插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

*glares of anger*

So I drew a sketch that I’m quite happy with and I want to line and color it, and for some reason I’m obsessed using the marker 2 brush for line art, and as I was going to use it a pop up said “Could not retrieve brush” and I’m like “what?” So I tried to press other brushes and I realized that downloaded brushes say that message, but brushes that were already there doesn’t have the message, now idk if it’s this is only like on tablets or something idk what’s going on with computers, but if anyone from medibang or art street (idk what to call it now) I hope you do some crap to fix this...Welp that’s Kyt’s rant of the day tune in next week when I talk about random crap that peeves me off >:/


Meet Fionna

She’s a character I added a while ago and never found a good opportunity to post anything about her, and I really want to incorporate her in my pirate story, I’ll give you a tiny bit of backstory and personality to her as to really not spoil that much.

So Fionna is a borne mute a lot of people blame it on her family’s curse, she can only talk through writing and sign language. She one day got on a boat to visit family but the boat was attacked by ‘the shady crew’ (our gangs main rival but another time.) and she got kidnapped and forced to be apart of the crew, until a new stowaway of a very bubbly golden lab dog helps each other escape. Now to personality!

She’s mostly shy, anxious and easily stressed. Though if she’s by people she feels comfortable with she can settle down, has nightmares due to being on the shady crew, (again won’t go to deep into) did made quick friends with sparky and the others, and trying to help out as a return for the crew helping her.

Also here’s a picture of the gal, I hope you guys like her.


  • > FluffyDee20 Thank you ^w^

  • Cuteeee

Meet the gods (of the pirate world)

In this world of my farm animal pirates, they actually worship gods who used to live on the world that the people inhabit, they used their powers to make the islands, ocean, life and death, clouds, and volcanoes, then they just went up to the heavens and now control their jobs there, and yeah. Any ways onto personalities, also hope you like them.

Carina- she was talkative and charismatic, but after her seal was placed on her face, she became shy, and distant.

Elisa- she is pretty much the purest of the gods, who cares about her lands and family, she doesn’t care if she gets into trouble, she’s just happy.

Zephy- he is a gentle soul who cares for little fish and birds he can pet, he is also good with resolving issues that the other gods will argue about around the place.

Tyson- he’s just a bragging piece of garbage who thinks the world revolves around him, and has a unpredictable temper.

Havesta- she’s just the intimidating silent type, though she does care about her fellow gods, her brother not so much, but hey she has a heart of gold with a shoulder of ice.


  • > FluffyDee20 It’s fine, and thank you ^w^

  • > Kytzu Sorry i'm just seeing ur question XT

  • > Kytzu I love it! >:3

  • Nice

Let me introduce ya’ll too the pirates

The pirates on the that Max and Sparky got on and became newbie pirates, each of them have their own uses in and out of the ship, I personaly like maisy she’s just a shy girl who likes to cook. Anyways onto personalities!
Cap’n stallion- A captain known for his bravery, and kindness to his fellow crew, he is also known for his hand to hand or sword combat skills.
Charles- he’s a... personality he can seem to be aggressive, but he comes from a good place even though he did lost a lot over the years.
Laurel- she might be a teen, but she has lived her life on the sea for as long as she could remember, and over the years she learned how to use a map effectively, and knows how to strike deals with other pirates, and even trades, and also knows who to use a knife so watch out... (stab, stab)
Maisy- she was in a accident which left her eye being harmed and ear being damaged though she is still the shyest of pirates on the ship, and is pretty much the mother figure on the ship who loves tiny cute things.
So thats all of them sorry that this was long, but I hope you like them.


  • OooooOOo!

  • Kewl

Oh boy more old characters :D

These are some old characters that I made who Jane is just like a little Tom-boy who was pretty lonely until a group of monsters just appeared out of nowhere and she befriended them I have a old drawing of them somewhere and it’ll talk about their personalities and you can even see how my art was back in the day (and by that I mean late 2017 to early 2018) I even named them so... here they are! :D


  • > ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Yee it’s drac (it’s okie)

  • > ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ I think its Drac

  • Awwwwwwwwwwwwww Dang ur character designs are good. My first few ocs looked like garbage XD

  • Missi and Drac(or is it Drae I can't tell sowwy) r adorable!!

More oc’s! :’D

This is from a dream that I had two nights about farm animals being pirates.... my mind thinks up the craziest stuff people :D
But these two are max (the cat) and sparky (the dog) who the two are orphaned besties who decided to start working at the docks on their island, and shenanigans happen and they both became pirates. Which sparky absolutely is estatic about it, and max isn’t so much excited about it, but it’s either that or jump in the ocean... I hope you like these two!


  • Awwwwww

  • Nice

People can be stupid

So yesterday a kid (let’s call him Au) was drawing a nazi symbol... (I swear I’m not joking this kid is this crazy) and I told him “why don’t you stop drawing that symbol?” He said “why don’t you stop drawing furries?” “Yeah I draw furries, so what?” And apparently in their minds drawing furries makes you a furry
Then this other kid (I’ll call him Lu) he said that “I’m going to hell” because I’m a “furry”
Note I don’t identify as a furry but if I know a person that is I’m ok with it, and with my class it’ll spread that “oh she’s a furry” and I’m like so what furries aren’t bad I’m not mudering people with my art... now Au showed a substitute teacher a few photos of furries and I shut his computer idk why I did I just didn’t want to sit around while these punks make fun of people doing what they like to do... sorry for venting/ranting.


  • > Kytzu Oof wEll ThAt explains it

  • > Majestic_Narwal Freeeeshmmaaaan :’3

  • > Kytzu Oof What GrAde-

  • > Majestic_Narwal I'm in high school QwQ