MY USERNAME IS WelcomeToTheHouseOfKaiser
Go follow meeeeeeee

Welcome To The House Of Kaiser
Also, NonBinary/Bigender(or TwoSpirit whatever you wanna call it) Panromantic/Demisexual. I prefer he/him pronouns
I just want to help people in life sooooo
If you ever have any problems, or wanna talk about anything, just hit me up, ok?
- Cartoonism
On another note, Pidge called herself a dwarve
I dont have netflix so i cant see it yet :(
So I had a dream
And TØP were in it
I’m not talking about just Josh and Tyler
Oh nononono
I’m talking about
Josh, Tyler, Chris and Mark
And they all signed something for me
But Josh was really clueless and shit like “what does he want?” And “do I have to sign it?”
And I had a great conversation with Tyler about Blurryface and arty_boy came up and I said how we had our own Blurryfaces Amd how theirs was called Echo and mines Dusk
But omg Josh was being such an angsty person
It was a great dream though
I loved it
> Majestic_Narwal Big oof
Oof it's 2:44 am right now
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go Oh okay that sorta makes sense now
> Majestic_Narwal Oh well it’s not required here
What people think my parents are like: omg they’re so cool! You’re dads an anarchist punk rocker and your mum wore ripped jeans in the 90s and 00s before it was fashion wowwwwww!!!,
> ∆× ♥예슬♥ ×∆ Yeah they did
> A> A They had a child at 17? My mom is older than my dad
my friends are intimidated by my mom lmao i mean shes nice until u piss her off im which case run u dont mess with the scouser
So relatable it hurts!...
You guys should all watch the following documentaries
- Food Inc.
- What the Health?
Watch these and you’ll understand why I wish I was able to have a plant based diet
When I start university, I’m also going to REALLY reduce the amount of meat I eat
Because face it, fellow Humans, we aren’t omnivores. We are meant to eat plants mainly
I mean look at the strongest animals alive, elephants, rhinos, gorillas
What do they all have in common?
The food industry is horrible
I actually hate it
My mum used to have a poly tunnel and because of that (and my not getting vaccines) my immune system is top notch
Whenever I go to the doctors they ask “how often do you get sick?” And my mum says “maybe once a year” which is true.
People that have plant based diets are healthier, need less medication, less likely to get cancer and diabetes.
I don’t want to get diabetes or cancer. I don’t want to need help doing everything. I want to be healthy and live for as long as I can and have the best life I can.
- Arty_Boy
- 0KinglyAce0
As a Mexican I shall consume meat every day
i thought i signed uo for medibang not biology class lmao 😂
my family is spanish all we fucking eat is meat i fucking hate it
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go I don't need no diet....Im happy with how I am rn...
-see le significant other
- more likely to see BTS and other bands/artists
- apparently there’s a pretty good gender transitioning program
- Trump
- Westboro Baptist Church
- An Actual crap health system™
- the food has a lot of carcinogenics and stuff
Extremely true
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go Respecc++++++++++++
> TinyCY *whispers* I do my research
The cons are so accurate! xD
I’m so proud of this
It’s Iruka from Naruto
Then there’s just Mizuki in the background
Right into the childhood again xD Even though, I've ever been more fan of the Uchiha Clan
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Because I like it
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go Whyyy notttt
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ I don’t agree that you’re bad though;;;;;;
So I used to adorrrreeeee wolves
And tbh I still do
And surprise surprise
My favourite film was Alpha and Omega
So now I’m rewatching it to see if I still like it
I love wolves too! And I haven't watched that movie since I was a child Childhood: Recovered
> MiniCrisps True I always related to Lily And Kate They’re great
That movie was good at the time, the sequels were atrocious, and I dont think its held up to time well.....
German exam in 20 minutes!
Good luck!! Its 4 am here so I might just be one of the very few up.. haha..
So I take my temperature every day
In the past month the warmest I have been is 36.2°C
The human body is meant to be 37.5°C
Today I’m 35.9°C
I’m forever on the brink of danger
> Takeru Shoku Ig I am lmao
Living on the limit xD
So I started reading 1984
In my own time, mind you
And I don’t see what the fuss is about
It’s a good book?
I got a few books off my mum and that’s one of them, the other 2 are Dan Brown books so pretty cool.
I saw a picture of my mum with me just after I was born
She was soooo young (17/18)
Amd my dad was good looking at 17/18
I’m not saying I would date him
He was just good looking
And so was my mum
All my headphones broke because my iPad is fxcked
And it feels like everyone is ignoring me
And I still have 2 exams left
And my mother keeps giving me shit for every little thing
And I want hugs
And to cry
AaaAaaa- *hugs* Hope things get better for you. ;--;
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go I always feel stupid when i cry but i guess i have to, it makes me better
You do you
> ⓔⓓⓖⓨ ⓙⓐⓒⓚⓨ♡ I don’t wanna cry Crying is weak af
Lights, camera, stop/were killing ourselves just to get to the top
Enough about you/let’s talk about me/everybody thinks I’m just so free/free did you hear the verse that’s came first and how my own mind went to war on me?
A word that’s said more than any other word is sorry/sorry/and I pray that that word was heard
I’m currently trying not to cry for a silly reason
Me: Happy 18th Birthday Zo!!!
Zoë: who’s this?
