Hello there. If you are reading this, you have just entered hell. You have also just wasted 13 seconds reading this. Now that you are here, I will tell you a bit about myself. The following things are what I like: Tea Pandas Art Music Waifus Giving advice. (You can ask me for some.) K-Pop J-Pop Anime Nintendo
You can find me on wattpad, by searching up ‘DeadXBread’
Soooo, ok. MediBang keeps crashing on me, so I’m gonna clear my cache. Does that get rid of your account? Please let me know if you know the answer..! Thanks for your help!
Ok, I tried it out. *takes deep breath* it didn’t work. It doesn’t delete your account, but it deletes your art. The crashing doesn’t stop. For some reason, when I turn off WiFi for a while, then turn it on, it stops.