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I’m Ayano, I’ll be taking care of you today!

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Future goals
I hope that one day I will be a well known artist.
Future goals
I hope my book series (Blinded By The Sun) will become popular.
Ibis Paint X and Procreate
Future goals
I want to become a well known (maybe even famous) artist someday
Future goals
I want my book series (Blinded By The Sun) to become popular
Thing you interested in
Animal science, zoology, art, poetry, writing, etc.
What you eat when hungry
Anything with noodles or cheese
Things you always carry
A mask and some sort of garbage I stuffed in pockets.
Recommended gadgets
Mixoo studio stylus or Apple Pencil (if you can afford it)
Recommended gadgets
Ipad +otterbox or a Smartab Android with keyboard (very durable)
Favorite writer
Stephen King and myself
Favorite TV show
Favorite artwork
All kinds of art (especially unique and dark artwork)
Time spent online
Every second I can.
Favorite color
Black, blue, and purple (in that exact order)
Favorite music
Dubstep, Heavy Metal, EDM, trap, and rap/hiphop
Has more than 50 views!
I’m Ayano, I’ll be taking care of you today!
Has more than 10 views!
Shocked Osana
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Osana Cosplayed As Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki
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I’m Ayano, I’ll be taking care of you today!
Has more than 10 views!
I’m Ayano, I’ll be taking care of you today!
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what a mess I've made♡
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白昼堂々/The Flagrant Offence
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白昼堂々/The Flagrant Offence
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Killing the last rival
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The science club
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Fluorescent paint
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Critical Hit
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I’m Ayano, I’ll be taking care of you today!
I’m Ayano, I’ll be taking care of you today!
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A Secret Admirer
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Shocked Osana
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Senpai will be hers
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To Love That Knows No Bounds
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Akane toriyasu <3
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Aye madam' Saikou!
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[FanArt] Ayano Aishi - dark side
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Yandere Simulator Fan Art
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Bright and cunning
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Rise Of Yandere
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Amai Yandere Simulator
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