일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang


うんこ【bonny】 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


Okayy so I was eating at a Corean restaurant and I discovered that I reached 1.1k followers! I didn't expect it to rise that fast, plus I was supposed to do a second version of the 1k drawing but I thought I had plenty of time for that ;;; guess I'll do it for another milestone gomeeen
All in all thank you for your support!! Here is a lil sketch I drew while eating of me thanking you all!
I hope you'll keep liking my art and that I'll improve lots!

See you 💕💕

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うんこ【bonny】 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


Okayy guys I succeeded in my final exam with top distinction !! (My mark is 16,45 out of 20 if you're interested) I'm so happy, for me to succeed when I didn't work much for it is awesome, it's a milestone in my life. Now I'm so gonna enjoy my vacations before medical college courses start xD (I'm gonna be so busy from then onward so I better take this opportunity to draw a lot ehe)

Btw, yesterday I did a lil animation while I was watching the world cup match France vs Uruguay (so glad France won obviously 👍). It's been aaages since I last animated something though, I used to draw animations on Flipnote Hatena years ago (those were best days 💕)

So what do you think about it? (It's my main OC Kuro when he was little :3) (it's not done, I have yet to color it aha)

And stay tuned since I'll post something soon enough :)

See you! 💕

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