插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

得心應手 Whenever I have the time


My life is fucking great

You should know~
Life is great.
I’ve been screwed over so much
I hate everyone right now
My sister won’t even talk to me
My father hates me
My mother “likes” me
Her boyfriend thinks I’m crazy
Maybe I am
I get told that I’m shit by everyone I know
I’m depressed because I have nothing to hold onto
I don’t get my hopes up because I’ve been disappointed more times than I can count
I wear a mask to cover my pathetic fear
What the fuck is your problem quit staring at me
Yes I know I’m lost but that doesn’t mean I wanna found
Yes I know we’re all dying but mine just happens to be quicker..
Don’t say a word
I don’t need fucking pity
Just leave and pretend I don’t exist like everybody else..
I know you’re all capable of being cowards so go and leave me alone.
I hope you all know that-
My life is fucking great.


  • > Artsy Styles I stopped believing that there were people who noticed me a long time ago People are jackasses and I can’t fix that but I can ignore it long enough to come back one day and knock them down so far they won’t ever get back up I can’t stop the self inflicted harm because it’s the only thing that keeps me sane and from hurting someone else or doing something I will regret

  • I understand where you are. People are jerks, and these are trying times. But, I implore you, look past it. Look inside yourself and realize "hey! I'm Royal_Fantasy, I can do anything I put my mind to! I'm awesome!" We all see that in you, and I hope you can too. Don't hurt yourself friend. 🙏💜

  • > GIMMETHELOOT I’m fine.. No need to worry.. I just need to go find a fight or something and I’ll be fine! I’m great

  • another one um.... idk if this helps but...here it goes anyways hush little baby, don't you cry, don't cut your arms, don't say goodbye, put down that razor, put down that light, it might be hard, but you'll win this fight. ❤️


My life is fucking great

You should know~
Life is great.
I’ve been screwed over so much
I hate everyone right now
My sister won’t even talk to me
My father hates me
My mother “likes” me
Her boyfriend thinks I’m crazy
Maybe I am
I get told that I’m shit by everyone I know
I’m depressed because I have nothing to hold onto
I don’t get my hopes up because I’ve been disappointed more times than I can count
I wear a mask to cover my pathetic fear
What the fuck is your problem quit staring at me
Yes I know I’m lost but that doesn’t mean I wanna found
Yes I know we’re all dying but mine just happens to be quicker..
Don’t say a word
I don’t need fucking pity
Just leave and pretend I don’t exist like everybody else..
I know you’re all capable of being cowards so go and leave me alone.
I hope you all know that-
My life is fucking great.


  • > Artsy Styles I stopped believing that there were people who noticed me a long time ago People are jackasses and I can’t fix that but I can ignore it long enough to come back one day and knock them down so far they won’t ever get back up I can’t stop the self inflicted harm because it’s the only thing that keeps me sane and from hurting someone else or doing something I will regret

  • I understand where you are. People are jerks, and these are trying times. But, I implore you, look past it. Look inside yourself and realize "hey! I'm Royal_Fantasy, I can do anything I put my mind to! I'm awesome!" We all see that in you, and I hope you can too. Don't hurt yourself friend. 🙏💜

  • > GIMMETHELOOT I’m fine.. No need to worry.. I just need to go find a fight or something and I’ll be fine! I’m great

  • another one um.... idk if this helps but...here it goes anyways hush little baby, don't you cry, don't cut your arms, don't say goodbye, put down that razor, put down that light, it might be hard, but you'll win this fight. ❤️

My life is fucking great

You should know~
Life is great.
I’ve been screwed over so much
I hate everyone right now
My sister won’t even talk to me
My father hates me
My mother “likes” me
Her boyfriend thinks I’m crazy
Maybe I am
I get told that I’m shit by everyone I know
I’m depressed because I have nothing to hold onto
I don’t get my hopes up because I’ve been disappointed more times than I can count
I wear a mask to cover my pathetic fear
What the fuck is your problem quit staring at me
Yes I know I’m lost but that doesn’t mean I wanna found
Yes I know we’re all dying but mine just happens to be quicker..
Don’t say a word
I don’t need fucking pity
Just leave and pretend I don’t exist like everybody else..
I know you’re all capable of being cowards so go and leave me alone.
I hope you all know that-
My life is fucking great.


  • > Artsy Styles I stopped believing that there were people who noticed me a long time ago People are jackasses and I can’t fix that but I can ignore it long enough to come back one day and knock them down so far they won’t ever get back up I can’t stop the self inflicted harm because it’s the only thing that keeps me sane and from hurting someone else or doing something I will regret

  • I understand where you are. People are jerks, and these are trying times. But, I implore you, look past it. Look inside yourself and realize "hey! I'm Royal_Fantasy, I can do anything I put my mind to! I'm awesome!" We all see that in you, and I hope you can too. Don't hurt yourself friend. 🙏💜

  • > GIMMETHELOOT I’m fine.. No need to worry.. I just need to go find a fight or something and I’ll be fine! I’m great

  • another one um.... idk if this helps but...here it goes anyways hush little baby, don't you cry, don't cut your arms, don't say goodbye, put down that razor, put down that light, it might be hard, but you'll win this fight. ❤️



Sooo my ma is making me do track next year..
Just because she saw me jump over our fence when her boyfriends dog chased me..
What the hell!?!!
Why she fucking doing this to me!!!
What the fuck am I suppose to do in track anyway!?!
Any pointers from sport.. type people??
I need helpppp


  • > Loobydoo Poppycock I honestly have no idea what is going through my ma’s head right now so i really don’t know..

  • Your mum is wack

  • i did track last year (at my school), basically all you do is run and then do some exercises, so it's not too complicated. i don't think you should be too worried about it

  • Is that meant to be a punishment of does she want to make sure you can outrun the dog?


Sooo my ma is making me do track next year..
Just because she saw me jump over our fence when her boyfriends dog chased me..
What the hell!?!!
Why she fucking doing this to me!!!
What the fuck am I suppose to do in track anyway!?!
Any pointers from sport.. type people??
I need helpppp


  • > Loobydoo Poppycock I honestly have no idea what is going through my ma’s head right now so i really don’t know..

  • Your mum is wack

  • i did track last year (at my school), basically all you do is run and then do some exercises, so it's not too complicated. i don't think you should be too worried about it

  • Is that meant to be a punishment of does she want to make sure you can outrun the dog?