插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

I wish

I just thought about hiring a hit man to kill me
But I’m broke
So I’m kinda mad ://
I’m not dead, unfortunately
But I’m still grounded ;-;
I’ve done 2 of the Artmas prompts but I have yet to do the lineart—
k bye


  • I know what you can do!: Fucking don't, P L E A S E

  • > CryBebe™️ But please know we are here for you and we love you! H E C C You where one of the first people that actually talked to me! Just don't kill yourself or summon anything Please?

  • > ♡☆Furry'sHaveFeelingsToo☆♡ I can’t anyways I’m b r o k e

  • Nu don't do it

-Vent thing-

What did I do wrong
What can I change in the next relationship
Well that is if I’m even going to have another one
But still
Was I too annoying?
Was I not there for you enough?
I want to know what I did wrong
So I can fix it...
It hurts...
So much...
I cry every night about you..
I shouldn’t...
but I do..
It’s “weird and creepy”
It’s called I loved someone
Would you be heartbroken too?
Be stuck with damn emotions that shouldn’t be there?
Are you me?
So stfu
And sit down...
And then all channels into anger...
I take it out on myself way more then I do on people...
Everyday at school I’m quiet, stressed, tired
I almost fall asleep everytime I have my first 2 periods
Yet I go to sleep at a normal time and wake up at a normal time
Is it just stress?
That’s what everyone is telling me
I also have to go see my dad the week after Christmas..
That’s making me even more angry and frustrated
I mean my mom said if we don’t want to be there we can just tell the lady we don’t want to see him before the visit..
Oh yeah
Wanna know what’s ironic?
So we’re doing visits at a place for women’s who’ve been abused—
Just guess what put my dad in jail all those time,
Fucking physical abuse towards all his girlfriends!!
It’s like getting a cat but your whole family is allergic
It’s just so dumb
I need to tell him...
I can’t keep it a secret...
Maybe he’ll get his shit together if I do...
But what if he doesn’t...
What if he breaks down and get even lower in life...
What if he tries to...
I hate thinking about it...
The time he called my mom crying...
I ease-dropped through the wall...
And he has tried to... hang himself... twice...
And I don’t want to be the cause of that!...
It freaks me out too much...

Holy shit is this a mess..


  • > Cavavos4 No, I never was. I’d probably wouldn’t be alive if I ever were tbh. But thank you..

  • Yeah I know what you're going through because I'm going through it to ( not the stuff about you're dad ) But if you where molested then I do know what you're going through Just know you can cone to me with anything

  • I’m very sorry you’re dealing with this. I really wish I could say I know what you’re going through, but I can’t. All I can really say is please keep trying to hang on.


Why do I even develop feelings for people?
I know it’s just going to end in heartbreak
Is this why I’m too young to love?
But I can’t stop myself from liking someone
And it hurts to know they’ll never have feelings for me
Why can’t I be good enough?
Why do I even try?
Why do I this to myself?


  • Well... I’m in the same situation. I’ve been destroyed from love eighteen times. And now I’m scared if I keep trying, it’ll just go on nineteen...

  • It's okay, you just need to keep going! Someone will have feelings for you eventually, you're an amazing person and so nice and funny! I guarantee someone will fall for you! ;)

  • Unrequited love, one of the most painful affections one can have. _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):

  • Maybe one does have feelings for you But they hide it

Little thing

I made this the other night and I just now colored it and shit xP
And I have no marker that matches my hair color so I went with brown
And it actually looks cute
I might draw some of my ocs in this style uwu

School momentsssss
~In art class~
*Justice, Keiara, and I are writing on Avia’s arms and hands with sharpies*
Justice: *Writes 6ix 9ine*
Me: bix 9ine? xD
Kadan: The 6 looks like a b
Me: Why the fuck did u think that I said bix 9ine—
Kadan: BIX 9INE

~In art still~
Justice: *Scribbling on Avia’s nails with sharpie now*
Me: Wow, professional
Justice: Ikr *Gets sharpie all over the table* Shi—
Teacher: *Is standing behind him*
Me: Ur screwed

~In social studies~
Me: *Puts my feet up on the desk and eats my cheezits*
Justice: Wtf?!
Me: *Turns around to see what he’s “wtf” ing about since he sits right behind me* Wut?
Justice: Look at this damn chip Kadan gave me! xD
Me: Wtf?!
Justice: There’s 4 chips curled into one!!
Me: xD
Justice: Here, have it *gives it to me*
Me: Oh, ok— *internallyscreamingbcIdefinetlydontlikehim*

yeah... I kinda like Justice ://
h e l p
Also the reason we were eating in class was bc our teacher (everyones favorite teacher) put on a movie related to one of our topics we’re learning about and she told us we could bring food uwu
So we all brought chips and candy xD

I hope everyone else had a good day uwu


  • I want snow too XD ❄❄

  • I waaant snooooooooooowww ;-;

  • > CoffeeGhost Boi Idbesohappy

  • > CryBebe™️ We had like a foot of snow itwasterrible

No way!!

My grandma was looking for a paintbrush and found a blades in the cabinet!!


  • >Anon Thank you for defending me but I don’t see why YOU have to go anon. I can take a wild guess of who u r

  • > CryBebe™️ Which is good! Honestly I don't even mind the spamming! I just want you to be safe and happy....😞🙏💓

  • >Anon Honestly, I’m sorry. But deal with it for now. There’s too much on my mind. I’d rather vent then keep it inside atm.

  • Roses are red Anons are assholes If you tell anyone to kill themselves Your charged with human self murder.

Best part—

Best part of moving and getting a bigger room with a closet is getting to sit in my closet and cry :’))
There’s also a thing I can hang things on but it’s also like a shelf—

Anyways, hi
I’m tired and my stomach is killing atm


  • > Chesni aLsO wELcOmE tO tHe cLoSeT pArTy

  • > Chesni aYeeE My current room is like a big closet lmao— It’s a pretty smol room But atleast I have it to myself :’33

  • > CryBebe™️ I can fit in any closet, just sayin... *climbs into closet with you*

  • > CryBebe™️ Oh, cool