Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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OMg woT iS hAPpEniNG

1, Im seeing Back Panther >;3 suckas
2, Im slowly being sucked into Dragon Age- I already play Inquisition- gOD dAmmIT VaRRiC- n' soLaS- fuckiNG eLVES- damn i sound like thorin(btw, thorin is from the hobbit not dragon age OR lord of the rings... spoiler, thorin dies at the end of 'The Hobbit', which is why he aint in lord of the rings, which made me cry so fucking hard)- Im also starting to ship Hawke and Fenris- and idk even know what the actual fuck the ship is- so- knaksnfknafs
3, Harry Potter is now an official fandom for me- imma hufflepuff and Pottermore says my patronus is a fucking deerhound
4, Requests I will try to get done and uploaded as soon as i can, still kinda not aloud to have my tablet- and i cant post pictures cus my computers are crappy- but- i try
5, Im gonna be venting A LOT more in my art now... cus, all this drama is starting to get to me... my school was threatened with a shooting last week...

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quippy left a comment!

OMg woT iS hAPpEniNG

1, Im seeing Back Panther >;3 suckas
2, Im slowly being sucked into Dragon Age- I already play Inquisition- gOD dAmmIT VaRRiC- n' soLaS- fuckiNG eLVES- damn i sound like thorin(btw, thorin is from the hobbit not dragon age OR lord of the rings... spoiler, thorin dies at the end of 'The Hobbit', which is why he aint in lord of the rings, which made me cry so fucking hard)- Im also starting to ship Hawke and Fenris- and idk even know what the actual fuck the ship is- so- knaksnfknafs
3, Harry Potter is now an official fandom for me- imma hufflepuff and Pottermore says my patronus is a fucking deerhound
4, Requests I will try to get done and uploaded as soon as i can, still kinda not aloud to have my tablet- and i cant post pictures cus my computers are crappy- but- i try
5, Im gonna be venting A LOT more in my art now... cus, all this drama is starting to get to me... my school was threatened with a shooting last week...

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