Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Welcome To The House Of Kaiser left a comment!

*happy sigh*

I feel so freeeeeee
I passed alll day todayyyy
And I got calleedddd sir!
All I had to do was tuck my long ass hair under a beanie and wear a diy binder I made out of sports bras!
And yesterday, my friend Luke said he might be able to get me Twenty Øne Piløts Tickets and Held bring me to the concert!!!
Things are looking up!
All I have to do know is reach my goal weight(44kg) by the time the concert comes around in May(? Or March I can’t remember Oof)
Stay safe and be kind

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Welcome To The House Of Kaiser left a comment!

*happy sigh*

I feel so freeeeeee
I passed alll day todayyyy
And I got calleedddd sir!
All I had to do was tuck my long ass hair under a beanie and wear a diy binder I made out of sports bras!
And yesterday, my friend Luke said he might be able to get me Twenty Øne Piløts Tickets and Held bring me to the concert!!!
Things are looking up!
All I have to do know is reach my goal weight(44kg) by the time the concert comes around in May(? Or March I can’t remember Oof)
Stay safe and be kind

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Welcome To The House Of Kaiser left a comment!

*happy sigh*

I feel so freeeeeee
I passed alll day todayyyy
And I got calleedddd sir!
All I had to do was tuck my long ass hair under a beanie and wear a diy binder I made out of sports bras!
And yesterday, my friend Luke said he might be able to get me Twenty Øne Piløts Tickets and Held bring me to the concert!!!
Things are looking up!
All I have to do know is reach my goal weight(44kg) by the time the concert comes around in May(? Or March I can’t remember Oof)
Stay safe and be kind

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Welcome To The House Of Kaiser left a comment!

**PLEASE READ*** 1/2(?)

So 0KinglyAce0 decided to dump my ass because I’m anorexic. I’ve decided to post screenshots of the chat here so you have all the info ^-^
Note: I had someone I know who doing psychology in university to look at the screenshots and analyze it.
I’ll post screenshots from that chat in another MySpace bc I can only attach 4.
So here are the messages exchanged between 0KinglyAce0 and myself.
Side note: before this exchange, the aforementioned had barely texted me in about 4 weeks due to “being at a friends house”

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Welcome To The House Of Kaiser left a comment!


Things feel 10 times better atm
I listen to classical music at night and forgot to turn off my radio so I woke up to one of my favourite pieces (Prelude In C Major by Johan Sebastian Bach) and last night I video called my fren in Germany and he played some stuff on his ukulele for me, he’s got a really good singing voice, it’s crazy!
It was funny, when he first got out his uke, he strummed something and then he was like “that, uh, was actually a sped up version of Can’t Help Falling In Love With You” and he started blushing so I think he likes me! (Tbh I’m ok with the thought bc he’s really cute)
And today’s the last day in my summer course YAY that means I can finally SLEEP IN AND CONCENTRATE ON MY WEIGHT LOSS
You guys have obviously noticed that i never really post my drawings anymore and that’s bc I haven’t had any ideas or motivation. I have to do a present for my friend on here and I have to make my IRL fren a piñata oof
Well that’s all
Stay safe and be kind
Kai xxx

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Welcome To The House Of Kaiser left a comment!


Things feel 10 times better atm
I listen to classical music at night and forgot to turn off my radio so I woke up to one of my favourite pieces (Prelude In C Major by Johan Sebastian Bach) and last night I video called my fren in Germany and he played some stuff on his ukulele for me, he’s got a really good singing voice, it’s crazy!
It was funny, when he first got out his uke, he strummed something and then he was like “that, uh, was actually a sped up version of Can’t Help Falling In Love With You” and he started blushing so I think he likes me! (Tbh I’m ok with the thought bc he’s really cute)
And today’s the last day in my summer course YAY that means I can finally SLEEP IN AND CONCENTRATE ON MY WEIGHT LOSS
You guys have obviously noticed that i never really post my drawings anymore and that’s bc I haven’t had any ideas or motivation. I have to do a present for my friend on here and I have to make my IRL fren a piñata oof
Well that’s all
Stay safe and be kind
Kai xxx

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Welcome To The House Of Kaiser left a comment!

oh no... it's a depressive rant

tomorrow, as you know, is my birthday.
here's what's happened so far:
1. a lot of good friends have left.
2. some have left because of the incident I caused a while back, and think I'm a pedophile.
3. a very heartbreaking situation has arisen in which a good friend of mine is being harassed for having a condition.
4. a breakup with very savage and thoughtless reasons is going on.
5. my mom is coming back this afternoon, so my activeness is about to dwindle again.
6. I used to have 86 friends. It's down to 36.
7. My dad is being a big jerk and always wanting me to do all this heavy lifting crap and whenever I say "but it's my birthday" he doesn't care.
8. My mom's mom is going absolutely nuts and possibly schitzophrenic
9. I'm alone with my family and they judge me 42 hours a day and 369 days a year
10. I'm just good ol' unable to draw officially and I have a phone I can do almost nothing with
happy birthday, jeff...
happy frickin birthday ya senseless dweeb.
now go cry in the corner and look at the negative in life.
ok I'm done ranting now.

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Welcome To The House Of Kaiser left a comment!

**PLEASE READ*** 1/2(?)

So 0KinglyAce0 decided to dump my ass because I’m anorexic. I’ve decided to post screenshots of the chat here so you have all the info ^-^
Note: I had someone I know who doing psychology in university to look at the screenshots and analyze it.
I’ll post screenshots from that chat in another MySpace bc I can only attach 4.
So here are the messages exchanged between 0KinglyAce0 and myself.
Side note: before this exchange, the aforementioned had barely texted me in about 4 weeks due to “being at a friends house”

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