pppffff so i'm here just telling ya it was meh b-day yesterday (11th january)
we went sledding
i drank some coffee
i guess i had fun
soo, you don't need to say "Happy Birthday!!" or stuff,
be there,
will you?
Just knowing there is someome out there,
who admires your work,
who supports you..
is the best present i could ever wish for.
thank you for being there for me, and thanks for 42 subs! uwu i love you all, have a nice day! (or night lol) <33
Call me Coffii! ^^
I fell in love with art since I was a toodler, and now I discovered Medibang Paint my dream of drawing digital art came true!
GO LISTEN TO THIS <a href="https://medibang.com/external_link?link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKOEJs602uk" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKOEJs602uk</a>
-coffii- left a comment!
+ happy birthday to me +
-coffii- left a comment!
+ happy birthday to me +
-coffii- left a comment!
+ happy birthday to me +
-coffii- left a comment!
+ happy birthday to me +
-coffii- left a comment!
+ happy birthday to me +
+ happy birthday to me +
-coffii- left a comment!
+ our own little world +
+ cherry blossom +
+ ball of yarn +
+ icon for one person +
-coffii- left a comment!
+ our own little world +
-coffii- left a comment!
+ our own little world +
+ our own little world +
-coffii- left a comment!
Im gonna follow my heart back to you.
+ shooting stars +
-coffii- left a comment!
+ chai ref 2018 +
+ chai ref 2018 +
-coffii- left a comment!
+ counting stars +
-coffii- left a comment!
+ waterfall +
+ sunrise +
+ waterfall +
+ star gazing +
+ crystal ref +
-coffii- left a comment!
+ kids again +
+ kids again +
+ &gt;\\\\&lt; +
-coffii- left a comment!
+ counting stars +
> -coffii- Mk
> Deer~kid (sorru sempai gtg ;-;)
> FallenArrow22🐾 (gtg sorry ;-;)