插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

得心應手 Depends since I am doing this in secret
Hello, Darkness, my old friend...

“Hey Jeff how’s it going with you and that girl you were talking about?”
“She’s gone. I have no idea where she is. She hasn’t been texting me back or been at school or anything. She’s just gone.”
“Oh... you still like her though?”
“Look. I’ve tried and failed 18 times, going on 19. If it goes to 20... I might just give up.”
“You’ll find someone.”
STOP. Everyone tells me that ALL THE DAMN TIME. I don’t believe any of it for a second. It just sounds hypocritical. I don’t care if I’m “young”. I don’t care if I’m “just later on to bloom”. I’m getting sicker and sicker of being single. The only single guy I know where I am. It sucks like hell. And most of the girls where I live are assholes and are taken. Great. Just great. I used to think my home was the most romantic place ever.
Damn was I wrong. I hate this place. Get me out of here.


  • > ×∆♥예슬♥∆× I sure hope so...

  • Same dude. Im now considered an adult in my country and i havent dated yet, just think about it, i know you dont like being told "oh your still young you have a long way to go", but just think, im older than you and im not dating. You'll find someone someday, most people find their bf/gfs in college, it doesnt always have to be highschool, youll find them, i know you will


I know this isn’t a very Christmasy pastime, but I recently downloaded some songs from The World Ends With You and DANG THOSE ARE SOME GREAT SONGS TO LISTEN TO
I think my favorite one is “Calling”
That’s one of the greatest handheld console games of all time in my opinion
And I’ve been told there’s an anime for it, but it’s rated MA and it makes me angry since the actual game is rated T
Which makes no sense
I mean I knew there was a manga, but not an anime
And I really wanna watch it but I can’t


  • 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Merry Christmas Challenge

I issue forth an art challenge!!!
Participateth if thou feeleth up to it!
‘Tis a simple challenge I suggesteth. Draw thine Owned Characters celebrating a very merry Christmas.
1. Thine Owned Characters must be cloth’d, and ne’er in the nudity.
2. Thou mayest include the Saint of Claus in the piece of arte, as longeth as thou maketh it appropriate. (Please, I beg of thee, do not killeth or f***eth the man.)
3. Thou must have thine Owned Characters in the snow or at least with a snowy backgrounde! ‘Tis not as lovely if such is not so.
—I awaiteth your participatione!
...why am I talking like this, thou asketh? ‘Tis ‘cause I watcheth the speake of Rouxls Kaard from Deltarune, and I findeth his speake lovely.


A brief synopsis on an important subject

Anonymous users.
Summarized into three categories:
2. “I like you, and I think you’re a great guy. Don’t listen to the other anons that tell you otherwise. The reason I go anon is because I’m scared, please don’t judge me... you should keep up your self confidence, people love you and I believe you are amazing.”
3. “MEMEZ 🤪
*various random gibberish*”
—And with that
I believe I have made my case study quite clear


  • > Jeff2kgamer (alternate) i wont let them lmao

  • > 花 Yeah I just hope they never find me

  • @anon Who’s Robin

  • lmAO sorry im 2 and 3 uwu, i hate trolls, bloody freaks they are.

New story idea.

