Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Extremely busy I am currently closed for commissions. May be open later. I do accept requests but they might not be done on desired time
Request/weird story

Taking 1 detailed traditional drawing
I have a few recommendations :v
1. I would prefer it be an animal of some kind
If you want me to create it to be an oc for you, just ask

Also I have an interesting story to tell you guys!
So I was walking in a forest. There was a stream there and I was looking along the edge of the stream and I found 2 naked girls and all they were wearing was green body paint._. I think they were doing a photoshoot of some kind but still, it was weird

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  • RIP that "taking one request" thing

  • > *•.♡ 🇩​🇪​🇱​🇹​🇦​ ♡.•* Yeah but just because protogens take longer, I'll do yours after

  • > S-ingrate Oki

  • > æricalFlight Yesh


So my mom has gotten to be a lot more rude to me
Ex 1:
Me: please don't do that.
Mom: why should I listen to you? You're depressed.
Ex 2:
Me: *drinking an unknown substance*
Mom: *yells* WHAT IS THAT?!
Me:..... a drink
Mom: *takes beverage* YOU ARE GONNA GET DIABETES
Me: .......... ._.

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  • Damn

  • > Kurhuen (gone) What a jerk. If she's mean to you, you don't have to take her petty insults personally. She's got nothin on you.

  • “You’re gonna get diabetes” Excuse me BUT-

  • Now I'm a lot more self conscious 😂😭


I'm making a second account. I don't exactly feel like saying the name but I'll post art on there too. Just wanted to let you know👌 . you'll know it's me because it will have the same art style. I'll still comment and stuff on this account and occasionally post something, but it's good to get a nice fresh start, y'know? I just wanted to say this just incase you were thinking of unfollowing because I dont post much.

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  • > XxArrowFlightxX Oof 😂


  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Okurr

  • I thought of doing something like that I while ago. I might do it soon but I wouldn’t tell people. I’d just do it


Ok I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for this but I am dead serious when I say this.

I'm not gonna name any names but there are people on medibang who are pretending to be depressed just for the attention. It. Needs. To. Stop. Please. It's been going on for so long ;-; it's time to stop.
That's one of the reasons why I'm leaving. If you are actually depressed, get actual help instead posting about it because it will do nothing. It just gets everyone worried and guilty because they can do nothing to help. Please just.... take my word for it. Tell somebody you trust irl. Do. Not. Post. About. It. Please. (Unless you can't get help irl then that's a different story)

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  • Agreed

  • One of the reasons I stopped posting vent art

  • I'm actually depressed and stressed. I fake most of the time so that's why I seem so happy.

My last 1/4 of a second costume

XD I had to stand on a bunch of toilet paper rolls to take this picture

Brother: ....are you a furry?
Me: ArE yOu QuEsTiOnInG mY rAcE?!?!?

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  • Gave you 69 likes oof

  • >Anon Yeah and in the process we should get rid of anime, sports, bdsm, and other stupid hobbies and shit. Maybe even art all together. Because Satan was evil for creating things for people to enjoy.

  • Oof it looks bootiful

  • > S-ingrate I thought it was a skunk at first too XD turns out it was a cat Also Tysm! <3


*walks away*

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  • > Kurhuen (gone) kkjdfsdkfjh please stay love

  • > S-ingrate Awww :( Qiroen is sawwy

  • > Kurhuen (gone) Mood swings like hell but whatevs I'm fine rn now that you're back!

  • > S-ingrate It doesn't matter about about you? Are things going OK? I'm only gonna be on for like another 3 minutes so I might have to reply someday else

My thoughts

Me: .....
ME: 0H G0D
Mind: :) yeah. And also, remember that thing you said to that one person a few years ago?
Me: ..... yeah ;-;
Mind: that was weird. They probably dont like you now
Me: true
Mind: what if aliens came and took humans as pets?
Me: where did that come from?
Mind: you ask yourself that question every day.
Me: hm.....well maybe we would be sold and kept around this weird den place and fed worms? Kinda like the way humans treat dogs....?
Mind: tf?
Me: hi
Mind: hi
Mind: isn't it a great day to kill yourself?
Me: every day is a great day to kill myself.
Mind: you're right for once in a lifetime.
Me: I have bad grades
Mind: that's also true
Me: yep.
Mind: imma go eat.
Me: same.
Also me: just sits on the driveway dying of 'what ifs' and completely forgets I haven't eaten in 7 hours.