(She obviously got a new phone for her bday and forgot to transfer my number which is fine)
Me: it’s Kai ofc
Zoë: ok thanks
I’m fucking hurt I’ve known this girl since I was 6
> ⓔⓓⓖⓨ ⓙⓐⓒⓚⓨ♡ ;———————————————————;
> TinyCY True ig
HeLLo DaRkNeSs My OLd FriEnD
I actually hate most people so much
I’m gonna be honest
literally no one has common sense around here.
On any site or irl, you’ll see people pulling a door that says push, looking for the glasses they’re wearing etc and it annoys me. If an anon is attacking you, you ignore them and delete those comments! Don’t even stop to read them! And if it gets too bad, make a new account secretly and only tell your friends!
People be killing them selves over break ups and test scores and stupid stuff like that and I just-
Get some sense!!
Rant over
I am one of them people heh
That's the best thing to do with anons. They're a 2nd generation of trolls after all... If an anon attacks you just ignore it (now the word "anon" sounds as a other Lord of the Rings species name, like "dwarf" XD) In any way, the mere existing of the anon option is stupid. This only help trolls to attack (-.-)
> TinyCY Oh ok lmao
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go I’m agreeing OwO/
What’s all of your opinions on flat earth?
IMO it’s false but whatever
> Cattacomb Are they? I’m pretty new here so I wouldn’t know lol
> B.Spades I mean neither am I But jokes!*finger guns*
It’s surprising that now more ppl are using anon commenting more than before
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go I was about to put flat but im not a flat earther
Me: Istg I’m so gay plz halp
Milli: No I’m gay
Me: I have a gf
Milli: but I’m pansexual
Me: same bitch
Milli: I’m non binary
Me: honey I am Transgender/Nonbinary, Panromantic and Demisexual HA
Milli: ...well fuq...
I just realized sexuality wise we're opposites ;3 I'm demiromantic pansexual Cx
i just walk in and say im gay and bam im the gayest one of the lot... *all my friends are bi now take it slow*
So I should probably study
But Voltron Crack
I love ice skating so much
I wish I was born in a country where it was more prominent
> ⓔⓓⓖⓨ ⓙⓐⓒⓚⓨ♡ I mean I’m pretty good I love the sport so eh
I wish I knew how to ice skate, I keep falling on my butt.
So storm Hector is having a tantrum on Ireland.
We’re on H already, jeez... that’s 8 Storms since the year started... that’s 1.3 storms a month T-T
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go Yeah, but we were far enough to get a bit of drizzle and wind
> Eleskia Awwwwww . Amd wow....
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go Nope, just an american accent, but I was there when Harvey was a category 4
I’m confused by my library
And here we see someone trying to learn the truth and learn about sociology
I can quote the bible at people lmao
I mean* WTH auto
> arty_boy I’m,exam it’s fun
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go like same lmao
G noting everyone in the middle of class*
I just want to hug someone
Is that too much to ask?
Hugs are life, anybody who doesn't like hugs im coming after them with a frying pan
*hugs* ^^
I don't give out free hugs. 12$.
Not at all
Philip woke up on white tiles. He sat up and rubbed his head. It hurt. In fact, his whole body hurt, it felt like he’d been torn apart and then pieced back together.
Philip looked around. The only thing in the entirely white room was a white desk. And a door. There was single, almost invisible door. White light allowing him to see came from spotlights in the ceiling.
What do you think of it?
It’s good!
I’m pretty fxcking useless
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go No, your not
> MiniCrisps Yeah I am
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go Nope
> MiniCrisps Uh yes I am
I’m so tired
But I can’t sleep
So hungry
But I can’t eat
Thirsty but I can’t drink
Like some invisible force is stopping me
I’m not living anymore
I’m just...
Aw man,, i hope you feel better ;-;
More or less that is.
This is what I experience every day of my life.
I kinda made a new friend through my love for Min Yoongi....
We spent half an hour talking about how JHope is the personification of sunshine and how cute Kookie is etc.
We were showing our mutual pictures of BTS and I was whispering “jimins abs, show her jimins abs” and she said “I don’t think she’s ready for that....”
I’m so happy
> Xan It is a shame
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go Very,- Its a shame you cant get rid of toxic people ;;
> Xan No Though I did once meet a kpop fan that was a trump supporter And a bit of a slut It made me deeply sad
Tbh can you even trust anyone who would hate kpop
HoSeok is the embodiment of sunshine
Kim Taehungs smile can cure any disease
Jung Jungkook Is adorable
Park Jimin is omg GOD
Kim Namjoon is so extra oml
SeokJin is such good dancer
> Xan It actually is lmao
> ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Nah it’s all good
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go O Sorry I am just now learning all the abbreviations to texting
True love
I love Min Yoongi with all my heart
It’s impossible to deny
He’s my spirit animal
> Eleskia NO HES MY BABY
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go Calm down
So my mum took the MediBang App off my iPad so I’d study for the exams (pffftttt no)
She said I can have it back when my exams are over
They’re technically over on Monday
But my exam on Monday is Woodwork and mum knows idc about that
So imma ask her on Friday/Saturday
And ask if I can get the app back/use my drawing tablet
And I will officially be back
*jazz hands*
Oh damn- My exams ended a month ago ;; Hope u did well !!
> arty_boy Sure sure I mean I’ll try lol
> A Large Cuppa Salt To Go OK so im gonna post two new oc’s later could u plz draw jaime and the others? (their names are oasis and axel)
> arty_boy Yes!
bOI may i make a request