イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

6 時間 / 日
ヒマなう。 , you can ask a drawing request if you like to but of course I can't rush it. I put a lot of efforts in my arts. Thank you!🥰
Feeling Down

Should I still continue do drawing after being told that drawing is nonsense by a relative of mine 😔


  • I've heard similar comments. Practice hard and improve your skills, and study hard and get good grades. When you do that they'll realize they were wrong and you'll become a great artist :3 You have so much talent already and can do more than most people, so don't let naysayers get you down. I'm cheering for you! :D

  • Somewhat on your level you could not depend yourself on that yet. Work harder and give more passion to overwhelm them drawned to the emotional steering impact of art. Deepened your dimension with cascading colors and shades. Master your anatomy and clean your lines. Once naganyan din ako. Sabing "pang bata lng ang drawing". Pero I shut them up with awe.

  • Well, maybe he’s right and drawing is nonsense, but what makes ACTUALLY sense? Everything that we dream of doing, from being millionaire to have a family doesn’t have any sense, if you think about it. It’s only a construction of our societies. So if it doesn’t have any sense, why shouldn’t you do what you enjoy the most?

  • Don't let it get to you. If you want to do something just do it! Drawing is not nonsense. =w= Can they even do that?

So Difficult!

So currently i'm working on my new manga again. I am already doing the pages and it's really difficult. I spend one day in to finish a one page.


  • Don't worry about the time you spend, over time you'll learn to draw faster (^^) That's only practice. Seems difficult, but you'll learn P.D.: What is it about?

  • Ganbatte!

  • > TitanPega No it isn't, i'm trying to make my own comic/manga and publish it here in MediBang but i am not sure if it will be accepted. Still i'm gonna do all my best. I shall not be discourage! XD I will also try to publish on website like -Webtoon -Tapastic

  • Keep going! It gets easier over time and you'll be happy when you're done!


Hello! :) Can u guyzz give me some advice about how to make a good manga story? I think i'm kind of bad of creating manga story so give some advice or tips if u know anything. Thank youuuu :)


  • What about scribbling the things as they pop out of your head and going with it? Also, I think that slowing your pace a bit might work wonders. Try to rest for a few days.

  • > Takeru Shoku Thanks for the advices! :)

  • > TitanPega Sounds great, thank you very much! :)

  • I agree with TitanPega (^^) Although, I'd add that you shouldn't write the characters fast. Take tour time creating them. Characters are the core of the story, so they must be well developed. Some tips: - They must have own and credible thoughts and ideas, so you can identify with them. - They should have physical features that differentiate them from the rest. - If there are special powers into the story, that should be one of the cores. - NEVER NEVER create a villain that is "evil 'cause he/she is like that". A good villain has his own perception of the world (I mean thoughts, ideas...). Look at Madara (Naruto), Aizen (Bleach), Father (FullMetal Alchemist), or even Zamasu (Dragon Ball Super). The villain is the hero of his own story - The protagonist must evolve during the story. Anyone likes a Gary Stu or a Mary Sue. A character that grows is 1000 times more interesting and attractive. Well, I think it's okay with these tips (^^)