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  • > Kurhuen Food -w-

  • > GalacticPetal Yesh.

  • Food is always the solution. Also Please No dying ;-;

k, sorry

oof so I might post on my space another 1 or 2 times before I completely stop all together
sorry for annoying you all
I recently got an answer to a question i've been asking myself since I was 9
Why do I love and care about others?
because it makes life ALMOST WORTH living. It distracts me from just how badly I hate myself
I got my answer from a video :v
I've been trying to be more positive lately. I've created a "mask" for others in the day and i'm myself at night. I noticed i've been really attracted to starlight for some reason. I like to talk to them and pretend they are my new friends. I let out my feelings to them because bottling them up feels like hot lava burning through your soul until you completely melt away and I don't wanna bother others. Anyways, I am trying not to really love others now....
because it never seems to help any more
*lip smack*
well thanks for your time.
hope ya have a great day
*goes back into my smol dark corner*

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  • Hey why havent u emailed me back? I’ve sent u alot of messages.. im worried.. are they not getting to you?

  • Stay strong, and I hope you truly find your love and positivity.🙏❤❤❤

  • > S-ingrate How?????

  • I miss you.

quick news

hi it's everybody's least favorite, depressed person on Medibang back at you with unimportant news!
I just wanted to say
I might not be back on Holloween.
I'm thinking it may be, just may be, 'bout that time when I moved on for the better for you and me. I'm tryna explore more a bit.
I'm on my PC rn but if you wanna stay in touch, a g-mail you could use would be
I might come back
I might not
either way I hope ya have a rather decent rest of your day (-w-)b
i'll stay on a bit longer if ya have any questionssss

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  • Okay... Well, I hope you get happier soon on your break.😞❤

  • > S-ingrate I mean, i have my ways

  • > Qiroen I just don't want ti to turn out like Accalia...

  • > S-ingrate its OK if you dont want to. whatever works, works whatever doesn't, doesn't


I just wanted to say something
Sorry for last night ;w; I got WAAYYYYY too stressed because something was happening online and my family was being horrible to me that time as well
I'm on my sister's phone rn and I just wanted to say I can't get on medibang anymore on my phone and I think my iPad too so I just wanted to let you know I can't reply to anything
I'm sorry

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  • > Qiroen ahhh yey i got so scared that you didnt like me anymore (sorry its just anxiety) I sent u an email. Did you get it? Is it working? I wish I had another app that may work better. Oh well. :)

  • > XxArrowFlightxX ok! I got my IPad back! I'll send you a gmail right when I get home My dad hid it but I spent an hour tryna find it and eventually I did XD

  • When you get ur ipad back, just send at least one text so i know your okay... and if you dont wanna talk to me any more thats fine. I just wanna make sure your gtting better because I love you, my friend 😭♥️

  • Nooo im gonna cry 😭😭😭 Imma miss you so dang much amber Please text me... please...

Byeeeee ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Hi I'm ACTUALLY leaving for awhile.
I won't reply to comments and stuff but if it's important, please PM me or I might just comment myself.
It makes things easier.
I'll be back someday, but I'm just gonna take a guess and say it won't be within the next week or so.
Bye! Maybe I'll be back on Halloween! (^w^)b

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  • Text me RIGHT as you get your ipad back!! I hate when I cant talk to you! 😭 (Ps if this helps at all, i check your myspace actually HOPING you’ve posted ANYTHING just because I love hearing what you have to say. Even if its about sad stuff. I never get tired of your vents or posts. ♥️)

  • > Qiroen No promises. NO PROMISES. Bye.. I’ll miss you love.

  • Aww, bye... Have fun on that break.👋💓

  • Bye bye -insert intense crying-