Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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I’m free!

Thanks to the support of several of my friends I was able to step up to my boyfriend who was presssuring and begging me to do things I’m not ok with!

It’s been 8 mouths of a toxic relationship and I’m finally free! I’m so happy that I don’t have to deal with a boyfriend who’s pressing me into sending nudes or pressuring me into letting him touch me and I’m so glad it’s over!!!

I just have to deal with him begging for me back but I’m happy single at last and I don’t want a man to hurt me like he has anymore

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Welcome To The House Of Kaiser left a comment!

Welcome To The House Of Kaiser left a comment!

*happy sigh*

I feel so freeeeeee
I passed alll day todayyyy
And I got calleedddd sir!
All I had to do was tuck my long ass hair under a beanie and wear a diy binder I made out of sports bras!
And yesterday, my friend Luke said he might be able to get me Twenty Øne Piløts Tickets and Held bring me to the concert!!!
Things are looking up!
All I have to do know is reach my goal weight(44kg) by the time the concert comes around in May(? Or March I can’t remember Oof)
Stay safe and be kind

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so i feel like saying this ppl will think im looking for attention? or something like that? but i want genuine advice?
i have been thinking about killing myself? but like, by walking out into roads, or OD or something, and i dont know what to do?
like, i think its pathetic that i feel like this, and selfish... but i came out as non binary to my parents, but they wont use pronouns, or my name but i get why with the name, and im not allowed a binder because it will give me cancer? but it wont if i wear it properly?
its stupid i know, but its got me down, i was in a dark place anyways...
mom and dad are getting me a therapist to help me “understand my own head” but im scared...
any advice? im sorry if i came across as attention seeking...

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