插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

随性 *shrug* I’m open
We’re all going to die eventually

Why not get it over with?


  • Because you only get one chance to live, ending it when you have so much in life in front of you would be a waste, imagine how much amazing things there's for you to see, you just need to get a good outlook on life even on the hardest times, trust me, everything will be okay, everything has it's own time, you'll be okay.

  • Please stay...

  • We only get one of them??

  • because life isn't a toy to be played with..? ;^;

I.. uh... kinda wanna die right now

So, I was doing this really big project for Lucian. It was us in Fallout like... chilling. And it had that Western and Friendship vibe... I loved it
It was based off the image below... n yea I was the one with the guitar and Lucian was the other guy. I’ve been working on it for almost a week now..
And then today I go to “continue” or whatever..
“there are no recently opened illustrations”
Hmm.. ok.. *looks in gallery”
*its not there*


  • > DragonTamer Ikr uwu

  • > ℓαzу_ѕℓυѕнιє™️ I’ve been crying for 48–

  • I'm so sorry for ya! I know how that feels.. and I'm positively sure it looked amazing.

  • That sucks SO MUCH, it happened to me once, and I cried for literally 4 minutes

This is the best picture on the internet
  • Y E S

  • > DragonTamer Another ow fan?!- :00

  • I can name everyone there Morrisson blackwatch, Reyes blackwatch, Jesse Mcree, and Genji and Hanzo Shimada all young oof I'm a huge nerd sorry

  • > ☆Inferno☆ OmG YeS I'm the biggest nerd I have so many posters and I have three genji statues and more I love overwatch I have the game and oof

I love smutty fanfics—

“We can celebrate our membership soon!”

“What are we gonna do? All I can think of is drinking Piña Coladas on the beach.”

“Sissy drinks on the beach? Come on, Dell! Thinking is your job!”

“Well, you just done drained any energy my brain cells had to work with!”

“It’s not my fault you’re handsome!”

“Well, you got a better idea, Sergeant?”

Tapping his fingers, Soldier thought. “They’ll have to be in pint glasses. We’re manly men.”


  • > ℓαzу_ѕℓυѕнιє™️ sAme

  • I'm currently reading one right now ;)

  • > ☆Inferno☆ yES-

  • Shit why the fuck was it posted 4 times XD

I’m a hypocrite—

Please answer my questions, anon(s)


  • don't worry dude :) just picture the bad anons as bitchy girls on there period that were just told that they won't get chocolate.

  • you shouldn't take them seriously. They're immature brats who are too cowardly to say who they are. Don't listen to them. You're amazing.

  • > Kitsune Shiroi Yay! ^^

  • > ☆Inferno☆ Thank you very much, I'm glad you like my art, a friend recommended medi bang and here I am, to give the best of me and upload comic and illustrations of my stories original sleeves and that everyone see it and especially have a great time and to be able to continue drawing that is my passion and my life. : D I will continue with a mini manga story of 4 pages I will upload this very funny week. XD

🍭~𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙘~ 💫

🌈𝘿𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙘?🌈
🌙- - - 🌟- - -☀️
Goodnight/Morning to y’all mates uwu, it’s 10:54pm over here
My Moms watching a cheesy hallmark Christmas movie and I’m sniper in the NERF war I’m havin with mah pardners
“bANg BanG pEw PeW! eAT mY FUcKinG fLApjACks!”
How many night owls do I have on Medi right now? *h00t h00t*


  • > CoffeeGhost Sure why not

  • Do early birds count?

🔷🔸“You put the ‘fun’ in funeral”🔹🔶

That was told to me yesterday
- - -
Morning mates!
So, it’s currently 6:15am over here in So. Cal, (what’s it for you?)
and I was wondering. . .
What’s going on with this whole ‘medibang’s going offline in 8 days’
Like uhm I can’t get on discord (atm) so like..
Do ya guys wanna email, if this is true? Like I dunno... plus the email thing would disclose my name so I think it’s a nay
I can really try to get discord up and running buuuttt... eh
Well, on the other hand, if you need some beats:


  • > Roka Revalelairhin Oooh that makes sense

  • Medibang isn`t closing . Medibang is just closing the billing thingy ... Pretty much their closing the system that allows you to buy and sell things on here for a short amount of time ... I think . I might of read the anouncement wrong .

