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bug left a comment!
I tried FlipaClip and it's pretty much like SketchNotes but now it's for animation
Plus I don't wanna pay to merge and have more than 6 layers
Is Firealpaca's onion skin mode any better?
If not, pls suggest any other free animation program
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Im not really feeling happy right now nor feeling like im accomplishing anything really but its probably one of those days i guess...
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bug left a comment!
Do you ever look at someones followers and go "Where is the rest?" That's the same thing I said when I saw:
M.E Mirrored Echo
So please follow them ;-;
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Well it’s darker than it is in the picture
I thought it was real and it scared me xD
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Damn,that’s cold
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I DARE you to redraw this.
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orange flavored
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orange flavored
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I’m sorry that it’s very simple ^ó-ò^ It’s just that I couldn’t really think of anything else to do with the Octo so I just did a cute wave! I hope you like it!!
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i just rlly like taking tests on myself, i think. i like getting to know myself better, or understanding myself better is a more accurate way to put it.
t o m h i d d l e s o n i s a m e d i a t o r t o o o m g
and so is frodo sweet
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Im like 2 away I think...Omg I'm literally crying...But I have a few ppl I need to thank when I get 190..like seriously thank
But Also CHECK Out SweetComander's account and Art cause she truly is the one who deserves 190 not me..Heck she has been on longer...she was the first person I followed and Friended and talked too...She has been so so supportive of me..So GO CHECK MEH FWEN OUT!! PLZ!! I BEG OF U!!
bug left a comment!
Thing being said:“does this shirt make me look fat?Be honest”
Translation:“Any answer is gonna offend me,I just want a reason to yell and get mad at you”
Thing being said:”It’s okay”
Translation:”It's not okay”
Thing being said:”be honest”
Translation:”Tell me something I want to hear,if not,please fuck out of my life”
bug left a comment!
uhh hey can y'all just take a look at my recent drawings and give me some constructive criticism? please be brutally honest, ur not gonna hurt my feelings or anything if u point stuff out
but he gentle with me, don't just say "this sucks get gud"
even though i know mine of u would say that
aaanyway luv u bye
bug left a comment!
Design a character for Spirit and their spirit animal. They must have a name and personality.
Adding extra or making multiple characters will increase your chances of winning.
Due: July 6th
1st: with your permission, the character will be a main character in Spirit, 3 requests
2nd: character in the background of two episodes, two requests
3rd: character in the background of one episode, one request
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I've been on my share....
Jk ..But I have been on 1 or 2 in my lifetime
Sooo...Since many of my friends irl and some on here r saying I need to be more "fit" Ima start the 500 Calorie Diet...or atleast try
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(Idea credit goes to TinyCY!)
Every day, I’ll draw a new theme of art! (You can suggest it in the comments!)
It can be pretty much anything! (just no gross or sexual stuff pls, this is a Christian Minecraft Server)
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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Actually turned out how I wanted >:D yay me!!