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Does anyone want me to do a meet the artist thing?? Idk xP
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Liyah123 left a comment!
Does anyone want me to do a meet the artist thing?? Idk xP
Liyah123 left a comment!
I used to be at like 190.
Anything important happen?
No lying.
(I'm not mad, just kind of sad I don't have time to check them all because I have to go to school in a few minutes ;-;)
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Everyone, this is my girlfriends account, go follow her, she doesnt make much but she is an amazing artist so yeeeeeeeesee oof
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God am having anxiety.
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o o f .
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I thought it would be more reddish but eh, I still like it x3
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40 Follower Special?? WHAT DO
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Adoptables Batch 1: First Come First Serve
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40 Follower Special?? WHAT DO
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Ok so school starts tomorrow and it's also gonna be my moms birthday, so I might not upload anything tomorrow. Also my schedule of posting might change, you know, because school. So when I do requests and stuff if it's a bit late it's because of school.
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Liyah123 left a comment!
Liyah123 left a comment!
My mom says that I need to delete my account. I think I might delete it when school stars for me please go to my DA if you still what to see my art
I’m sorry ok
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Should I do Adoptables??
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2 MORE!!
I’m tired, sad, and sick btw :’D
Well no one cares so bye now
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Drawing different art styles is hard......I’m still on the lineart :’0
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Just got back from the water park and almost drown, had fun.
Liyah123 left a comment!
Just got back from the water park and almost drown, had fun.
>TinyCY Yes it was.
>M.E. Mirrored Echo Yeah, I was able to grab my cousin's hand.
.-. Jeezez.......that’s some spoopy water
O_O Are you okay tho???
Just got back from the water park and almost drown, had fun.
>TinyCY Yes it was.
>M.E. Mirrored Echo Yeah, I was able to grab my cousin's hand.
.-. Jeezez.......that’s some spoopy water
O_O Are you okay tho???
Liyah123 left a comment!
Okay, I go to school and when I come back
How many of you guys don't have school yet?!?
So please tell me if you posted something important so I can see it
I am not in a good mood
Liyah123 left a comment!
I spilt milk on myself and now I’m in my Moine hoodie and cupcake pajama shorts bc I have no other clothes at my grandparents :’D
Liyah123 left a comment!
Problem of the day
1.Going to this big Water Slide swim park tomorrow, with tall water slides(afraid of heights. Have swimming pools there, but my cousins will force me to go on)
2.I need to go to sleep because I have to get up in the morning(but not sleepy)
3. Can't find swimming suit, for tomorrow( will probably get yelled at by my mom)
4.And school starts in four days(help)
Good luck with that
>BeBe The struggles are real
My struggles are somewhat close to that as well :’D
Problem of the day
1.Going to this big Water Slide swim park tomorrow, with tall water slides(afraid of heights. Have swimming pools there, but my cousins will force me to go on)
2.I need to go to sleep because I have to get up in the morning(but not sleepy)
3. Can't find swimming suit, for tomorrow( will probably get yelled at by my mom)
4.And school starts in four days(help)
Good luck with that
>BeBe The struggles are real
My struggles are somewhat close to that as well :’D
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So it’s 10 pm and a the Slenderman trailer ad appears on my screen and I’m pissed bc I actually want to sleep tonight :D
F meee
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The majority of u ppl chose “2”. So, there will be 2 choices to this contest :T (kind of like my contest where it was either redesign CY or Squidy & Hatter out on a date)
The choices:
1. Draw the background of my info page (the one behind my info)
2. Create some AU(s) of my OCs
(Doesn’t have to be all of them. Even just one OC is fine)
-Gore is fine
-Plz use the “real me” when making the background (u can add other characters as my “fwiends”)
-U don’t have to add my name if you’re doing the background
-Make sure to add your signature or watermark when drawing the entry for the background (not too noticeable though)
-You can change my OCs’ hair,clothes,etc. but plz don’t turn them into another random OC ;w;
-Due date is the 17th
-Have fun!!
-The prizes will be a Gif for each participant (if I can ;w;)
1st photo- For the background
2nd photo- For the AUs
If any of you need to make one of the photos of an OC larger or needing better detail on them, plz let me know (That moment when you’re too lazy to make a reference ;w;)
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Teen Idle
My Persona
(By the way, trying to warm up my motivation to finish the contest entry. It isn't working-)
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Time to check my 97 notifications, get all my stuff ready for school tomorrow, finish Inferno's PFP entry, make my portfolio of photos from the vacation, add more layers of nail polish on, and-
F R I G G I N '
T E A .
Liyah123 left a comment!
We were in Walmart and we found dinosaur heads xD
We also got Starbucks before we went too xD
>TinyCY Yes it was.
>M.E. Mirrored Echo Yeah, I was able to grab my cousin's hand.
.-. Jeezez.......that’s some spoopy water
O_O Are you okay tho???