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人物練習 - 道教十三道之一弓弧名家首席 玄真君
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人物練習 - 道教十三道之一弓弧名家首席 玄真君
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海報專題 - 天龍八部少室山3對3大戰海報
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Shall we sign the Sokovia Accords?
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突然想畫個鬥魂!!! HB鉛筆塗鴉
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髮型練習 - English gentlemen
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Why me?
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髮型練習 - 貴公子
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Do you have better idea?
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人物練習 - 斷水流大師兄
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髮型練習 - 帽T男
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人物練習 - 龍劍飛
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方世玉 2
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人物練習 - 中士 準備砲轟我軍前方的敵軍部隊
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髮型練習 - 第六天魔王
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人物塗鴉練習 - 耶律洪基
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海報專題 - 如來神掌
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虛竹: 丁春秋, 你見識過天山折梅手加上生死符的威力嗎?
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Poor Guy 大佛普拉斯 肚財
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人體姿式練習 - 跳躍的仰角
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髮型練習 - 長離一梟