  • Morning! It’s a little confusing, I hope that the fact that it’s gone means it won’t happen? No clue! (I was curious, so I did the math since this was four hours ago, and it would have been like, 7:15 am here. I would have been asleep on my bed, how were you awake?!?!)

  • > ☆Inferno☆ kk

“No guns at the table!”

That’s a quote of the day, thanks to my partner in crime, in real life that is
- - -
(We found the gasoline, by the way)
Gday pardners! I just splatted onto the floor from a
. . .
N i c e day
So, I’ve wanted to ask this for a couple weeks now, but never wanted to spam my MySpace more than I already do *crieth*
*smacc of hands*
What do y’all want for Christmas? uwu
- - - - -
What I want for Christmas ✨
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v


  • > Chesni Y E H S

  • > tiredbloom Those sound a m a z I n g

  • > milkii-malfoy Sytherin? I don’t hear that one a lot, I’m Ravenclaw, good sir

  • I would like five books; Milk and Honey The sun and her flowers Secret for the mad Wonder The fault in our stars uwu

Rise n Shine 🌴

~ ~ No Bad Days ~ ~
Good mornin, hope everyone got some enjoyable shuteye ^^
(I know I didn’t)
I hope you have a great day at school day! I know it’s hard cuz its. . . School
Maybe Lady Luck will join you on your adventure today
*chucks clovers around* yA YEET = = 🍀
Today’s the last day of it for me, anyways, and I’m going to a Christmas party after school with my friends. I have a feeling I’ll just be like “FOOD—“ the whole time—
Hungry Dogs are Never loyal, y’know


  • I has winter break now

  • > Chesni You as well, honeybee *mwAh*

  • Enjoy Ferno ^^

  • > ☆Inferno☆ Nu problemo uwu

! ! ! H⚡️GH VOLTAGE ! ! !

It’s just me, Inferno, fanning the flames of your passion uwu
- - -
Ok ok, I’ll make this one short but sweet—
I gave my depressed Beta fish a therapy session + pep talk and now she’s swimming Around all electric
We named her Undyne, and, fun fact, she’s a cannible. She’s eaten Papyrus, Asriel, and Chara.
*nervous sweating*
I’m pretty sure that’s why she’s so depressed, yknow, drowning in regret? (Ba Dum Ch)
And yes, I know Deltarune is a great game n all, but Undertale holds a special place in my (non existent) heart *le sob*
and I swear she just choked on some fish food and it looked like she yelled


  • Oof

  • Tf

  • > Space Prince W0w gEE rEaLLy i w0NdEr wHy

  • > Space Prince We once had two beta fishes , one male , one female , the female killed the male and ate part of it ... i can`t remember how the female died .

“Aw shucks”

I was asked to describe myself in one word in class, and I replied (with a YEE HAW shortly after) ‘cowboy’, A couple others called me ‘Toast’
*whEEZE* : , )
Plz check out my newest illustration:
So In about half an hour (give or take) I’m gonna see Once Upon a Deadpool
uwu👌🏻 My Dad was like
‘oh sense you haven’t seen any of the other Deadpool movies, this’ll be great’
And I was just quietly thought to myself *hAh u r st00pid—* cuz this bad boi seen dem all *dab*
iM a keWl kiD nOw
And by the way, just know somebody out there loves you, and that somebody is me,
I love you.
Anyhow, what’s new with y’all mates?


  • > Chesni I n t e r e s t I n g

  • oof dad goals

  • > Tyberiousfiresrone uwu👌🏻

  • Aww, you made my day! This sad person hasn’t seen any Deadpool movies, but my dad-o showed me the end of one in which he imitated Ferris Beuler’s Day Off! (I may be a newly minted teen, but I love those movies!)

Happy Pills :) 💊For Lazy💊

(I can’t stop listening to this)
I take my pills and I'm happy all the time
I'm happy all the time
I'm happy all the time
I love my girl but she ain't worth the price
She ain't worth the price
No, she ain't worth the price
We can go to my house if you wanna
Hang out in my bedroom, lose your honor
Even if they find us, we're apathetic
And they can't take that away
I take my pills and I'm happy all the time
I'm happy all the time
I'm happy all the time
I love my girl but she ain't worth the price
She ain't worth the price
No, she ain't worth the price
The voices in my right brain are kinda funny
They tell me "take a deep breath, it's always sunny"
But where I leave the lights on
It's so obvious that my life's pretty plain
I take my pills and I'm happy all the time
I'm happy all the time
I'm happy all the time
I love my girl but she ain't worth the price
She ain't worth the price
No, she ain't worth the price
We take strange things to feel normal
We take strange things to feel normal
We take strange things to feel normal
To feel normal, to feel normal
I take my pills and I'm happy all the time
I'm happy all the time
I'm happy all the time
I love my girl but she ain't worth the price
She ain't worth the price
No, she ain't worth the price


