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Снова я, ага.

Короче, хули распинаться, я обновила Меди и всё у меня стёрлось с устройства, в том числе и акк, поэтому не могла зайти сюда. Итак, Меди скатился в говнище, или одна я замечала и до сих пор вижу все баги? Чё за хуйня.

Короче, пока я сижу с мобильного инета, я могу находится на сайте, а с вай-фая ни в какую не грузит.
Все рисунки с галереи тупо стёрлись. Знаю, ваще заебись.

Ну короче привет, славяне.
Извините за подобную несвязную речь, просто не вижу смысла говорить официально.

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Sometimes I think that maybe I'm capable of being a psychologist. All the books I borrowed from libraries are either "autism", "depression" or "self-injury". At first I was just interested in this category, but these days I feel like maybe this will be a better path for me.
When I was young, all my classmates who are mentally retarded were my friends. I never thought that there's anything wrong about it. Even now, I found it enjoyable being friends with mentally retarded people. Well, after all, they are still humans, them being friends with me, who's an alien is already more than I deserve.

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Sometimes I think that maybe I'm capable of being a psychologist. All the books I borrowed from libraries are either "autism", "depression" or "self-injury". At first I was just interested in this category, but these days I feel like maybe this will be a better path for me.
When I was young, all my classmates who are mentally retarded were my friends. I never thought that there's anything wrong about it. Even now, I found it enjoyable being friends with mentally retarded people. Well, after all, they are still humans, them being friends with me, who's an alien is already more than I deserve.

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