Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I don’t do commissions but I do requests

H*ccin Bixby left a comment!

does anyone play yokai watch??

Ive asked so many people (ik posted about it earlier) and either i got no response or they said theyve never played the game. I need the yw2 digital version exclusive yokai but i cant get them bc im broke and have the physical copies of all three yw2 games. This has become so important to me
please if you have Sailornyan, Robonyan fbs, or machonyan i need them. i have no other way to get them. Ik i sound desperate but thats bc i am.
If i dont get these three ill never finish the medallium. if you have them i would really appreciate it if you could help me out ;w;
i can try to get you what you need in return
Okay bye

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H*ccin Bixby left a comment!

does anyone play yokai watch??

Ive asked so many people (ik posted about it earlier) and either i got no response or they said theyve never played the game. I need the yw2 digital version exclusive yokai but i cant get them bc im broke and have the physical copies of all three yw2 games. This has become so important to me
please if you have Sailornyan, Robonyan fbs, or machonyan i need them. i have no other way to get them. Ik i sound desperate but thats bc i am.
If i dont get these three ill never finish the medallium. if you have them i would really appreciate it if you could help me out ;w;
i can try to get you what you need in return
Okay bye

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Me today

My day so far
Good parts:
1. I got my van back from repair!! After like???? A month
2. I didn’t have to work today
3. I finally was able to go get a haircut so I don’t look like a bum skeet anymore
4. I’ve decided I look cuter in glasses and my new KHlll Sora jacket, and I do!!!
The bad parts:
1. Dealing with new construction for three hours
2. Being alone and bored
3. The power went out
4. Both of My cats pooped in my room so now even after cleaning it the room smells terrible
But who cares about the bad parts, am I right? This is what I say to the bad parts

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Shoutout to Man on the Internet!

He’s a very talented musical artist and my favorite YouTuber of all time, and he doesn’t get much respect these days, he’s been my inspiration to sing with confidence and passion...
he has an amazing voice and he can nail pretty much any character he plays, and I’d like to say he’s a role model for me and he needs as much support as he can get, so be sure to check him out and give him a like or two! I’ve really loved his work and I look up to him in my passion for singing.

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Clay Dragon Thing

My grandma got me some cheap Crayola clay, so I decided to make a dragon thing. It was originally going to have arms, legs, and wings, but I didn't have any chicken wire, and the toothpicks didn't want to cooperate, so I made a serpent instead. I'm wanting to practice more with clay in the future, and hopefully get decent at it enough to possibly take commissions. Anywho, here's the dragon thing I made, (forgive me for the poor lighting) I think it looks like it could be a dragon-grass type Pokémon, but that's probably just because I've been playing Pokémon Ultra Moon a lot recently :P

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Clay Dragon Thing

My grandma got me some cheap Crayola clay, so I decided to make a dragon thing. It was originally going to have arms, legs, and wings, but I didn't have any chicken wire, and the toothpicks didn't want to cooperate, so I made a serpent instead. I'm wanting to practice more with clay in the future, and hopefully get decent at it enough to possibly take commissions. Anywho, here's the dragon thing I made, (forgive me for the poor lighting) I think it looks like it could be a dragon-grass type Pokémon, but that's probably just because I've been playing Pokémon Ultra Moon a lot recently :P

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Hey uh... I’d like to make an apology

Recently I’ve been posting dumb stuff and usually I post things that are serious. I’m sorry if it’s getting on people’s nerves. I’m just super stressed thinking about how my parents will react when I tell them I’m an atheist,
They might hate me.
They might disown me.
I might break my sister’s heart.
And my youngest brother might grow up thinking I’m some kind of lunatic.
Only my other young brother Ethan knows. I love him so much, he still supports me for being myself.
I just...
why did I have to be born in this situation?
I’m just so sick of hiding who I am. I’m so sick of being close to a full on adult and yet being so immature and scared and stupid and ugly and just plain... Jeff.
I don’t think I like Jeff.
He’s just like his father... a loser...
And nobody really wants to be with him. Romantically I mean.
I’m having a hard time moving on in my life. I’ve got about a month until I leave...
Happy freakin birthday, Jeff. You’re getting a whole lot of stress and anxiety.
I always feel so low down. So disgraceful. I mean, guys are supposed to be tough and cool and “I’m the hero” right?
But I’m a wuss, I cry a LOT, and I’m a loser wannabe weeb (who isn’t even allowed to WATCH anime) who can’t even defend himself, despite his “build”, or so I’ve been told I have.
Everyone at my high school just wanted to squeeze my man boobs and tell me how “gorgeous” I was, but I was always alone anyway.
Sorry, I’ll stop ranting.
I’m just... scared, sad, and lonely.
Just like I always am...

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Start spreadin' the news🎵 (updates)

I'm leavin' todaaaay~ 🎵
Dooon't worry, I just mean I'm leaving Virginia to go home, cool your jets. XD
But yup! My vacation is over! It's been a blast, especially the last two days, since those were themepark and water park days ÒwÓ)b
However, my TRUE vacation won't really be over yet, since I've got some work left to do and a family gathering tomorrow. That being said, my Discord availability will still be wack, sorry dudes. ´v`; But hey, on the bright side, that means I'm makin' more content for ya! 😜
As of now, here are my priorities:
-continuing that Delta-Sploon crossover from a while ago
-working on my Art Street contest entry
-working on a Final Fest piece
Sooooo, yeah. That's about it. Again, I'm sorry for not being available more often! And don't worry, this doesn't mean I'm going on a hiatus or, like I said, leaving. Just gonna be infrequent for a bit. 😉👍
For now, you can take a wip of one of the things on my list and a pic of me in a squid hat. XD
Have a great weekend~!

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