  • Now this is stuck in my head—

  • > ☆Inferno☆ *dswallows a happy pill*

  • > ℓαzу_ѕℓυѕнιє™️ Always here to help, pardner

  • > Chesni M h m

B l a c k 🍋 L e m o n a d e

So, I have this idea for the ‘Change the Formality’ meme, (ft. Junkenstein)
Where it’s like him creating his monster...? (Aka Roadhog)
Here’s the audio/prompt I’m using, ya can look up the lyrics if ya want uwu:
(Questions would be appreciated)
And also, you’re probably wondering why I titled this post
“B l a c k 🍋 L e m o n a d e”
Well, I think it’s a cool aesthetic, like a dark turn on something bittersweet... and tbh it’s mah favorite drink 👌🏻
(Pretty sure the term also represents anti racism, and self expression, which we should all support 👍🏻)


  • *inhales* I T L O O K S L I K E P E P S I

  • > ╰☆☆ MENCHI​ ☆☆╮ Mhm 👌🏻

  • thanks for reminding me I wanted to do this meme

  • > CryBebe™️ I now see the source of ur unhappiness


I just got told by an anon that if I vent I’m not depressed...? Like we all go through it a different way, just because personal experience or a book or some crap told you ‘oh this is how ur depressed’ doesn’t mean shit
Some of us bottle it up, others stop caring (me, personally), others might want attention
‘wOw sO tHeY aRe aTTeNTiOn wHoRes! I knEw thErE poSTs diDnT lOgIcaLY aDD uP—“
1) No. they’re not. Someone said themselves ‘they disclude themselves’ (an anon on Cavaous’s post I believe). They post about it so they can receive the sympathy/empathy/kindness/etc. NOT “that” kind of attention people. On that note an attention whore is someone who CONSTANTLY is doing what I just said above. No one on here does that in a ‘whore kind of way’ in my opinion. If you think so, please message me or send me a link as to who.
2) *deep inhale* Logic.
“reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.
"experience is a better guide to this than deductive logic, the quality of being justifiable by reason.” (Look up The definition for proof if ya want to)
So you’re basically saying that anything that isn’t that is... a lie and an attention whore? Ok, so let’s say I got hurt and I’m in a clinic/hospital, but I can still get on Medi. It looks like you’re generic crap n stuff, but there’s a specific detail you’ve never seen before. BEFORE YOU GO COMMENTING ON THAT POST WHY YOU THINK ITS FAKE/A LIE/ETC.
Ask around, do your research, think of every way that everything you see in the picture in the background works (realisticly if that floats your boat) and THEN if you see a detail that just doesn’t fit...? KINDLY do your last checks, and ASK what that is. If you don’t think the answers legit THEN you can do shit.
Any questions?
Lay it on me Anons


  • > ★CosmicBlue★ Likes are pretty rich *dOODOO DO DO Do DOOOO DO DU DU DU DU dUUuuUuU*

  • how many likes do u have to eat before u make ur skin turn pink im just over here spamming the like button don’t mind me

  • > Artsy Squiddyink Again, they CAN be And in all honesty, I don’t think they’re trying to be They just have an opinion and get all fired up

  • I am so thankful for this ´v`)b Some anons can just be so rude...

I just found my happy place

Cream and Sugar, look them up they aRE my favorite restaurant evE r
And they were playing all my favorite songs nO JOKE, and the waiter was super cool and nice
My mom got me the one hoodie I’ve wanted ever sence I got into Overwatch
Do you guys wanna see it?
The Hoodie everyone wants to see:


  • > DragonTamer Itsa Junkrat spray. . . But noice!

  • That's a nice Lucio spray on the back, I got that in a loot box yesterday If you understand my nonsense

  • YEE Iblike the hoodie despite not knowing anything about overwatch because I’m uncultured and live under a rockXW

  • > ☆Inferno☆ y e s