Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Well f***.

Why can’t they just get along? Why is my dad so bossy? He thinks I’m weak. A weapon. I read through his and my mom’s text (‘cause reasons) and lots of s*** was going on. My mom was trying to be reasonable with him but dad just bashes her. And he says I’m “a**”, as if that’s a good thing. I hate it. I hate him. He scares my sisters. I give no s***s if he kills me with his machete or guns but if he lays a damed knife or gun on my sisters I swear I will spill blood. F*** him I say. F*** him.

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Funny story

So I was just casually drawing while sitting on the couch and I decided to stand up. Then I looked down ‘cause idk why but I was lucky I did. THERE WAS A PROBABLY 20 ANTS AROUND MY HOOVER DAMED FEET AND STILL MORE GOING BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN THE KITCHEN AND THE LIVING ROOM. So I just jumped over the couch and fell over :T. Oof. *cri* It was so beautiful QwQ. Now my chest hurts. Im just really paranoid right now ‘cause I think there’s ants on me.........I hate bugs so much .-.

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AAA ;w;

okie so not next week but the week after our school ish doing this thing where each day of the week you dress up as something (one day is character day, retro day, etc.) one of the days ish twin day and it’s where you get with a friend and you dress up the same and you can be anything you want..ME AND BRIELLE ISH GONNA BE CUPHEAD AND MUGMAN TwT
(Imma be mugman and she’s cuphead :3) and if you’re wondering how we’re doing the head as a cup, we’re just gonna wear white toboggans and make the straws xD

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