Have a random meme I made that kinda goes with this and kinda doesn't.

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Doc left a comment!

Doc left a comment!


I think I’ll just stop looking YouTube and erase my channel
But I won’t
Because I listen music with YouTube
And my life need music
And without music no life
Well,I know I already have no life but still.
But some Youtubers are so annoying
Some peoples on MediBang are so annoying too
My friend is just crying at my feet because her ex was cheating on her
She broke up
Jaiden animation is annoying,okay she put effort into her videos,okay she don’t control her number of subscribers,okay she is introvert and have an eating disorder and okay? she do "*wonderful*" musics.
But still fuck off life I actually don’t care if you guys are going to hate me on the comment because of what I say.
But if you really want to play this game,then let’s go,let’s create a drama,let’s be honest,
Here no one really pay attention to me
But I don’t care
Because I don’t need any attention
And I’m scared too
But he will help me.

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Doc left a comment!

Omg u guys!!!

I have 4 more till 200....I dont mean to brag cause ik what it's like to be new or not noticed but my advice is to put urself out there
Like seriously if I never got the courage to friend request Sweet Comander and ReviiCreek
I would have never met the best 2 ladies I've met all year!!!
Like 7 months ago I started and I have made so many beautiful friends

Me;Buttt I amm thanking them all!!!
Me:Well then thanks !!! Love you all!!

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Doc left a comment!

I’m not dead..

Uh sorry for the inactivity. I swear I’ll be more active..? holy shibT I’m feeling gloomy atm. Please look forward to OC reveals and all that snazz. :) Thank you for 40+ followers, I didn’t expect to have people follow me tbh— I got a new laptop and it came with a stylus, so drawing digitally is awesome. It’s a thinkpad x1 by Lenovo laptop. Fancy, I know. Expensive, I know. Totally not flexing I’m a poor mf i swear. PLEASE MESSAGE ME ON DISCORD LMFAO PLEASE @Doc-049(#2621) ILY ALL K BYE

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  • > Doc Yea you’re right this is my favorite song :D

  • > Oyasumi haha, finally indeed! btw your username "oyasumi" is from the song, My Time by bo en?

  • Yay finally >:D

I’m not dead..

Uh sorry for the inactivity. I swear I’ll be more active..? holy shibT I’m feeling gloomy atm. Please look forward to OC reveals and all that snazz. :) Thank you for 40+ followers, I didn’t expect to have people follow me tbh— I got a new laptop and it came with a stylus, so drawing digitally is awesome. It’s a thinkpad x1 by Lenovo laptop. Fancy, I know. Expensive, I know. Totally not flexing I’m a poor mf i swear. PLEASE MESSAGE ME ON DISCORD LMFAO PLEASE @Doc-049(#2621) ILY ALL K BYE

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  • > Doc Yea you’re right this is my favorite song :D

  • > Oyasumi haha, finally indeed! btw your username "oyasumi" is from the song, My Time by bo en?

  • Yay finally >:D