read if you want i dont care anymore, our stupid damn president is gonna start the next world war, i cant stop thinking about thr end of the world/apocolypse, none of my siblings do anthing with me, i've lost all inspiration and motivation to draw, i dont wanna die, i cant do anything right, no one pays attention to any of my posts, i may just delete my medibang account or create a new one, i think people just dont care enough for my profile now or anything about me. I feel like shit 24 7, the thought of everyone's death and losing everything breaks me down. I cant deal with this shit anymore. Im barely on discord now, i waste my life on YouTube all day, and the list goes on. I want all this pain to go away without anything being harmed, sadly thats not possible. i hope everyone else has a good day (or night, its night here) and isnt like me. I'm deperessed, sad, and have no life.
Damn. I'm only behind a screen, but I hope everything clears up for you. When I have no inspiration, I watch a guy on YouTube all the time and he's amazing. His name is Peter Draws, and he has a lot of things that'll help with that. He's also very calm and funny, he gets deep into some things, but he's great. Anyways, I suggest him and I hope the best for you. ❤