It focuses on a person named Vincent, aged 13, who is a tall Hispanic boy with psychokinesis.
It centers on him going on a quest to find out who he is after waking up with no memories, except his name, in the middle of a futuristic city, with a seemingly self-written note instructing him to kill a man whose name he has never heard of. He then ends up pursuing a mysterious figure that he sees running away shortly after waking up, due to the figure holding a book in its hand that he perceives vaguely familiar. It should be filled with him encountering strange monsters with his face, that hold the powers of ice and water. He fights them, and defeating them allows him to slowly regain memories of his past. Occasionally he will spot the figure watching him fight, only to run off again. Vincent begins to remember, as he kills the monsters, that he was a young boy in a building with other boys that looked exactly like him, and they were locked in a very large chamber. A man that looked like the children, except as an adult, put them there, as part of an experiment. Vincent and the boys, strangely enough, absorbed energy being released in the chamber, as the man recited words from a magic book he held, but Vincent shortly after used his powers to teleport away, whilst the remaining boys began to transform into monsters that served the man. The man then ordered the monsters to find and capture Vincent. He then afterwards became angry and swore to destroy this man for imprisoning him, wrote himself instructions to kill him, and caused himself to lose his memory with his powers to prevent second thoughts to change his mind. Vincent decides to continue his original plan after remembering this.
He believes the figure is the man he needs to kill, so he follows it, and becomes interested in the book it carries.
The figure leads him to a laboratory, where it reveals itself to be, surely enough, the man who caused the experiment. The man then introduces himself as the same person: Vincent. He tells the boy that in an effort to gain control over the city, due to losing an election trying to become the governor, he cloned himself and attempted to give his clones powers using a machine that draws power from a magic book inherited from his family line. He chose one clone to hold psychokinesis to lead the others, which would hold ice and water capabilities. But he explains when young Vincent escaped, the distribution of energy was disrupted, and had a side effect on the rest of the clones. Original Vincent then offers young Vincent the position of supreme leader over the city if he returns to his side and does as he says. But the young Vincent refuses. This makes Original Vincent infuriated, and he attempts to kill young Vincent for defying him. They fight, book against brain, resulting in Original Vincent’s death. The loud activity causes the law enforcement to find Original Vincent and arrest him, putting him in prison.
The story then ends.


  • > Sorasama I’m excited to write it, definitely!

  • Wow it seems interesting :D


I will not have cyber bullying in my presence.
I know I can’t do anything about it, but I still hate it.
I could ask politely, but what good is that?
The Anonymous option is purposed to be a way to share a harmless suggestion or idea without being ridiculed for it. But now it’s being abused and the common factor of usage is the one thing it was created to prevent: cyberbullying.
Now, when you make an anonymous comment, you are announcing “I am too afraid to tell you who I am, and prefer to attack you the cowardly way.” Not a lot of dignity you show in that regard.
And the sad thing is that a lot of the time people listen to the negative things they say.
I’m not bashing Anons. Please understand that. I respect anons. I respect the feature.
But I do not appreciate cyber bullies.
That’s all I have to say.


  • I agree. Anonymous option is fucking unneeded. I don’t even get why it’s there. It’s like MediBang is welcoming cyber bullying.

  • good points, my man

  • I understand Some anons are nice


“This time, I’ll be more ca—“ *gets splatted five times at once at the spawn point*
“I have you now.” *shoots, misses, then gets splatted by some crazy weapon Jeff doesn’t have cuz he is still just level 4 and everyone else is at least level 70*
“Hey! Maybe losing gives you more experience!” *gets a very low amount of experience worse than winning*
“This new snipe rifle should do the trick.”
*snipes, misses, then gets shot from behind by a player he didn’t even notice*
*at the end Jeff is at the bottom of the rank list*
“Oh well, next time will be better!”
*he dies the most times and doesn’t hit a single player no matter how hard he tries*
“Eh... I’ll go make a drawing!” *spends forever drawing a picture before realizing he needs Facebook or Twitter to post it (I DON’T DO FRICKIN SOCIAL MEDIA WORLD JUST LEMME POST IT ON THE FREAKING GAME) and his work was for nothing*
“...who am I kidding, I suck at this game... I might not go to the splatfest. I’m not good or cool enough for the splatfest, I’m a disgrace... I’ve always wanted to attend one, but everyone is better than me... maybe I’ll just leave it to the better people, cuz I suck...”
It ruins my self confidence sometimes


  • > Jeff2kgamer (alternate) ah, i see i recommend motion controls because they’re way easier to use

  • > ★CosmicBlue★ And mine are 2/30

  • > ★CosmicBlue★ I use stick controls

  • don’t let your losses get you down, either!! my win/lose ratio is 26:24


So update:
1. My profile name is Jeff2kGMR
2. I’ll be doing Turf war battles (what’s that mode called that beginners use below level 10?)
3. I actually suck really bad. XD that’s ok though I’m only level 3 right now and I only have the basic snipe rifle
4. I don’t have cool clothes yet
5. How do you do those drawings on your profile that appears when others look at your stats?! I can’t figure out how to do that.


  • > ★CosmicBlue★ Oh. Guess I’m not posting that.

  • scReam I’m level 95 help me ;; also, if you mean the lobby drawings, there’s a red mailbox thing in between flo’s hat shop and the weapon shop you can draw something there but you’ll have to have either twitter or facebook to post it

  • Good luck imalonewiththeoldie