插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

拮据 I am currently closed for commissions. May be open later. I do accept requests but they might not be done on desired time

My anxiety is THROUGH THE ROOF rn
Too much overdue work
I HAVE to turn it all in tomorrow
I didn’t even get started
I had 2 days
I need to go to bed
Frick you, Qiroen, go die in a hole
I’m gonna go die now


  • > Rayfiism WAIT WHAT~~


  • Hey Qiroen the wait is always worse than the impact and if tomorrow is a rough day I'll be there to help you through it <33

  • Good luck child

I’m sorry

I find a weird
How one moment I can be happy, content.
Oblivious to the fact that depression
Is just taking a nap but it will soon wake up.
Cutting is in a way like smoking to me.
I want to stop, but I can’t. Something about it...just makes
Me feel better even though it’s not actually good.
You guys comfort me...but the thing is that people in
Real life don’t care. There is only so much words online
Can do. I need somebody in real life to help me. I have
People in real life who can relate to me but don’t even lift
A finger to try and do anything about it.
Or they just don’t know how to.
The get mad because they don’t know how to help but
You see, I don’t know either.
It’s like being trapped under ice, but those above just watch.
Eventually I will either drown, or freeze to death.
Others just can’t seem to see that
Because they are already above the ice.
I am in the middle of war between life and death
But you see everyone dies in the end.
Death is superior to life
Death always finds a way to win over someone or something.
You guys are great help, but I always seem to come back to the same position I was in before.


  • I wish I knew you irl. ;3; I'm sorry..

Dead silent

Every Tuesday I cut myself. It feels nice but I get too carried away. If anybody sees, I blame it on my rabbit but no rabbit could make those kind of marks. I showed my friends but guess what they did? They laughed. Soon, my arm is gonna be too full to cut any more. Try cutting deeper, I say to myself. These cuts remind me how bad of a person I am. I can be really really depressed but i don't say anything. They don't care. Next, my plan is to write a letter to the world telling them their mistakes, and let the chair fall. I take my last breaths and whisper to the moon, "my spirit is yours now, love." Even as I just hang there, my screams and calls for help are just
d e a d
S i l e n t.


  • Please.. Don't hurt yourself.. Please.. Are you okay...? Want to talk..?

Taking paper requests

I can’t I think of the right word???
Anyways I’m taking some requests I’ll be doing on paper. Idk, I can’t find much motivation to do things digitally. I’ll be taking....idk, 3 or 5? Maybe more.....depends. Send me a link and when I get done from showering I’ll reply :v


  • *Traditional Art*<--- I think that's the word :p

  • https://medibang.com/picture/wd1809071038466750006731865 Him please owo If that’s okay ^^

  • > Rayfiism Yep, I do. I’ll get started tonight and finish it tomorrow!

  • > Deltatheprotogen Ok!

Vent (gore)
  • > AccaliaTheTrashcan I love you both so much

  • > Qiroen So are you. Never forget that, love.

  • > AccaliaTheTrashcan Of course! Even if you don’t think you are good enough, you sure are for a lot of people

  • > Qiroen So are you. ^^


Idk about you guys, but the the thought of being loved makes me so happy in tough times
...But then it doesn't XD because I will never be luvd
I like the thought if actually being cared by but each time I do, My heart hurts.
I will love but probably remember those relationships until way after you have long forgotten them because I cherish them. (._. I kinda regret my wish for my birthday *random thoughts start floating into my head*)


  • I luv ya too •3• as a fwiend

  • I love you!! And I will never stop my fren *huggles* I’m never letting go .-.

  • > Qiroen> Qiroen> Qiroen> Qiroen They all say that because it's true!! How can I prove it!?

  • > Rayfiism But that's what they all say ;3;