イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

気ままにやってます。 Whenever I have the time

AHHHHHHH!!!! And I can’t get them back because he fucking erased them!!!
All the art I had from previous years to now is gone!
Now I can’t digitalize anything or even save my art!
The fucking asshole!!


  • Wth!!? :"<

  • Heck if I know. All he said when he handed me back my phone was that the problem was fixed and I needed to find a different hobby because I can’t live a life drawing all the time or I won’t make it in the “real world” Fucking douche bag

  • I'd be screaming if my mom (Sense my dad doesn't live with us) did that. ;-;

  • 🙄😕😧😡


A fuckin tree branch fell last night and went through my stupid window so now there is a bid hole letting in freezing air!
And all I could cover it up with was my blanket!!
My dad’s fucking pissed off at me like it was my fault the hole was there!


  • > shoelace I know.. I’m not that stupid.. he drinks 24/7 so it is extremely rare to find him sober and usually if he is sober it means that he isn’t thinking right.. he is a fucking douche bag

  • > Royal_Fantasy Well, being sober has nothing to do with it. If he's sober that means he's not drinking, and he's not drunk.

  • > CoffeeGhost That’s on my bucket list—

  • Sorry bout that Just put glue on his beer


Okay soo I’m going to start something I call DailyDoodles! It is where I will post a doodle of anything at anytime and tell you what it is, it’s name and a random fact about myself on my GALLERY!
Please tell me what I can maybe improve on and/or some pointers (a lot) on how I can make something I am doing better.
My goals for this;
-for everyone to get to know me better
-get better at sketching faster
-get ideas flowing more easily
-see how I improve overtime
-aaand just because I need to be distracted for a while.
So my people, that’s is what is going to happen on my account :3


Me at the Dance

I was sitting at a table with my drink minding my own business then some boy walks up.
Boy; you know.. you look at better without bruises on your face.
Me; ...?? (Takes a drink)
Boy; would you like a drink?
Me; (seriously?)
Boy;okay I’m gonna go now
... yeah I’m not a party person apparently.


  • Me

  • Yeah i wouldve done the same thing being the socially awkward introvert i am lol

  • >Anon Could you please leave me alone... like seriously it’s getting a bit annoying.. IF you are the same Anon that’s been on my post the past several days...


Ugh I have to wear a stupid dress to a school dance tonight... my dad is making me go!! I don’t want to go! Ahhh..
Help meeee!!


  • <Anon And also... what makes you think I’m in the states..??? No offense I’m just wondering.

  • <Anon Apparently my dad does. And my Christmas break ended on Friday the 27th. I don’t know what school you go to or how your house is run, but this is how mine works and how is has been since I was born... I’m not making anyone believe what I say. that’s their choice, not mine.

  • > CoffeeGhost That’s a good idea... I’ll do that! Thank you!!!

  • That's bull Try wearing a dress that makes you wear leggings or something


Soo I’ve been thinking about making a character that either blinds people with one eye or maybe has blue laser eyes... they would be female and have blue/gray eyes and they’d be a villain... and with their costume the like to roller blade.
Any suggestion on maybe;
-hair color
-viliain costume colors/design
Any suggestions about anything really is helpful!!


  • If you want to go with laser eyes it would be cool if her villain costume was some sort of futuristic robot armor, maybe something silver or dark grey with electric blue highlights

  • Oh! I forgot to mention she will have a mask of some sort!! It will Depend on her quirk/powers

  • > ☆Inferno☆ I’m sorry but I have no idea what card your talking about...

  • Think of what card they’re associated with, that’ll help


Okay uh wow
Soo all this crap that has been happen between those dates WAS NOT meeee...
and.... I’m kinda hurt that I got accused of sabotaging my own account...
Everything that was said is NOT true!!!
Um yeah so that’s the truth and my side of the story...
You choose what you believe I respect that



  • If it wasn't you, then please explain to me, why would a "jerk" from school, steal your phone, log into your account, post bullshit on there, and then go to the "hospital" to take a "picture of you" even though it was stolen from google, and I want an explanation not a "Oh I'm sorry it won't happen again ihdiuah". if you don't have an explanation, then please proceed to ignore this comment.

  • It was totally you. I agrew with the anon, and I’m not going to hide in the shadows. It wasn’t cool to say shit like that, and definitely inappropriate. I hope you learned your lesson

  • >Anon As I said before I understand and respect what you chose to believe and once again I’m sorry for everything...


My parent are trying to take Pepper from meeee!!!
They said I don’t deserve her...
AAHHHH they want to take her to the pound... >_<
She is locked in the bathroom with me and my dad is banging on the door yelling at me!
What did I do??? She can’t go to the pound!!!
What am I suppose to do!?!


  • > Crazed_ChristmasLights Damn it! we literally have no option here, it's either you ask someone for help or surrender and give them pepper?!

  • God my head hurts I can’t get my side to stop bleeding It’s freakin cold up here Theres a group of people coming... I can hear them shouting

  • > Crazed_ChristmasLights CRAP, okay okay, are your parents near?

  • Please, try and stay safe!!!