插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang


So with every exam I’ve done, I’ve finished it in exactly half the time allocated? Amd I’ve answered every question?
Including higher level maths? (There’s 2 exams, both 2.5 hours) I finished the first one within 1.5 hours and the second one within the first hour?
And we’re allowed to leave the exam after half an hour so I’ve left early for every exam. And my teachers are giving me shit but whatever, like it’s only JC
The one that matters is the LC
But I’m still concerned that I’ve failed everything.



In the BBC Sherlock, they mention the books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Like how tf does that fit into the universe

Did Sherlock read the Sherlock books and decide to be like Sherlock?

And the guy who plays moriarty
Is also Irish
Which is great because Irish people act like him lol
We’re all weird like him


  • > Takeru Shoku Beautiful

  • Sherlock read Sherlock and he liked it, so he wanted to be Sherlock in order to be like Sherlock, who was at that time the best Sherlock among Sherlocks, and now Sherlock is Sherlock and better than Sherlock... *Takeru suffers an embolism because of this eternal paradox and now he isn't able to keep commenting this foolishness.

The Danish Girl

So it’s basically about a 18th century(possibly 19th century) mtf transgender person. It’s really good.
So the MC finds that they like wearing female clothes. His wife is semi supportive at the start but when they’re at what I believe to be the first gender psychologist, she says she believes that MC is a girl inside.
Since it’s only Victorian times
MC is obviously gonna remain flat chested?? Cause no hormones I don’t think.
I haven’t finished it yet but I’m going to make my mum watch it in the hopes that she’ll understand stuff a bit more



  • > MiniCrisps No you’re not! AHHHHHH

  • > A Large Cuppa Salt To Go I know but still I AM the main character

  • > CrowsCrisp It means Main Character

  • MC = MiniCrisps Its a sign


My gran is being so pissy because I was watching Brooklyn 99 and it was time for her soaps (coronation street, eastenders and emmerdale) but I didn’t know it was time for those programs because my mum doesn’t watch them and I’m used to watching Brooklyn 99 while a mess about on my iPad and stuff and now she’s sulking and refusing to watch the programs
She’s such a child


  • Kinda reminds me of my lil' brother sungmin, he wants to watch cartoons when my sister wants to watch something else so they fight lol

  • i wpuld sulk lmao

  • > arty_boy Wdym?

  • like same


-I came out to my friends and told them about my mom being a bitch about it
- Luke (Ik I have a friend irl called Luke. My dad is also called Luke) told me how to make her understand (go to a counsellor and ask them to diagnose me with gender Dysphoria
-he’s buying me a pride flag in Gran Canaria
- I found out that the youth club I joined recently is SUPER inclusive and he says on the form you get to officially become part of the youth club, it asks for your preferred pronouns


  • everyone/everything should ask for gender pronouns smh

  • > A Large Cuppa Salt To Go lol k

  • > arty_boy Idk I just did

  • > A Large Cuppa Salt To Go howww

An oc story

Luke stood before his bathroom mirror in his house in London. It was a modern apartment, everything was the best of the best.
He held the coping saw he had bought the day before and focused on the dark red horns protruding from his skull. He had always hated them. At least he could hide his tail and his wings.
He parted his jet hair and sighed. He placed the saw at the back of the horn.
‘It’s only Keratin, the same as your hair...’ he whispered. He pulled the saw across his horn and winced. ‘You’ve started, you have to finish.’ He told himself. He continued to pull and push the saw, wincing at the pain he hadn’t thought he would have to bear. After years of life, he had a high pain threshold.
It wasn’t long before he was holding his left horn in his hand. The left side of his head felt lighter than normal.
He sighed again and felt for the base of his other horn and proceeded to saw off the other one. Once he had finished he tousled his hair. He looked halfway normal, he thought. He had cut as close to his scalp as he could.
Luke smiled. He looked more like he wanted. He knew they would grow back, but for now, he was happy.


  • > BloodieWolfie YaY!

  • > arty_boy I mean same I thought I’d let ye into Luke’s life a bit

  • I am inspired

  • aw yeet! if i did an oc story it would literally b “this kids edgy af the end”

A dose of psychology for you

The Hare Psychopathy Checklist, the most widely used diagnostic tool for the disorder, lists 20 characteristics of being a Psychopath: glibness(being insincere/shallow) and superficiality, grandiosity(being imposing in appearance or style, especially preteniously so.)need for stimulation, pathological/compulsive lying, cunning and manipulativeness, lack of remorse or guilt, emotional shallowness, callousness and lack of empathy, parasitic lifestyle, poor behavioral controls, sexual promiscuity, early behavior problems, lack of realistic long-term goals, impulsivity, irresponsibility, failure to accept responsibility, multiple marriages, juvenile delinquency, revocation of conditional release (like parole violations), and committing a variety of crimes [source: Kiehl and Hoffman].

This=Reasons why I think I’m a psychopath.


  • I have psychotic tendencies lol :)

  • > Jeff2kgamer (alternate) How come?

  • > Takeru Shoku I love psychology too lol Amd no, not all psychopaths are knife wielding serial killers The majority of psychopaths are just normal people

  • But I have to add that not all psychopaths are criminals [Yes, I really love talking about these issues (^^)]


I cannot wait to be a he physically
I haven’t decided weather imma get bottom surgery or not? I mean a big thing for me has always been not being Male entirely, like physically.
I mean at school and out of school you see al these guys with tight ass trousers and you can high key see le bulge (ok that sounds pervy Ik but yk what I mean) and it makes me super dysphoria to know that I don’t have that......
but at the same time, some of my friends say “It’s a bad idea as I won’t be able to do things (like sex) because I won’t have the right parts”



  • It's your decision, as arty_boy said

  • *not

  • if u feel like u want bottom surgery then go for it if ur frens try to convince u otherwise then ignore them its ur choice bit theirs xD