Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Maybe *shrug* I’m open
Ok, ima go to bed now night—

It’s 12:30am and I’m getting up at 5am to be on here

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  • I understand the point established, and I agree. Still - our history is not exactly clean due to past events

  • > shoelace Then you should understand that my may or may not have upset someone holding a deep emotional connection to this person

  • > Two Golden Gears I— the first time I asked I wasn’t even harsh, at all. It was Inferno that replied back with something a bit more snarky. If he had just simply said “Okay I will” or “I don’t think i should because (insert reason why here)” I would’ve understood. But he didn’t. My notifications are stacked because of him and Kayla, and I had already talked to her about it. I understand the nonsense part was a bit harsh, but more than half of the stuff he is posting IS nonsense. It doesn’t need to be posted, and it’s not valuable information to really anyone of sorts. And my complaint isn’t pointed at him alone, I’ve told other people to please stop or at least calm down with the MySpace posts.

  • > shoelace I’m not trying to be a white knight or any of the sort - it’s simply that ’Ferno’s a good friend of mine and I ’ask’ you to word your statements in a manner not as harsh. (though it *could’ve* been harsher, which I am glad it’s not) This complaint should not be pointed at Inferno alone, as they are not solitary in ”posting nonsense every thirty minutes to every hour.” I don’t want to name anyone as I respect others and their privacy - this doesn’t mean I appreciate the spam, however.

I’m dying
  • > ☆Inferno☆ kK

  • > CryBebe Oh... I’ll find it on here

  • Gotta love my mom :’))

  • uM nO— Me: *has that in search history* Mom: WHO THE FUCK IS HANZO?! Me: It’s not a re— Mom: IM TAKING UR PHONE AND LAPTOP AWAY FOREVER Me: WTF —