일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

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Gru is the most powerful being on Earth

First according to the height of a Minion (which is 3.5 feet on average) Gru is 4 minions tall, which means he is a godly size of 14 feet tall. Furthermore if any of you remember the original Despicable Me, you know there is a scene when Vector kidnaps the three girls and shoots a series of heat-seeking misses at Gru, he then dodges them all. According to the speed of an average ballistic missile (1900 mph) and the size of the missile according to his ankle size, Gru can perceive and move at such a speed that the missiles only move 9.5 miles per hour, 0.5% of their original speed. After this Gru punches a shark and it is paralyzed meaning its spine is probably shattered, to remind you it would require a force greater than 3,000 newtons to fracture the spine.

That’s equal to the impact created by a 500-pound car crashing into a wall at 30 miles per hour.

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  • Genius~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!?!

  • Holy fuck he is a god

  • Indeed

200 MySpace upvotes

Wtf do i do now

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  • wtf?

  • http://ark-survival-evolved.wikia.com/wiki/Dodo. " Raphus Replicare (more commonly known as the Dodo Bird) is quite possibly the dumbest creature I've ever seen in my life. It wanders around the beaches of the island, eating berries off bushes, and being eaten by all manner of carnivore. " - Helena walker

  • Lol

  • Go out to your local grocery store and consume some souls


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  • lol lol

  • Mmmmmmm yes

U.K National Anthem-"God save the queen"

"God Save the Queen"
(standard version)
God save our gracious Queen!
Long live our noble Queen!
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us:
God save the Queen!
O Lord our God arise,
Scatter her enemies,
And make them fall:
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix:
God save us all.
Thy choicest gifts in store,
On her be pleased to pour;
Long may she reign:
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause,
To sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen!
When the monarch of the time is male, "Queen" is replaced with "King" and all feminine pronouns (in bold type) are replaced with their masculine equivalents.

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  • > Aesthetic Alligator Same

  • I prefer the doctor who theme song-

My first follower and his weird history

He (or she I don't know ) is called Watch
He/ she is my very first follower
But the weird thing is...
That he/she hasn't posted ever !
And never made a comment in the entire Medibang page!
I was lucky I think, since my first follower was a ghost account ! (Ghost account means that its inactive no that it's a ghost) My theory it's that he/she randomly followed me
Kinda lucky no ?

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  • 👌🏿🅱️

  • Dat prof pic tho 👌

  • Love dat bio

  • That bio is the greatest thing.

*W h e e z e* 2018-2018

Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze Wheeze

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  • > Trashy Tuber Your rhymes puts Dr. Seus to shame

  • The breeze make me wheeze like a sneezing pea


  • I'd wheeze , but i have a cold , so I mostly Sneeze